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Strange night - found relatives I never knew I had.

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  • Strange night - found relatives I never knew I had.

    Background - I've known I was adopted since, well, I can remember. And an only child.

    Tonight, I got a call from my sister.

    Yeah, my sister.

    Turns out I have one full sister and a 1/2 sister. And the woman who gave birth to me is still quite alive and kicking. I talked to her too.

    My head is still spinning a bit. I knew of one sister out there, but finding out about the other, and hearing some voices has made it a rather more surreal Wednesday than normal.

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
    I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.

  • #2
    Wow....that is intense. I'm adopted as well (and I have know forever as well) and I have no clue as to whom my bio-rents are (besides my mom's age and both euro-backgraound)

    I have no desire to meet them, but I'd like to know any medical issues or siblings.

    *Hugs* I cannot fathom getting a call like that out of the blue.
    "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
    "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


    • #3
      Wow, I have no idea how I would react. I am also adopted and have no wish to find my biological family. I don't think I would take it as well you have, being contacted out of nowhere like that.


      • #4
        I was sorta looking for them - mostly for the genetic information as, well, the genetics are gonna kill me.

        It was quite a surprise to say the least.

        "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
        I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


        • #5
          I'm meeting them for the first time on the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend.

          41 years and 50 weeks later, it's gonna be interesting to say the least.

          "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
          I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


          • #6
            Wow, that's of luck. You're braver than I'd be.
            "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
            "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


            • #7
              What a day.....

              It's done.

              I met my bio-mother and sisters for the first time.

              It was emotional, exhausting, and exhilarating all at the same time.

              It was even harder a bit later reading the letters my bio-mother had written over the last 15 years.

              They are blood, but they are not family - yet. It was strange at times to say the least, but a good day. I'm glad I did it.

              "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
              I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


              • #8
                I had a friend who was adopted, it was quite plain as well and she flatly refused to find out who her bio family was. Saying that they didn't want her or wished to meet her since they gave her up. She is now 30 and at the whim of her Mom and son bit the bullet to find her bio-parents.

                Bio-Dad was unfindable but bio-Mom was findable. The reason she gave up her daughter she so desperately wanted to keep? Because she was 12 and the victim of a rape. While bio-Mom isn't family as such the two are getting a bit closer although there is the pain and still feeling of resentment. They are working through that and have found out more of the other then was ever thought.

                Is it always a good idea to find the bio-family? No...but sometimes one could learn something that could.....challenge the ideas of being abandoned.


                • #9
                  Quoth Aethian View Post
                  Is it always a good idea to find the bio-family? No...but sometimes one could learn something that could.....challenge the ideas of being abandoned.
                  I never felt abandoned - as both with the times and having a physical disability, I have always thought, and still believe, that it was in my best interest.

                  Now, the story of your friend - <shudder> - THAT would be more than I could handle. And there's no emoticon that can convey my horror and sympathy for both the child and the mother in that situation.

                  "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
                  I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


                  • #10
                    Thats just it, if she hadn't looked she wouldn"t have known she was wanted and desired. While I understand some are put up because they weren't wanted well then to find a family that wants them is wonderful and I can understand the feeling.

                    I dunno I think I'm treading in a place I don't fully understand cause I have my Mom but I do know about the unwanted feeling because lets face it...Dad didn't want kids.

                    *shrugs* Just a bit of my personal history I'm putting out there.

