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How I celebrated my Wedding Anniversary

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  • How I celebrated my Wedding Anniversary

    Mr. Rum and I have been married for 7 years today! (August 17)

    For Christmas last year, Mr. Rum gave me a gift certificate from a local day spa and salon. It had a one year use date.

    I went today to use the gift certificate.

    I got a back/neck/shoulder massage. I could go once a month and get it done. I loved it!

    I also got a manicure and pedicure. I love getting those done too. (I'm horrible at painting my own nails).

    I'm adding a picture of my nails. They're electric hot blue!

    My mom, dad, & husband all said the same thing: "The color is you Rummy".

    Hmmm ... what does that mean?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

    My pony dolls:


    • #3
      Hey! Today is mine and hub's 8th wedding anniversary!
      What a great day!!
      "There is no rehab for stupidity." --Chris Rock
      "You learn something new and stupid every day you work in retail."--IhateCrappyTire


      • #4
        HAHAHA! Yeah, congrats to you too.

        I really love the blue color. Child Rum does too.

        I might lime green next time though.


        • #5
          Hehe, my toenails are still (light) blue from like 3 weeks ago.

          Happy anniversary!
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Happy anniversary! Your nails look great! I'm so glad you were able to have some time to yourself. I've read a lot of your stories about Child Rum and Mr. Rum and you definitely need to take time once in a while to take care of yourself. Way to go!


            • #7
              It's my third year weding anniversary tomorrow. He's taking me out for dinner.

              I treated him to a massage a few weeks ago, while we were on vacation. Of course, I also treated myself to a massage. And a pedicure. And manicure. And facial. I guess the whole day was more of a gift for me.

              If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


              • #8
                grats Mrs. Rummy!!!!

                Hope you two stay married as long as my parents ^_^ a whopping 34 years! (35 in February)
                It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


                • #9
                  Almost had to go to the emergency room last night ....

                  We had bought, at Costco a huuuuuge chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream icing and it's filled with chocolate mousse (I love chocolate in case anyone didn't figure it out ).

                  I was searching for a bag of things I had set aside for my mom. I remembered it was on the bottom step of the steps going to the 3rd floor of our townhouse and so I proceeded in that direction.

                  I tripped over Mr. Rum's 14 EEEE shoes. I fell down ... HARD. My dad (who is 62-years-old) helped me up. My left knee is banged up and bruised. My left foot hurts. (When I'm not on it, it's fine, but as soon as I hobble around - even if it's just to the potty - it starts to really ache and bother me). The last 3 toes of my left foot (the little and the two right before it) hurt if people just look at them. I have a huge bruise on my elbow. Fortunately I didn't knock myself out when I went down.

                  Last night I slept with pillows under my foot/knee, and it was fine. Today I took a short nap, thought I wouldn't need the pillow and now my foot hurts worse! Like it did last night. I'm going to have to take it easy for a few days.

                  What a way to end my Wedding Anniversay Day.

                  And this story goes to show why my mother didn't call me Grace.


                  • #10
                    Now your fingers will match your knee


                    Why not a hot hot pink, just for the heck of it?

                    In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                    She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


                    • #11
                      Quoth idrinkarum View Post
                      And this story goes to show why my mother didn't call me Grace. [/COLOR]
                      she didn't call you grace she called you something better....Rummy (yes I know thats not your real name...if it is....) and it explains SOOOOOOOOOO much about your dex live in a permanate state of drunkeness...

                      it explains too why you put up with mr. rum
                      It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


                      • #12
                        Horray for getting pampered and celebrating your anniversary!
                        I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                        Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                        Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09

