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Adventures in Doggie Sitting

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  • Adventures in Doggie Sitting

    So, as many of you know, we got our Beagle, Ziggy, from some good friends* of ours. They still have one puppy from that litter (Giant Beagle**) along with the Mommy Dog and the First Beagle they got from the humane society. These friends are going out of town, so we're watching their three dogs. Mommy Dog is preggers again and due this week. Originally, we were only going to bring Mommy Dog over and leave the other two at their house. But Ziggy enjoys the company and I didn't want to be driving back and forth twice a day, so we decided to bring all the dogs over. I have a total of four Beagles in my backyard. Whee!

    Last night the dogs were dropped off around 9pm. I really would have preferred them to come sooner, but Friends didn't get off work early enough. Ziggy is a spazz as it is, but having her friends come over sent her into overdrive. She wouldn't let the poor other dogs sleep, so she had to go into her crate for the night. She especially loves to pick on Giant Beagle since, despite his size, is really laid back and a bit of a doofus. Mommy Dog is the best dog I have ever seen. Calm, sweet, and obedient. Not Beagle-like at all. I love her. I want to steal her away. First Beagle I don't think has ever been away from home and is a bit of a mamma's girl. She was a bit whiny when she realized Friends were leaving her with us, but seems to be better this morning.

    Breakfast this morning was a bit chaotic. Ziggy is fed a different brand of food than the other dogs, so we ended up taking her outside on the porch to keep everyone out of everyone elses' dishes. She's also decided she's tired of her current kibble (Purina Pro-Plan Selects Rice and Lamb--what's not to love?) unless there are green beans in it (little squirt; we just bought a 35-lb bag and she won't eat it ).

    Friends are due back the 29th. It's going to be an interesting week.

    *We went over to visit and R sat a puppy in my lap (they'd been sick with Parvo and I hadn't seen them since they got better). Needless to say, I had to take a puppy home with me.

    **Giant Beagle really is huge by Beagle standards. When he stands on his hind legs he comes up to my chest (I'm 5'2") and probably weighs 45-50 lbs. And he's not fat at all. Just big.
    I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)

  • #2
    *wants the cuties but cant have*


