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  • Cat-sitting!

    I'm house-sitting for some friends: they have cable, a great garden, a pool, neighbors with unsecured wireless...and kitties!!

    Two indoor cats--a small calico called Callie, and a huge orange cat called Little Boy (he's my favorite!)

    There are also two stray cats that have been sort of adopted as outside cats: a sweet beige female called Nubbie, and a highly territorial excessively loveable crooked-tail orange cat named Marky Mark.

    Here's pic of the indoor kitties. I LOVE cat-sitting!
    Last edited by JoitheArtist; 09-21-2009, 06:28 AM.
    "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

    My pony dolls:

  • #2
    They look adorable! <3! I love cats. The calico is especially pretty. We want to get more than the two kitties we have right now, but the apartment we're living in only allows 2 pets. So, we will have to wait until we can afford a house someday. Then we will have lots of kitties.


    • #3

      Kittieskittieskittieskittieskittieskittieskitties *gasp* kittieskittieskittieskittieskittieskittieskitties!


      They're so FUZZY!

      *noms kitties*

      I want lots of kitties, too, McG. Other Half and I are Plotting to have a house full of kids and cats, plus maybe a doggie. If I get my way, we'll have a barn and paddock, too. Though then we run into the problem of my sister and her partner never being able to visit. Stupid allergies.


      • #4
        I tawt I taw a puddy tat! I deed! I deed! In fact I taw two puddy tats!

        Sorry, couldn't resist.
        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


        • #5
          Haha I love irony. XD I was about to post this exact same thread on the same subject.

          I'm currently round my parents' house, looking after the new kitty that Mum and I got to replace our much loved and missed Cleo. The new cat is two years old and is a tortoiseshell and white called Daisy. She's still a bit nervous of being left alone, and of course needs feeding, so I said I'd move into the house to look after her. They have Sky Digital, two computers, a top class DVD player, stereo and TVs, so it won't be any great hardship. XD
          People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
          My DeviantArt.


          • #6
            Aw, I like Callie! She looks shy...
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              What beautiful cats! I'm glad you're having fun in Kitty World!
              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
              My LiveJournal
              A page we can all agree with!

