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somewhat annoying situation

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  • somewhat annoying situation

    *posting this here as it has more to do with family members NOT checking with me for availability when making plans than it does with work....just needed to get this off my chest*

    My mom will be turning 60 on October 29, and I just found out earlier this evening that my immediate family plans to celebrate by taking her to the State Fair. Problem is, they didn't check with me regarding work schedules, and while I normally get off work at 5 on Thursdays, that particular day happens to be when we've got a mandatory staff meeting scheduled at the library. (I'm still only scheduled until 5, but I'd have to stay an hour or so later for the meeting)

    Which is rather sucky for me, as the State Fair only comes around once a year, my mom will only turn 60 once, and while she does have a habit of getting pouty about her birthday, this time I do have to agree that celebrating should take precedence over having to stay for a meeting on my own time.

    Unfortunately I won't be working at my own library tomorrow, but I do plan to e-mail my supervisor and let her know the situation - that if the meeting is on October 29, I won't be able to stay because of a family committment which I've just been informed of. My supervisor has been good with working with me on stuff, so I'm hoping it will be the same here, otherwise I may have to call in "sick".

  • #2
    That is annoying... it sure would have been nice if your family could have checked with you first! Well hopefully it will work out fine in the end. Even if you did have to miss the fair, I'm sure your mom would appreciate you trying so hard to be there for her
    "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


    • #3
      Well, I think most of it is that my mom had wanted to do something on her actual birthday, and in lieu of having a party, it was decided to make that day our family's "traditional" visit to the State Fair. And this part I'm fine's certainly my mom's right to choose what she'd like to do for her birthday, and I can't really expect her (or anyone else)to put stuff off solely because of my work schedule.

      I guess I'm just annoyed because there've been problems before with having to miss family occasions because of work, and I don't seem to be able to get people to understand that I can't just take time off like that, I need advance notice, or even better.....check with me for availability before making plans. (and yes, I do have a few weeks notice this time, but that doesn't mean I still won't have to try to get out of something work-related)


      • #4
        *an update of sorts*

        - My supervisor was at the other library today to meet with someone, so I had a brief chance to talk with her about the situation. She seemed fine with my not attending the staff meeting, but I'd still need to get the "ok" from the branch manager, and hopefully that will go well. ("Mariah" isn't an inflexible/unreasonable person, but still, I can't predict how she would respond)

        - After speaking with my sister on the phone (and comparing notes), it seems that other family members ARE willing to change plans so that I could join in, it's our Mom who's insistant that celebrating "has" to be done on her exact birthday. (I love my mom, but let's just say that there's a reason her birthday and Mother's Day are referred to as "Roll out the Red-Carpet Day")

