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Just shoot me now

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  • Just shoot me now

    In the epic thread about my CEO, I mentioned my absolutely insane workload this week. Things that needed to get done involved:

    1. Weekly email newsletter
    2. 8-week Member appreciation material for newsletter
    3. Write random selection of ads and copy
    4. Write copy for 60-page e-zine that's already a week behind schedule
    5. create and launch a Virtual Tour of our office, for members
    6. Manage our presence on Facebook and Twitter

    That is a frakkin' full load already. then CEO decided, with three days till the deadline, that I needed to script the freaking major event we're doing in DC! Ok, so most of the script isn't that big a deal, but the main speech by the founder of my org IS a big deal, and I had to write it. Oh, and they didn't give me content till YESTERDAY.

    So with all that, plus drama about transferring the title on my car, hoping my car doesn't just die on me, trying to keep up with my writing for a major blog, and everything else, I nearly snapped.

    My boss allowed me to work from home this morning, and I cranked out a nice draft of the speech. When I came into the office I spent a few more hours polishing it off. By the end of the day, I was completely exhausted, but happy because it was all done, and I'd done it well.

    Then I tried to send the speech file over to the Event Planner. It wasn't there. Nothing when I searched my documents. Nothing when the IT guy searched. Just gone.

    I did snap then. I couldn't stop crying, and could barely breathe. I did have the first draft, but that was two hours of that work down the drain. I stayed an extra hour just trying to recreate it. It's actually good that there was nothing sharp at my desk, or I might have actually hurt myself---really wasn't in my right mind.

    I calm down enough to get home, take care of the kitties, and grab some dinner, then it's off to my artists' group meeting, which I enjoy.

    Except tonight, one girl was showing off some slings (for carrying babies) that she sells on Etsy. No problem for me--I'm single and get bored by baby talk, but I understand that it does interest most people.

    But this time, every single time I tried to say something, or make some comment about the pleating on the sling, I would be completely ignored and talked over.

    I know, it shouldn't be that big of a deal, but it really frustrated me. Maybe it's because I'd been talking with the same group of people a week earlier, and they'd spent the majority of the time talking about kids, and only brought me into the conversation for a few minutes at the end, as everyone was leaving.

    Ok, I get that as a single childless person, I have no cute baby anecdotes to share. fine by me. But dammit, treat me like an adult!

    With everything this week, and especially the file being lost today, I just feel like crap, like there's nothing I can do right, like I;m always going to be falling short. I'm just so damned tired, and tired of trying, and tired of being awkward and never quite fitting. I'm tired, I want to rest, and at the moment, I just want someone to shoot me and get it over with already! (I mostly don't mean that.)

    Anyhow. Thanks for letting me rant. It helps to get it out, a little.
    "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

    My pony dolls:

  • #2
    When I was in college, my computer locked itself up somehow (didn't even recognize its own hard drive) while I was working on a paper that was due the next day. I had just a couple paragraphs left to write. I ended up having to ask for an extension and rewrite the whole thing by hand the next day (didn't even have a draft printed out) and then type it up on my roommate's computer that night.

    Despite all the frustration, tears, and frantic phone calls to Daddy (my own personal tech support; there's a reason we called the school's computer people "the helpless desk"...though I tried them, too), the second attempt actually turned out better in the end.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Joi, it sounds like you need some
      "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.

