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I felt like such an SC last week.

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  • I felt like such an SC last week.

    I was going though my bank account online last week when I noticed a $90 charge I didn't recognize. Hmm..

    I look at where it came from and it was to a furniture store in Hollywood, FL (that I had never been to) for "advertising materials". Extremely odd.

    So, I call the bank and get a very nice young lady on the phone. She finds out that the numbers were keyed in (the card wasn't swiped). Very fishy. Either someone used my numbers or purchased something online.

    They call the store (not 3-way) and the store is having a hard time finding a receipt for the sale at that date and time - nothing in my name.

    On hold, off hold, and so on and no one can make sense of it all - not even the store.

    Then I look over to my wife's desk and I have a EUREKA moment.

    It must have been that day (or the day before) some guys were selling discounted gift cards in my office and I bought two of them for $90.

    I dig out the receipt and sure enough, that is what it was for - they even wrote on it who it should show up as on my bank statement (and I kept it in my wallet so I wouldn't lose it).

    Yeah, I felt like such an SC at the time when I realized it. Here I am trying up the call center rep's time as well as the store's time because I'm an idiot.

    Just a few pointers, though:

    - At no time did I spurt out any insults, raise my voice, threaten to sue, or any of the like. Heck, I never even raised my voice.

    - At no time did I accuse anyone of stealing or fraud, I made it clear that I only did not recognize the charge.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    I don't see that as SC material. You handled it calmly and I'm sure the bank and call center people were happy for that.

    I don't see it as wasting thier time because what if that had been a fraud charge? would you of wanted it blown over so quickly?
    It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


    • #3
      True - but I really hate using up time that it could be used for more important things.

      One thing I HATE about my job - when I install new phone systems I have to make a test call to 911 to verify the address and so on - I make those as quick as posible.
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


      • #4
        Eh, it was an honest mistake. Not like you yelled at the rep for your mistake.
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Yeah, I know. I just feel bad. And if that rep is a member or a lurker here - you were great throughout the entire call!
          Quote Dalesys:
          ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


          • #6
            Hey, it's incidents like this which create employment opportunities! So long as you aren't giving the CS rep a headache, don't guilt-trip yourself.


            • #7
              draggar, by no means were you an SC. You just had a Brain Burp!

              The fact that you feel so damn guilty about it, just proves that you have a conscience. Something SC's don't have.

              If it makes you feel any better, I'll share a story of how I truly was a bit of an SC over the phone. This took place something like 15 years ago, before I had Caller ID.

              It was the typical scenario, of having sat around for hours without the phone ringing. As soon as I head into the kitchen to start dinner, the phone rings:

              Me: Hello....
              Guy on Other End: Good evening Mr. _________........
              Me: [interrupting] I'm not interested! [would have slammed receiver down, had phone not been cordless ] Now usually, I'd just give a polite "No", but it just hit me wrong this time.

              Almost immediately, I get this weird feeling, kind of on the back of my neck, that I made a mistake. The phone rings again.

              Me: [a bit sheepishly] Hello.
              GoOE: [in a bit of a curt tone] Mr.________, I was just calling to confirm your scheduled pickup of donation items for [charity] tomorrow, and that they'd be on your front porch.

              I apologized profusely, and explained that I had just started fixing dinner, and his call had been the first in hours, etc etc. He seemed to understand, but I still felt kinda bad.



              • #8
                Ah don't feel bad. I noticed online on my credit card statment it said something like BBYWC and had like a $300 charge.

                so im thinking 'ok wtf i don't know ANY stores that sound like that' so i called my credit card company, same deal nice lady on the phone.

                I explained that I didn't recognize the charge etc. (also googled whatver had come up and it'd come up as some yacht club lol i dont own any type of boat etc so i'm thinking it's weird)

                woman on phone says the purchase is coming up under electronics.

                so im thinking thinking thinking and then clue in that i had bought a new deck for my car radio. at a BEST buy. in a town starting with W in Canada. (hence the BBYWC). so yea apologize for being an idiot and wasting time.

                but she was very pleasant to deal with so it wasn't a bad experience lol
                Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.

