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Stargate: Universe (MINOR SPOILERS)

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  • Stargate: Universe (MINOR SPOILERS)

    Anyone else give this a try last night?

    The premier wasn't the best I've seen but I think the show has a very good concept.

    The only thing I missed was Teal'c.

    I'm assuming what they know (except than the 9th chevron deal) was learned from Atlantic? (I haven't watched that one yet).
    Last edited by draggar; 10-03-2009, 06:20 PM.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    I was going to DVR it, then thought I'd rather wait and see what the consensus is and catch a rerun (if it lasts long enough.) It seems like they're doing to SG what happened to ST: keep trying to squeeze every ounce out until there's nothing left. ST TNG was great, DS9 was good, VOY was meh and ENT started out meh and went to bleh.
    "I saw a flock of moosen! There were many of 'em. Many much moosen. Out in the woods- in the woodes- in the woodsen. The meese want the food. The food is to eatenesen."


    • #3
      Well, the concept is:

      They were on a special planet - the only one that could support the 9th chevron (you know how 7 takes you into this galaxy, 8 takes you into another galaxy - where would 9 take you?).

      Just before they evacuated they got the 9th to work and it ended up taking them to a ship built by the ancients. It had been travelling for millions of years and many systems were not working. Thy found a map where it had gone to many different galaxies.

      It ended with the gate automaticaly dialing (somewhere) and a group of them left though the gate to try and find a way to fix the ship.

      A liytle hokey but it does have potential.
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


      • #4
        though it does remind me of lost in space, sliders and voyager. lol

        They have no idea where the hell they are. They have a long way to get home and when they do land on a planet with a gate they only have but so many hours to get what they need before they are left behind.

        I think they have oulled from many sci fi shows. i really wish they kept atlantis though i was really gettting into it.
        "Beam me up Scotty there is no intelligent life down here."


        • #5
          Personal opinion is that this was the strongest Stargate series pilot to date, and one of the strongest pilots I've seen in a long time.

          It's easy to see that many of the characters have unplumbed depths. What's Rush hiding? There's something there that he's not telling people. Why is TJ upset? Some intra-group dynamic there waiting to be explored. Cloey is going to have some long lasting issues with Rush. How's she going to feel when his secrets come out? What will she do? Colonel Young is going to be a bit odd to deal with, I think. Is he going to assume the role of Generals Hammond and Landry? Sitting back and being in charge? Or will he do things? Lt. Scott is extremely green. What will he do when the crises start hitting him? Will he crack, or will he become another O'Neill?

          None of that touches on the politics. There are definitely factions here, and two of them are going to be felt right away (I could see signs of them forming already): The military and the civilians. Each of them sees things differently, and there is a real potential for conflict here.

          During the show, it was mentioned that it looks like the Destiny was attacked. Has it already run into what will become this season's bad guys? If so, how soon will they return? How strong are they? How will this new conflict change how the factions interact with each other?

          To me, the two weakest points are Eli Wallace and the problem with the scrubbers. So Eli solved a puzzle. Why bring him along at all? He already did the necessary work. Who cares what he does next?

          The scrubbers: An unmanned vessel has CO2 scrubbers running for several thousand years? Why? What's the point? Furthermore, what was even producing the CO2 that the scrubbers needed to clean?

          The one last thing I'll point out was from an interview I read shortly after Atlantis was canceled and SGU was announced. They wanted to do SGU, because they felt they could tell new stories that they couldn't tell with Atlantis. They also didn't want to deal with the production stresses of two shows running side by side. As such, Atlantis got the axe. My hope is that they're correct, and these new stories are going to be worth it.

          So far, I'm very pleased. I think they have great potential built in, and a strong starting point to build from.


          • #6
            I have it recorded and have high hopes I will like it.
            I may watch it in the morning.


            • #7
              Quoth Pedersen View Post
              To me, the two weakest points are Eli Wallace and the problem with the scrubbers. So Eli solved a puzzle. Why bring him along at all? He already did the necessary work. Who cares what he does next?

              The scrubbers: An unmanned vessel has CO2 scrubbers running for several thousand years? Why? What's the point? Furthermore, what was even producing the CO2 that the scrubbers needed to clean?

              well, Eli does make sense... if he can solve one puzzle, he may be able to solve others.
              The scrubbers can also be easily explained. It may be unmanned, but there was an intention of having a crew gate in at a point in the future and there may very well be equipment on the ship that produce CO2 (God knows there is enough machinery that produces CO2)... the ship does not know when the crew will arrive, so it only makes sense to keep the air constantly ready for the arrival of the crew.
              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


              • #8
                I personally love it. That opening shot with the Destiny coming out of FTL and listening to that amazing score by Joel Goldsmith. It was not the best pilot I've ever seen but for Stargate it was amazing. It's nice to see SG focus on the characters rather than the plot and the action. It looks like it'll be a good show. Good acting, great music, great set, great directing, good dialog.

                Basically the show more than met it's hype, and that alone makes me happy.


                • #9
                  Quoth CaptainJaneway View Post
                  though it does remind me of lost in space, sliders and voyager. lol
                  Complete with Dr Zachary Smith. . . Yea, I got that comparison as well.

                  Personally, I liked the premier. I hope they keep it going for a while. I think it'll be a good addition to the Stargate Universe (no pun intended...)

                  Eric the Grey
                  In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


                  • #10
                    Just watched the opening double episode.

                    It does seem to be like Voyager. I am sort of seeing a BSG influence, there's civilians and military, possibly at odds with one another. Also a scientist they need but don't trust.

                    I'm interested in Eli's character, and Rush's character.

                    I'm not a huge SG fan, but this has impressed me a bit more than the opening of SG Atlantis (and even the start of SG1). So I will give it a watch.
                    "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.

