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Ok, this is seriously frustrating!! (aka yet another chapter in Lupo's Family Drama)

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  • Ok, this is seriously frustrating!! (aka yet another chapter in Lupo's Family Drama)

    As I posted about last month, my uncle passed away. Now, he lived in an assisted living facility, and my grandma was his legal guardian since he wasn't legally competent to care for himself.

    When he passed, grandma wanted to have a full funeral for him, a Christian burial preceded by a viewing and a wake, because in her mind, that's what's proper, and anything else just isn't done. She couldn't afford it, though, and after much discussion and tears, she agreed to have him cremated and brought back home to be buried next to his sister, my aunt, who passed a way two years ago. She makes the arrangements, and decides that, to honor his passing, the family will have a memorial service on Labor Day weekend, as that's when most of us will be in town. (Except me...bah....)

    So, arrangements are made. Uncle is going to be cremated, and grandma will pick him up when she goes to finish cleaning out his house, and whatnot. This is delayed when we found out my cousin died last week, she wanted to be there for that side of the family, and she called the necessary people to say she'd be delayed, etc, etc.

    I call my mom today, just to check in, see how everyone's doing, and she says those dreaded words "I've got some bad news...."


    Yeah, turns out the crematorium lost my Uncle's ashes!!

    As in, they had them one day, and they were gone the next.

    Grandma is beyond upset and pissed. And the rest of us are all in various degrees of and

    Me? due to what I study for a living, and what I like to read, immediately thought of This place and shivered a little inside (Yes, worst possible case scenario, I know, but my mind's been following that path for quite some time because of everything that's happened this year...)

    I keep this to myself, though. But grandma's already upset, and worried that when she does finally get ashes, how will she know they're her son's? She's having serious misgivings about the cremation, now, and it's hard for us to calm her down.

    Mom's upset, trying to be there for my godmother (who is the grandmother of the cousin who passed away last wee). It's pretty much a certainty it was an OD, they're just waiting on toxicology. But now noise is being made that someone deliberately gave him bad drugs, so another police investigation is possibly being opened, and there's talk of negligent homicide charges, or something of the like, which is upsetting that side of the family because they won't release the body until the officials are satisfied. We just want to lay him to rest, so his siblings and mother can start to heal. Gaaah...

    Seriously, fates, dieties, higher powers: Can you please leave my family be for a while? Please?


    Again, i thank y'all for giving me a place to vent my frustrations. I'd probably have gone completely bat-fucking-crazy before now without you!

  • #2
    I'm in the same boat right now "with insane personal life" and "no one to turn to" as you. Granted, the circumstances are totally different I am definitely not trying to compare my problems to yours. I'm just saying, I understand why you vent here.

    And this is some messed up shiz yo! *big huge hug*
    You want for I to cut someone?? I can do that...

    I am not crazy and no I will not take those meds!!
    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

    ...Beware the voice without a face...


    • #3
      Quoth NightWatch View Post
      I'm just saying, I understand why you vent here.

      And this is some messed up shiz yo! *big huge hug*
      You want for I to cut someone?? I can do that...

      I am not crazy and no I will not take those meds!!
      I know you're not trying to compare, so it's all good. This year has just been craptastic for everyone, I think. Thanks for the sympathy and hugs.

      >.> I'll get back to you about the need to cut someone, since I'm generally not allowed to handle sharp pointy objects for fear of self injury...


      • #4
        Lupo, that's horrible what happened to your Uncle's ashes. Do you have any new developments for us? I'm sorry things have been so rough for you this year! *offers you fresh shortbread cookies*


        • #5
          Oh dear lords! Will the drama never end! I'm so sorry Lupo, it seems life just want you to be miserable right now. I'm praying for ya!


          • #6

            I sowwy. *big squishy hugs*
            My cat Fuzzy says she'll give hairballs to the funeral home on request, just email her.

            I'm sorry this has been a craptastic year for you (and a lot of us here too). 2010 has GOT to be better, Deity H. Surname!

            My PO'd Fix it Recipe?

            1. Godiva Chocolate brownies.
            2. Cat loves
            3. Driving fast on a highway with some good music blaring.

            In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
            She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


            • #7
              Quoth SG15Z View Post
              Oh dear lords! Will the drama never end! I'm so sorry Lupo, it seems life just want you to be miserable right now. I'm praying for ya!
              Lhug: Thanks hun. Yeah, it's just a nonstop ride of pure joy. Seriously... Blah.

              Quoth Cutenoob View Post
              My cat Fuzzy says she'll give hairballs to the funeral home on request, just email her.

              My PO'd Fix it Recipe?

              1. Godiva Chocolate brownies.
              2. Cat loves
              3. Driving fast on a highway with some good music blaring.


              tell Fuzzy I accept her offer!

              And here's hoping 2010 shapes up to be better. It'd better, because worse than what it is now is downright terrifying!

              As for the fix it recipe...
              1. Can't have chocoloate
              2. No kitty
              3. No car

              S'ok, though. I had cheesecake bites, loud music while bopping around alone in my apartment so no one can see me make a fool of myself, and playing an RPG game that lets me battle/slay monsters. It's kinda working for me so far. Thanks for the thoughts and lurve, though!


              • #8
                Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                Lhug: Thanks hun. Yeah, it's just a nonstop ride of pure joy. Seriously... Blah.
                Well 2010 is almost here. Here's hoping it's better than 2009!

                Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                3. No car
                Hm, sounds like I need to pay a visit.


                • #9
                  Lupo, I'm very sorry for your losses.

                  When my grandma passed away she was cremated. Her ashes were to be buried in her home town, next to her husband's grave. The crematorium offered my mum two options, to take the ashes up herself or to post them. Now my dad and I found the thought of my grandma's ashes in the post hilarious. My mum was less than amused.

                  I'm sure your uncles ashes will turn up and you will all be able to laugh about where he has been and what he has been upto.
                  "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                  • #10
                    Eep. Poor Lupo.

                    Well, I'll work on sending good energy your way. Even if people don't believe in it, it helps to know people care enough to try. And I can do a free Tarot reading if that would help.

                    I'm not good at comfortin's.

                    Check out my comic. I write, my friend Red draws. Comments welcome. Leave them on their, or on my profile here.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Hyena Dandy View Post
                      Eep. Poor Lupo.

                      Well, I'll work on sending good energy your way. Even if people don't believe in it, it helps to know people care enough to try. And I can do a free Tarot reading if that would help.

                      I'm not good at comfortin's.

                      I believe in it! Lots. I can use all the good energy I can get, since it's been a really off year.

                      Can't remember that last time I had a reading, I think I'd like to take you up on that. Don't have a specific question though, more of a "Is there anything I should be aware of at this time" kind of deal? Or something like that.

                      Sorry, tired, coherence failing...

                      Anyways, thanks for the support, that in and of itself is comforting.


                      • #12
                        Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                        I believe in it! Lots. I can use all the good energy I can get, since it's been a really off year.

                        Can't remember that last time I had a reading, I think I'd like to take you up on that. Don't have a specific question though, more of a "Is there anything I should be aware of at this time" kind of deal? Or something like that.

                        Sorry, tired, coherence failing...

                        Anyways, thanks for the support, that in and of itself is comforting.
                        Just gimme a PM, I'll give you a big ol' reading. And I'll send you all the positive energy I got. =)

                        Check out my comic. I write, my friend Red draws. Comments welcome. Leave them on their, or on my profile here.

