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Jestermobile woes....

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  • Jestermobile woes....

    So something's been up with my truck lately. I wasn't sure what, but I did know that there was often a burning smell coming from under the hood, the engine was heating up very rapidly (though not overheating), and I am not mechanically inclined, so I had no clue what was going on.

    So yesterday I took the Jestermobile into the local Good Year, who have done good work for me in the past. And the main guy has known me for years, so sometimes they cut me a bit of a break.

    Well, they called me later in the day to tell me that they have identified the problem, but they don't actually do the work needed to fix it. Greeeaaaattt. They do, however, recommend a local place that does do such work. I figure the best thing to do would be to get my truck from Good Year to the other place as soon as possible, so I have my coworker come in half an hour early so I can get across town, retrieve my truck from Good Year and get it to the other place. Of course, to get from my downtown job to the midtown Good Year without my truck, I resort to borrowing the same coworker's bicycle. Fun times!

    I get to Good Year, find out that the problem is an intake leak (whatever that means), but it is an involved fix, and they don't have anyone on staff that has done such work before. As they had previously said. AND the other place tends to close at 5, sometimes even 4. The current time was 5:10. I thought, maybe if they were still there, I could at least drop the truck off so that they could get to work on it first thing in the morning. I call them, and they are still there, but about to walk out the door, unless I can get there immediately. I can. But first, I must pay Good Year $65 for labor.

    Yep...I got to pay $65 to NOT get my truck fixed. That sucked. I wasn't mad at the guys at Good Year, I get that they need to be paid for their services. I was, however, mad at the situation. But at least I got the truck to the other service station before they split for the day.

    And a little while ago, they called. And told me that to fix the problem, I would have to take it to another place, who would have to take the whole engine out, and it would probably cost me about a thousand dollars.

    At this point I had a strong urge to throw up, cry, or both. Hell, maybe even cry vomit and throw up tears, just for variety.

    And then the guy on the phone continued. To wit....there was another option. They could try using this substance to seal the leak (which was apparently from a gasket), which they have had 100% success with before, and things would be as good as new. And it would cost me about forty bucks.

    Well, gee, let me think about this. Hmmm....decisions, decisions.

    OF COURSE I went for the second option. And danced a dance of joy in my head, and told the dude he gave me about the best news I've had all week. And now I am just waiting to hear back from them regarding the results. So I am very hopeful.

    Of course, my good mood can't stay that way.....maintenance came a bit ago to let us know that our air conditioning is leaking into the apartment below, and they are working on it. And whatever they are doing, it is making my apartment stink.


    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    Good luck with the trusty Jestermobile. For a thousand bucks you could just go BUY a new car >.< Sheesh. Glad they had that second option for you. -offers cookies and hugs- I know the woes of a trusty car misbehaving, oh yes, I know that pain well.

    As for the a/c, they're probably doing something with the freon [spelling?] that is causing it to stink..


    • #3
      I'm with ya, Jester. I don't know cars, either. Mine costs me all kinds of money, but I've learned there are often cheaper fixes, sometimes duct tape!
      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


      • #4
        Yeah, they added some freon, so that is the stinky stink.

        As for the Jestermobile, I still haven't heard back from the shop, and am worried that my truck is going to be the first one that this easier fix hasn't worked on.

        My Rockin' Manager suggest that I go get a new vehicle under this cash for clunkers program. If the easy fix doesn't work, and I'm looking at a thousand dollar fix, I may actually go for that. There are, of course, some problems.

        1. I love my truck.
        2. My truck, the second of its type that I've owned, has been discontinued.
        3. I really don't want to assume a car payment again, not for a while.
        4. Knowing my luck, the government program doesn't cover SUV's, and I kind of like having one, thank you very much.

        And while I was typing the above, the shop called. Everything worked just fine. I no longer need to worry about getting a new car or Cash for Clunkers.

        It cost me $65 to not get my truck fixed.
        It could have cost me $1,000 to get my truck fixed.
        As it was, it is only costing me $42 and change to get my truck fixed and ready to rock.

        THAT is priceless!

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          If the fix isn't cheap then I'd have to second your manager's opinion to check out the cash for clunkers program. I know it sucks to no longer have your car but they do get old and break down.
          How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


          • #6
            Cash for Clunkers

            Your Vehicle would have to have a Gas Mileage of 18 MPG or less to qualify for the program. If it did, some car dealerships are matching the 4500 discount you might get, so as much as 9000 could be knocked off the top of a fuel efficient vehicle. The only problem is that you would be going from an SUV to a frikkin Go


            • #7
              Hey Jester, I know bench fees (what we call "lookin' at sumpin'" in the electronics world) are tough, but you might look at it this way.

              You would have paid that $65.00 (at least) to the second shop anyway for them to make the diagnosis. This way, you DIDN'T pay them, complete strangers, to scan the Jestermobile, you paid people you know and trust to do so. They told the second shop, saving them (and you) the time/labor costs to figure out the problem. So you probably paid the same amount of money, you just cleverly split the costs between those you could trust for a recommendation and those doing the actual work.

              That's just good consumerism.


              • #8
                What type of truck do you have? I've never heard of a truck that required you to drop an engine out to replace an intake manifold gasket. That doesn't sound right...
                "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


                • #9
                  My truck might actually get that kind of mileage. Might not. But go kart? What vehicles are available for that program, anyway?

                  And I am not upset at the Good Year for charging me for labor. I was just upset that I spent money to not get my truck fixed. And yeah, I probably would have spent it anyways.....but it's still amusing to say I paid $65 to not get my truck fixed.

                  As for what was necessary, I may not have things exactly right. Just because they explained it to me, doesn't mean I explained it right in here. I do know that two different shops told me about the same thing and that it could be a big deal, so I don't think I was getting jacked around here. Also, what would either place have to gain from misinformation? One couldn't do the work, and the other found me a cheap fix which, if they didn't have, they also would not be able to do the work.

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #10
                    Go Karts

                    What I mean is that when you have to trade in something like an SUV, for something like a small 4 banger fuel efficient hatchback (Neon, Metro, Fit) that it feels like a Go Kart, trust me I know. I drove a Geo Metro, and it was awesome on mileage (46 MPG) but it was truley just a hairdryer in a hard candy shell.


                    • #11

                      I have a Honda Fit. It's definitely the lightest car I've ever driven, though the mileage on the highway is WONDERFUL. The city leaves a bit to be desired. And if it's windy, unless I'm loaded down with luggage or people, she blows around the road like nothing I've ever seen.

                      At this point, I'm waiting for Honda to come out with an Accord Hybrid. It's been mentioned a couple times, but I'm not holding my breath.


                      • #12
                        Quoth mircea12345 View Post
                        What I mean is that when you have to trade in something like an SUV, for something like a small 4 banger fuel efficient hatchback (Neon, Metro, Fit) that it feels like a Go Kart, trust me I know.
                        The question is, would I be required to get something like that? Or would I have more options? I know the government is doing this partly to help consumers get more efficient vehicles, but is that a potential benefit or a required part of the deal?

                        Of course, the above is, at least for now, academic.

                        Because I just got back from picking up the Jestermobile, and she is running beautifully, there is nothing wrong with her, and I couldn't be happier.

                        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                        Still A Customer."


                        • #13
                          Quoth Jester View Post
                          The question is, would I be required to get something like that? Or would I have more options? I know the government is doing this partly to help consumers get more efficient vehicles, but is that a potential benefit or a required part of the deal?
                          Well, a friend of mine just got a Scion, and I've heard of others picking up Camrys and other sedans that, while fuel efficient, aren't matchboxes on wheels.
                          "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                          Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                          Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                          • #14
                            Since you missed my question upthread, what year, make, and model is your truck?
                            "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


                            • #15
                              Quoth Kusanagi View Post
                              Since you missed my question upthread, what year, make, and model is your truck?
                              Sorry, thought that had been answered.

                              I have a lovely blue 2 door 2000 Chevy Blazer that I got when I traded in my blue 2 door 1989 Chevy Blazer. It looks pretty much exactly like this.

                              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                              Still A Customer."

