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Godsdamned neighbors!!

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  • Godsdamned neighbors!!

    It's 11:45 p.m. in my timezone right now. I have to be up in 5 hours to get ready to go to work (on my day off, I might add, during tax free weekend, and two days before school starts...)

    By all rights, I SHOULD be asleep. I went to bed a little after 9:30.

    However, around 11, there was some sort of shouting match in the parking lot outside my window. This isn't a regular occurrence, but it does happen occasionally. Someone will get entirely too soused for their own good. This is why I have a white noise machine and start talking louder than they should or something. Usually, dropping F-bombs all over the place in a lovely drunken slur.

    This particular discussion was between a man and a woman, and ended with the woman letting out sobbing howls into the night, until she was shuffled into a car or apartment or something, and it was blissfully muffled. Lasted all of 5 minutes, tops.

    I'm a light sleeper, though, and I have a white noise machine I use on problematic nights. I switch it on, curl up and hope beyond all hope I can get back to sleep.

    10 minutes ago, there's a pounding on my apartment door.

    I stumble out of bed, barely remembering to get a robe so I don't give whoever's on the other side an eyeful, and check the peep hole.

    It's the police...

    Yay, I get asked if I saw/heard anything and apparently the offending parties are my next door neighbors, whom said police have been trying to get ahold of all day now. What fun! I mutter something about the aforementioned howling, and spend another 10-15 minutes going over what I heard through the walls.

    And of course, now I'm wound up and unable to sleep. And I can hear the police talking outside to, I'm assuming, my neighbors. Luckily I have blackout curtains, so at least if lights are flashing, I'm not witness to that fantastic display...


    It's going to be a looooong day tomorrow. And probably have to start with a cold shower to slap myself awake.

    what fun

  • #2
    Next time tell em you were sound asleep and didn't hear a thing. They leave you alone quicker and there's less chance of being dragged into someone else's crap.

    Even if it seems like it would be satisfying as hell to punish your neighbors, chances are they can make sure you end up with just as much chaos, disruption, and trouble as they have.
    "English is the result of Norman men-at-arms attempting to pick up Saxon barmaids and is no more legitimate than any of the other results."
    - H. Beam Piper


    • #3
      Normally, I'm all for that, but my brain was muzzy, I was tired, and I tend to get babbly when I'm really tired...all coherence goes bye bye.

      I got MAYBE 2 hours of sleep last night, all told. Ran on pure sugar today. Tea with lots and lots of real sugar, instead of splenda. It was...interesting at work. To say the least.

