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Sucky or not?

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  • Sucky or not?

    So, last Saturday, the board game Space Hulk was re-released, and on that day the manager of my local GW store said that the next week would be the big Space Hulk playing day, where they'd break out a couple of sets of it and have several people playing, so, I ended up being in there 6 hours in total, only that long because I was waiting and hoping that people would come in so a game actually could be played (i hadn't had anyone to play it with since i bought it)

    Anyway, a guy came in asking about something and then after he left, the employee (actually the manager but it was a one man store anyway) asked me to not jump in and interrupt him next time, which was fair, although it was only twice in a 10 minute conversation and i at least held off until the manager had paused in what he was saying and was infact, supporting what he was saying from the standpoint of someone with similar difficulties in which the questioning customer had (In this case painting faces) and then the manager essentially said unless i was working for the company, i had no right to say anything while he was speaking (though like i said i waited until there was a suitable pause to say what i said) Though he may have just been irritated that I had contradicted him about one thing, which were the contents of the store magazine, which would have proven helpful to the guy asking (and I was actually right, having bought and read the magazine the previous day).

    Then after that, he quite politely asked me had't i got anything else better to do, like being at home and painting what little of the army i had, his words were polite, but his meaning was quite clear and so after that I left.

    I also, "followed" him around on his lunch break, not on purpose, it seemed that both our primary destinations for our lunches was McDonalds but since it was too busy, we both went to subway.

    Was the manager of the store sucky? I thought so, not that I want to report him or anything because before this, he'd been pretty decent, it may have just been that i was in there so long without buying anything, though, and I don't mean to sound like an SC here, In the 3 weeks since I knew the store had opened, I'd spent well over £100 there and quite clearly relayed my intentions to spend just as much or even more in about a months time, when it was my birthday.
    I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.

  • #2
    If you are going to scold every customer who interrupts you and be condescending to them, then you are not going to have too many customers after a while.
    Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?
    Me: I expect competence from my coworkers.


    • #3
      To be honest, it sounds like you were annoying and he was sucky. I don't think either of you handled the situation well.


      • #4
        Was I annoying for anything other than the Interruptions? Which, as I said, did my best to wait for a lsuitable ull in the conversation before chipping in. Like I said, I said like 2 things total for the entire time that that one bloke (customer) was in the store, which was about 10 minutes.
        Last edited by RayvenQ; 09-14-2009, 03:00 PM.
        I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


        • #5
          Your intentions were good (to help out the customer and relay correct information), but the fact remains you still interrupted and, in the manager's mind, made him look bad and/or stupid by correcting some of the information he was giving out.

          It's never fun to realize we may be annoying. I have come to grips with the fact that I can, at times, be an arrogant, obnoxious ass, and I try to be aware of that so that it doesn't happen overly often. My GOOD friends will point out to be when I am being a boor, and I appreciate them for that.

          Could the manager have been more polite to you? Sure. Could you have been less annoying to him? Of course. STD had it were both a little less than wonderful. Me, I would call it a draw. Blame goes to you both.

          Of course, that's just my opinion. I'm an arrogant, obnoxious, boorish ass, so what do I know?

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."

