I was awoken at about 4.30am with a MASSIVE leg cramp that I could not get rid of. Couldn’t move my leg, couldn’t touch it without tremendous pain. Sat on the edge of the bed crying for about an hour. Poor hubby just sat there not knowing what to do. I couldn’t walk, couldn’t put any weight on it nothing. Hubby managed to help me hobble down stairs and took me to the doctor who sent me to the physiotherapist next to his office. Turned out I had pulled the median ligament in my calf. That’s the one that runs down the back of your leg which means things like walking become quite difficult. I cant go to work that day and I’m told not to drive for a while (I drive a manual) and come back tomorrow for another round of treatment.
Hubby drives me to work, picks me up and takes me back to physio. Can walk better now and the physio can actually touch the leg without me screaming in pain.
My beautiful dog Abbey has to go in for surgery to remove a lump on her chest. I still can’t drive and hubby had back-to-back meetings in the city he could not reschedule. My best friend comes to the rescue, helps me drop off the dog and then drives me to work. My plan is to catch a bus home as I am carless. Vet calls me after lunch to say dog is doing well and I can pick her up tonight (she was supposed to stay overnight originally) Hubby is un-contactable and upon checking the bus schedule find they only run once an hour from my work. Thankfully one of my colleagues offers to drop me home. I get home, jump in the car (remember I’m not supposed to drive) and drive the 3 blocks to our vet.
I pick up our dog, who has a massive wound on her belly about 4-5 inches long. Vet assures me all is well and we go home. Dog is restless I’m stressed. She finally falls asleep on her bed at me feet.
I awake and let the dog out and within 5 mins she has scratched at her wound and pulled out stitches. She starts to bleed, I freak, hubby comes running and we all jump in the car to go back to the vets. Vet decides to keep her in over the weekend to keep her from opening the wound.
We go home and try to settle down to a normal weekend. But wait- Theres more!!!! The people across the street from us are having a party. These usually occur a week before one of their kids gets married. Kinda like a rehearsal dinner or something. Not usually a problem. But they average about 150 guests. All in the front yard, with a live band playing Middle Eastern music. You know the kind that has only about 4 notes a repetitive beat and goes for about 40mins per song? Again not a problem, except they don’t care about noise pollution laws and refuse to stop at midnight. Without the dog to worry about I am seriously considering booking a hotel and just staying the fuck away while the party is on.
Anyway = I decide to cook calamari for lunch as we both love it, but I overcooked it = really bad. I’m talking chewing on a rubber band is tastier, overcooked. Well that was the straw that broke the dromedary. There I was, sitting at the table crying into my atrocious calamari. I looked up at hubby and told him I had to get out. I jumped online and booked a room at the hotel we had our wedding reception at. Got a good rate and had a fairly stress free night.
Come home and decide to do some washing. The machine starts leaking all over the laundry floor. Bye this time I am seriously over the whole thing. The only good thing about Sunday was I caught up with an old school friend in the afternoon and spent a couple of lovely hours catching up.
Call washer repair man to come and look at leaking machine.
Head to the vets after work to pick up the dog. Take dog home. Dog proceeds to pull out another 2 stitches and starts bleeding again. Hubby comes home to a crying wife and a washer repair man telling us our machine is basically fucked. Back I go to the vets. Wound is now stapled and strapped tighter than anything and pup has had her paw taped to stop her scratching.
So far so good. Dog has not done herself any more damage and I felt confidant leaving her at home while I’m at work. I have found a replacement washing machine for a fairly good price and plan to go buy it after work
Thanks for listening - I need to get this all off my chest....
I was awoken at about 4.30am with a MASSIVE leg cramp that I could not get rid of. Couldn’t move my leg, couldn’t touch it without tremendous pain. Sat on the edge of the bed crying for about an hour. Poor hubby just sat there not knowing what to do. I couldn’t walk, couldn’t put any weight on it nothing. Hubby managed to help me hobble down stairs and took me to the doctor who sent me to the physiotherapist next to his office. Turned out I had pulled the median ligament in my calf. That’s the one that runs down the back of your leg which means things like walking become quite difficult. I cant go to work that day and I’m told not to drive for a while (I drive a manual) and come back tomorrow for another round of treatment.
Hubby drives me to work, picks me up and takes me back to physio. Can walk better now and the physio can actually touch the leg without me screaming in pain.
My beautiful dog Abbey has to go in for surgery to remove a lump on her chest. I still can’t drive and hubby had back-to-back meetings in the city he could not reschedule. My best friend comes to the rescue, helps me drop off the dog and then drives me to work. My plan is to catch a bus home as I am carless. Vet calls me after lunch to say dog is doing well and I can pick her up tonight (she was supposed to stay overnight originally) Hubby is un-contactable and upon checking the bus schedule find they only run once an hour from my work. Thankfully one of my colleagues offers to drop me home. I get home, jump in the car (remember I’m not supposed to drive) and drive the 3 blocks to our vet.
I pick up our dog, who has a massive wound on her belly about 4-5 inches long. Vet assures me all is well and we go home. Dog is restless I’m stressed. She finally falls asleep on her bed at me feet.
I awake and let the dog out and within 5 mins she has scratched at her wound and pulled out stitches. She starts to bleed, I freak, hubby comes running and we all jump in the car to go back to the vets. Vet decides to keep her in over the weekend to keep her from opening the wound.
We go home and try to settle down to a normal weekend. But wait- Theres more!!!! The people across the street from us are having a party. These usually occur a week before one of their kids gets married. Kinda like a rehearsal dinner or something. Not usually a problem. But they average about 150 guests. All in the front yard, with a live band playing Middle Eastern music. You know the kind that has only about 4 notes a repetitive beat and goes for about 40mins per song? Again not a problem, except they don’t care about noise pollution laws and refuse to stop at midnight. Without the dog to worry about I am seriously considering booking a hotel and just staying the fuck away while the party is on.
Anyway = I decide to cook calamari for lunch as we both love it, but I overcooked it = really bad. I’m talking chewing on a rubber band is tastier, overcooked. Well that was the straw that broke the dromedary. There I was, sitting at the table crying into my atrocious calamari. I looked up at hubby and told him I had to get out. I jumped online and booked a room at the hotel we had our wedding reception at. Got a good rate and had a fairly stress free night.
Come home and decide to do some washing. The machine starts leaking all over the laundry floor. Bye this time I am seriously over the whole thing. The only good thing about Sunday was I caught up with an old school friend in the afternoon and spent a couple of lovely hours catching up.
Call washer repair man to come and look at leaking machine.
Head to the vets after work to pick up the dog. Take dog home. Dog proceeds to pull out another 2 stitches and starts bleeding again. Hubby comes home to a crying wife and a washer repair man telling us our machine is basically fucked. Back I go to the vets. Wound is now stapled and strapped tighter than anything and pup has had her paw taped to stop her scratching.
So far so good. Dog has not done herself any more damage and I felt confidant leaving her at home while I’m at work. I have found a replacement washing machine for a fairly good price and plan to go buy it after work
Thanks for listening - I need to get this all off my chest....