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My heart's been stolen by two little kitties

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  • My heart's been stolen by two little kitties

    Sunday morning my adult male tabby was out in the breezeway going bananas over something he'd seen outside. When I went to check it out here is what I saw:

    Someone had obviously abandoned them and of course, they find the softee in the neighborhood. It was the coldest night we've had so far this Fall and I couldn't leave them out there alone. They are just adorable and so sweet but I can barely afford to feed myself and my other cat. There's no way I can keep them...even though I love the little guys already.

    I need to find them a good home.
    Retail Haiku:
    Depression sets in.
    The hellhole is calling me ~
    I don't want to go.

  • #2
    Dawwwww!! They're so LITTLE and CUTE and FUZZY! You may need to take them to a shelter, or call your local rescue/foster group.

    They look healthy/clean/well fed. Got any extra blankets or towels for them to snuggle on?

    In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
    She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


    • #3
      WANT ! ! Kittieness. . . Can't have ... but want... snuzzle kitties.

      Very cute little things.


      • #4
        They slept with me last night. (I'm not, not me.) My cat isn't happy with me at all.

        I've done a bit of checking online and the SPCA in my county has closed it's doors. I looked into the local no-kill animal shelter and they are so overloaded with cats that they aren't taking any at this time.

        I keep telling myself that I'll keep them but then there's the spaying/neutering, shots, feeding, etc. All that costs money and there's very little of that right now. I was off on Worker's Comp for 3 months and am returned to work but only for half-days until further notice.

        In the past I was able to find a home for a stray kitty that was hanging around my sister's house. I took him in for a while until some nice young lady adopted him. I'm just hoping I'll have the same good fortune this time around.
        Retail Haiku:
        Depression sets in.
        The hellhole is calling me ~
        I don't want to go.


        • #5
          Oh kitties I wish I could help


          • #6
            I tried to get a close-up of their cute little faces but they move a helluva lot faster than I do. Also, this is what they were doing much of the time I was chasing them with the camera.

            Typical siblings!

            I took several pictures of them wrassling and running, then my batteries died.
            Retail Haiku:
            Depression sets in.
            The hellhole is calling me ~
            I don't want to go.


            • #7
              Call the foster groups. Ask if any vets are doing a low-cost or no-cost spay/neuter thing anytime soon. If these are girls, you'll have a few months before they need to be fixed.

              Shots can be..uhm...skipped if you're broke (I don't recommend that, but it's been done before). You can also go to a local food bank and see if they've got any cat food. Not kidding, had a neighbor do that - his food bank would always make sure his kitty was fed too!

              I bet they'd be good at Kill String game, and Kill the Laser Dot too. Give extra lovies to your cat, I am sure he's a bit peeved at all this newfangled nonsense. He just might soften up though and give these little monsters some adult loves and snuggles. Then again, he just might yell "Get offa my lawn" too.

              In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
              She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


              • #8
                Retail, where are you located?

                I foster kittens for a local rescue. They stay with me until they're old enough to be fixed, then we put their pictures up on the website and take them to adoption days at the local pet store on Saturdays. The rescue pays for all their medical care and supplies me with food, either donated or they purchase it for me.

                My kittens always get adopted really quickly once their ready.
                Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


                • #9
                  I really don't know if there are any foster groups around here and if there are, I have no idea how to contact them without knowing their name. Maybe my vet knows of some organizations he could recommend. I'll have to check with him during office hours.

                  Shots are something that I normally don't bother with but I believe they have to be up-to-date with their shots in order to be spayed/neutered. It's been so long since I've had a female that I don't remember how old they are when they start going into heat. (The calico is a female, the orange one is a male.)

                  I think there are clinics around that will spay/neuter at fairly reasonable rates...

                  There I go, talking myself into something.

                  My adult tabby, Gary, has growled and nipped at me when I've tried to reassure him. My 19½ year old kitty had CRF and lost his battle in 2006. So Gary's been an only kitty for over 3 years now and he thinks he's king of the hill. Which, of course, he is.

                  Quoth ThePhoneGoddess View Post
                  Retail, where are you located?
                  I'm in Michigan.

                  Wow! I have to admit I'm pretty clueless as to how local rescue groups work. Can you offer more info that may point me in the right direction? I'd really appreciate it.
                  Last edited by Retail Associate; 10-12-2009, 06:55 AM.
                  Retail Haiku:
                  Depression sets in.
                  The hellhole is calling me ~
                  I don't want to go.


                  • #10
                    Most rescues are groups of people who foster cats in their homes and try to find permanent homes for them in an organized manner, like putting pictures and info up on a website and such.

                    The important thing with rescues is that they look for animals who would make good pets. They don't take in feral or extremely ill or old animals. Yours would be good candidates, they look young, cute, healthy, not afraid of people and litterbox trained.

                    Try asking your vet, or calling the local animal shelters and asking about local cat rescues. You can also google, most rescues have webpages. when you find some, email either the person in charge of foster homes or someone who seems to be high up in the chain of command. Send them the cute pictures of the cats along with a short descriptions of how they came to be with you and that you don't want to turn them over to the local shelters due to their age, and ask if they can help.

                    Different rescues have different ways to help and you might be able to get a rescue to help you find homes for them.
                    Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


                    • #11
                      Great advise...thanks! I'll make some calls in the morning.

                      They are just the most adorable little kitties. Can't be more than 7 weeks old. They seem to miss their mom at times but are so lovable and would make wonderful pets. They even seem to want to make friends with Gary but right now, he's having none of it.

                      It's been a long, long time since I've had kittens this small in the house. They sure are fun to watch. Right now they're walking all over the desk and on the keyboard. I have to keep deleting what they are contributing to this post.
                      Retail Haiku:
                      Depression sets in.
                      The hellhole is calling me ~
                      I don't want to go.


                      • #12
                        Awwwww...KITTIES! I adore calicos.

                        Your vet would probably know what to do. Ours has a few extra cages in back, so sometimes they will advertise fuzzies for adoption (either one of the employees finds them, or another owner does and doesn't want to make the trek to the shelter).
                        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                        • #13
                          The other thing you might want to be wary of is if your adult cat becomes acclimated to them and then you give them away. He might get depressed... sounds weird but it happens.

                          Oh, and female kittens don't get spayed until 6 months old so you would have some time to figure that out. I assume males are the same but I don't really know.
                          "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                          ~TechSmith 314
                          HellGate: London


                          • #14
                            They're so cute! The orange and white one looks just like my Phydeaux, except he's 15 now. My hubby would be mad, but I'd gladly take one of them in if I lived closer.
                            "I look at the stars. It's a clear night and the Milky Way seems so near. That's where I'll be going soon. "We are all star stuff." I suddenly remember Delenn's line from Joe's script. Not a bad prospect. I am not afraid. In the meantime, let me close my eyes and sense the beauty around me. And take that breath under the dark sky full of stars. Breathe in. Breathe out. That's all."
                            -Mira Furlan


                            • #15
                              Just thought I'd weigh in about a rescue group too. I also foster cats and kittens for a rescue. They can help you with food and getting them spayed and neutered if you do decide you want to keep them. If you try you should be able to find local rescue organizations. If you're willing to foster at least, they will be far more willing to help you.
                              "smacked upside the head by the harsh of daylight" - Tori Amos "The Beauty of Speed"

                              a sucking chest wound is merely mother nature's way of telling you to slow down - Arm

