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Kitty is sick again. :(

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  • Kitty is sick again. :(

    So, as some of you may or may not remember, my husband and I have two kitties. One of them, a female tortie named Yume, has kidney disease. We found out in May; in fact, she was at the emergency vet clinic the weekend that I moved in to my husband's apartment. They got her stabilized and she's been doing really well ever since then, all things considered.

    Last Friday she had her annual checkup and vaccinations (Rabies and distemper.) She's had bad a reaction to a vaccine in the past, so we decided to drop her off at the vet clinic early in the morning and pick her up in the afternoon, so they could monitor how she was doing throughout the day. She seemed fine; she came home and ate and drank like a little horse, and she hadn't thrown up.

    Sunday evening she didn't eat much (we have both cats on a feeding schedule, since Yume is supposed to be fed twice a day with medicine, but sometimes we leave a little dry food out for them to munch on during the day. We'd done this on Sunday so we figured she just wasn't very hungry when dinnertime came.) Then she threw up. Not too worried at this point, since sometimes the cats throw up, especially if they get hairballs. It wasn't a hairball, though.

    Anyway, Monday morning she didn't eat much again, but she did drink quite a bit of water, and promptly threw it up. It didn't look like she had much in her stomach; everything she threw up was very liquidy and foamy. She didn't eat again last night or this morning, and she's been acting really lethargic. I got really worried last night when I realized it was after 8:00 and she hadn't begged us for dinner. Normally (especially if we don't leave any dry food out during the day, which we didn't yesterday) she starts crying around 5:30-6:00 for dinner, and we feed her around 7:30. So it was really unusual for her to not be begging for food.

    We called the vet this morning and my husband is on his way right now to drop Yume off at their clinic so they can keep her for the day for some tests and observations. It seems unusual that it would be a bad reaction to the vaccine; normally bad reactions are seen sooner than this (last time she had the bad reaction, she was throwing up and having diarrhea within just a couple hours of getting the shot.) I hope it's the vaccine and not her kidney disease acting up, though.

  • #2
    **hugs** good thoughts to you and your kitty. Hope everything turns out okay
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    • #3
      ***HUGS*** Good thoughts going out for you and Yume; something similar happening with McGriff was how we discovered his kidney failure (he now gets sub-q fluids twice a week and special food).
      "I am quite confident that I do exist."
      "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


      • #4
        *hugs* Thanks Cat. My husband just got a call from our vet. She thinks Yume did have a delayed reaction to the vaccine that's making her nauseous, and she's a bit dehydrated right now since she hasn't eaten or drank much and has thrown up a little. They gave her some anti-nausea medicine and are gonna give her some subcutaneous fluids to rehydrate her, and check her kidney values (we had an appointment to get those checked in a couple weeks anyway, so they're just gonna do it now.) The vet said she probably won't give her the distemper vaccine again in the future, but we have to keep giving her the rabies vaccine each year and keep our fingers crossed.

        Edit: And *hugs* Dreamstalker too, we posted at the same time so I didn't see your reply till after I finished this post.
        Last edited by MaggieTheCat; 10-13-2009, 02:06 PM.

