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YAY!!! It's vacay time!!!

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  • YAY!!! It's vacay time!!!

    Yep, that is right, I just got off work and I am starting my six day vacation. I have not taken more than three days in a row since we went to Vegas in March of 2007. This is also the FIRST time I am actually getting paid for it. I get 120 hours of vacation pay every year but I have always opted to have the extra money added to my check. See, we are allowed to used it at any time throughout the year and if we don't use it then we get the money added to the check that follows our anniversary date. (by the way I just celebrated my 15th year at my job) Anyways, this year I decided to take some extra money plus take some time off for a change. I start back to school on the 31st so this will give me time to get my butt in gear and get things ready, such as supplies and organizing all my papers from previous years (they are all under my bed). Wow, six whole days with absolutely NOTHING to do, no catching airplanes, no packing for trips, no making reservations....just sitting at home and doing anything I want. Oh what should I do?? I will probably be on Club Pogo trying to reach level 50 on all my favorite games and chain smoking. LOL Oh and of course reading CS!!

  • #2
    Enjoy! I'm taking two days off (plus the weekend). My mini-vaca starts in T-minus 31 hours, and counting.

    No whining users!!
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

