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Has anyone else ever ordered from (and had problems with) this company?

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  • Has anyone else ever ordered from (and had problems with) this company?

    I started taking an herbal supplement called MigraGard a couple of months ago. It is supposed to help prevent migraines, if taken daily. So far, it seems to have helped. I have had fewer headaches overall and the ones I do get are less extreme, when I get them. Unfortunately, I got the bottle back in Wisconsin before I moved to Texas, at a local health food store, on a whim. I didn't want to go searching around all over town here trying to find it, so I decided to order online. From

    I have several issues with this company. Here's the story.

    I placed my order on 8/9, a Sunday. I promptly received a confirmation email and when I checked the status of my order the next day on their website, it said that the order had been processed and been sent to the shipping department. Great!
    Except I didn't hear from them again. 10 days later, I re-check my email to make sure I didn't miss a shipping confirmation. Nope. Check the status of my order on the website again. What does it say?
    The same thing it said 10 days ago!
    Okay, what the hell. So I look around their website for a way to contact them to ask them what's going on.

    They offer no phone support at all. Email (or an online comment form) only. Now I'm getting worried. So I fill out the online comment form and pray they check it (they claim they get back to all queries within 24 hours.)

    I started looking around their site a little more and found an interesting page that claimed that it could take anywhere from 1 to 7 business days just to process an order. What the hell, SEVEN days just to PROCESS an order? As my husband said, "What the hell are they doing, having one person individually count out every pill and put them in the bottles?" And that's business days, too, I assume they don't work on weekends.

    I got an email back from them this morning! Hurray!
    Except they told me my supplement is out of stock and they should be receiving it back in stock soon, and they will ship my order as soon as they do.
    Now, I wouldn't have a problem with backordered items, IF they had TOLD ME that it was backordered. Did they? Nope. Nowhere on their website does it indicate that the MigraGard is backordered or out of stock -- even now. Nor did they email me to inform me my order would be delayed!

    Plus, there's a 5% restocking fee for all orders that have been "processed," which mine has. Despite the fact that it's out of stock.

    So, let's get this straight:

    1) No phone support.
    2) Order status is misleading -- how can my order be processed and sent to the shipping department if the item I ordered is out of stock?
    3) Up to 7 days to process an order is ridiculous, as long as the product is in stock.
    4) Didn't inform me my item was unavailable until I asked.
    5) Will charge me 5% restocking fee even though they don't even have the item in stock.

    I don't really want to cancel the order at this point. Not just because of the 5% restocking fee, but also, I'm going back to Wisconsin on Monday to visit my parents, so I'll be able to grab another bottle of MigraGard then (I'm on my last tablet of my first bottle today -- hence why I ordered with almost 2 weeks to spare, thinking that would be plenty of time to get my new order.) But, is there anything else I can do? Where would be a good place to post a review of this company? I've read stuff on PFB and My3Cents but never posted there. Also, should I contact the company themselves with my complaints? I don't want to sound too much like an SC, but I am pretty upset over this whole issue.

  • #2
    Found this for you

    Our Location
    We are located at following address:

    2430 Torrance Blvd., Suite A
    Torrance, CA 90501, USA

    You can also contact us from our contact us form or fax us at 1-408-273-6490.
    Also found their BBB listing for you as well.
    Last edited by Aethian; 08-20-2009, 12:53 PM.


    • #3
      A company based in Torrance, CA, that uses a registrar based in Hong Kong, does not post an actual phone number for support (and does not post a reason why they don't), takes up to seven business days to process orders for a simple product, fails to notify customers when product is out of stock, will charge a 5% "restocking fee" for product that has not even been taken out of backorder status by them, and actually has to use a ticket system that their customers can add tickets to?

      Here's what's happening there: It's a one or two person shop, trying to deal with internet retail sales. They also keep zero (or nearly zero) stock, and order from their supplier when an order comes in. Thus, if you cancel your order, they get stuck with stock that they do not know when they can sell it.

      Cancel the order. Dispute the 5% charge with the bank (or don't, since it is, after all, about 50 cents). And go buy it from one of the retailers listed at these links that actually have a reputation to uphold.

      From NexTag's list of retailers or from Reseller Ratings' list of retailers. You can get just as good (maybe better) deals from companies that won't jerk your chain.


      • #4
        I have no helpful advice to add but I would like to know if you do find another source for this...and if it does work. I was laid up with a migraine Monday and if I can take something that will prevent them I"m all for it!
        Great YouTube channel check it out!

