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Ranting About Sociology

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  • Ranting About Sociology

    I'm taking an online sociology class this semester. It's not something that I had any interest in before I started the class, which doesn't help, and I really don't buy into my book's insistence that as a woman I am super oppressed and need to revolt against the man, which helps less.

    But, dear lord, my professor is driving me off the wall. I've got 60 or so credits already, so I'm pretty good at the whole college thing, but I've never been so stressed out by a class. I wasn't even this crazy at finals when I was taking my first Anatomy class (the most difficult class I've ever taken).

    We had 8 days to do a "mini" assignment that she assigned. I don't know how long she expected it to be, but she was shocked that most of us had papers between 27 and 32 pages. After we turned in the assignment, she said that only parts of it should have been double spaced, not the whole thing, so that's why they were too long. Um, I don't care if my paper is 15 single spaced pages or 30 double spaced pages, it's still the same length. Crazy professor acts like it would take less effort to do the 15 single spaced pages and it's our fault for "writing too much" by double spacing the pages.

    Also, what do you expect when your instructions for the "mini assignment" are 9 pages long? She says "Oh, there were only 3 parts to the assignment!" Yes, but part 2 consisted of part 2, another section titled part 2, and part 2a (no, that doesn't make sense to me). Part 2A and part 3 were each a minimum of 2 pages long. Part 2 had 7 questions and part 1 had 8 questions; she noted in each question that we were expected to be detailed and give examples. I don't know about you, but it takes me more than one sentence to be detailed and give examples.

    The really awesome thing about this assignment was that it felt completely pointless. She apparently intended it to be reflective. It was instead a long string of questions about why we had decided to attend college, with a random sociology essay thrown in at the end. I had to write 7-10 sentences about my educational philosophy. I had to explain why I was going to college, and in the next question had to describe my purpose in attending college. I'm also pretty sure that she couldn't require us to answer some of the questions she asked, like where we were born, especially since the answers will eventually be posted for the class to read. I was thinking about fighting it but got so worn down by doing the assignment that I just answered the slightly shady questions.

    If I had to do all of this for 10% of my grade, I'm very worried about what I'll have to do for the other mini assigment and for the big assignment (20%).

  • #2
    This is exactly why i CLEP'ed out of it. Easiest 3 credits ever...


    • #3
      As someone who's working to get her Sociology degree, this professor makes me want to beat my head against the nearest hard surface, in the hopes of dislodging the memory of what I just read.

      Sweet flaming crap, does she even know what sociology IS?! It's not about feminine opression, that's feminism (Which, incidentally, I'm studying right now, since I'm taking a class on the sociology of gender)

      My utmost sympathies, and I fear for your future assignments, too, since she apparently doesn't know what she wants from you, let alone how to word the assignments. Best of luck!


      • #4
        Quoth Amina516 View Post
        This is exactly why i CLEP'ed out of it. Easiest 3 credits ever...
        Oh, am I ever regretting not CLEPing out of it. I need a certain amount of credits by the end of the semester to apply to a particular program. I needed microbiology, so I figured that I'd take two easy online classes to accompany it...

        I roll my eyes every time I see references as to how I'm being oppressed. Between my prior Army service and working in a department that is ENTIRELY male, I think I have the rising up pretty well covered, kthanx. My mom says that when she took sociology, it was the same thing. That's just crazy to me--you think women haven't advanced in the past 35 years??

        The thing is, the further I get into the class and the more I read in the textbook, the more interesting sociology seems. I just wish it wasn't so buried in her crap!


        • #5
          Try taking a sociology class when the professor had to leave suddenly for a few weeks for medical reasons which I won't get into. Sure it was a legitimate reason and I felt for her but we were left with a succession of substitutes until she came back, some of which didn't bother teaching at all. I'm amazed I got a B in that class considering.
          How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


          • #6
            Weird; I took sociology in GCSE and A-Level, and the classes were interesting and varied. Then again, I'm accross the pond; maybe it's different where you are or your teacher is really weird. o_o
            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
            My DeviantArt.


            • #7
              I didn't have it that bad for Sociology. One of my professors was Dr. William Simon, who at one point was a Playboy advisor. He told us he really wanted to answer some questions with "What are you worried about" or something to that elk.

              I had several classes with him, one was about the media. We got to watch parts of "Blue Velvet," "The Godfather,"...ok, I forgot what else.

              Another professor had a prerequisite that you had to watch Beavis and Butthead. Then he had to take that prerequisite away when he was told not everyone had cable. He was surprised by that.

              I took a class on minorities. We read one book, I forgot who the author was, but he was a whiny Mexican-American. Whined about his mom losing a secreterial job because she typed "guerrilla" as "gorilla" and his parents were told not to speak to him in Spanish, and how he lost his virginity at college and he was too embarrased to talk to her afterward. The same male professor taught a woman in society class and most of the guys dropped out. I can't rememeber much of it but every class I had with the prof. he would tell the story of a woman applying for a job in the Sociology dept. and saying in her conclusion, "I hope you don't hire me because you need a vagina."

              I'm going to stop combining words.
              Last edited by depechemodefan; 10-14-2009, 09:11 PM. Reason: fixin'
              Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

              Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

              I wish porn had subtitles.


              • #8
                Quoth depechemodefan View Post
                I can't rememeber much of it but every class I had with the prof. he would tell the story of a woman applying for a job in the Sociology dept. and saying in her conclusion, "I hope you don't hire me because you need a virgina."
                "Nope, we need a virginb! Next applicant!"

                Sorry ... too much caffeine in my system and I couldn't resist.


                • #9
                  Thanks for the laughs

                  So, I'm at the point in the semester where I should be getting my term paper assignments. My government teacher said it would be posted two weeks ago; he disapeared, and reappeared this week and he is revising our assignment to make it easier due to the delay. Very nice of him.

                  My sociology teacher originally promised the assignment two weeks ago. She then promised it last Friday. On Monday she said she wanted us to get a jump start on this week's reading (nothing special about this week's reading) and so she'd give us the assignment on Wednesday, and "gosh I really am NICE, don't you agree (smile)?" Wednesday she said that she was still working on the assignment and it would be posted late Wednesday or early Thursday. Unsurprisingly, she has still not posted the assignment.

                  Just the difference between these two classes makes me want to rip out my hair. I'm balancing too much this semester, and it's my month on call so I would probably be close to losing it even if she wasn't psycho, but she makes everything ten times more difficult than it should be. I guess it never occurs to her that people taking an online class might have a life outside of one class.

                  I better get into the program I want after all this work.


                  • #10
                    What program are you gunning for, TPK?


                    • #11
                      A very competive BSN program (nursing, for those who don't know). I wanna be just like you Amina

                      1400 people applied last year for 100 spots. I've got a fabulous GPA, I just need to not wreck it with sociology. And then I need to pass the entrance exam and not look crazy at the interview.

                      I'm also looking at two way less competitive ADN programs, but I have my heart set on this BSN program.

                      I know that wherever I get in, school will be three times as hard as it is now, but at least it will be stuff I need to know for my job, not random stuff to fufill my multicultural core requirement.

