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Hitchhikers from DragonCon

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  • #16
    Quoth hauntedheadnc View Post
    sitting around for 9-plus hours naked and smeared with a neurotoxic insecticide lotion to get rid of the goddamned things.
    Sounds like my kinda Friday night! lol. J/K

    My son also had them bastages .. it was not pretty.


    • #17
      Quoth Amina516 View Post
      Sounds like my kinda Friday night! lol. J/K

      My son also had them bastages .. it was not pretty.
      Oh, it was a blast! I watched movies, and napped, and chatted online...
      Drive it like it's a county car.


      • #18
        I merely cut my hair when I got lice a few years ago out of phobia. My hair is thick, heavy and usually squeaky clean so the buggers LOVE it. I suffered a six month long , re-occurring infestation when I was 12 years old. It was so bad, I'd brush my hair and the suckers would fall off. -twitch-

        Didn't matter what *I* did to keep myself bug free if no one else did around me and I kept hanging out with the same kids who had them. (I never did quite figure it out where I got them from but I'm guessing it was the neighbor kids as they were always at my house).

        Do what you have to do to get rid of the problem on your head. Keep your hair *up* in a neat bun, cap or hair net and then go to town in your home AND car. As with fleas, the vacuum with be your best friend. Wash your sheets/towels/toys/pillows whatever that your head usually comes into contact with in hot water. Get the car vacuumed if not detailed.

        You'll be rid of those jerkwads in no time.

        and good to know about rosemary oil. I just sat out in the porch combing myself for nits every day for three weeks. The shampoos didn't work for me very well.
        "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


        • #19
          ARGH >.<

          Washed my hair last night, took the nit comb to it in the shower (only way I can deal with the tangles is to use massive amounts of conditioner on the ends) and just had at it.

          I'm STILL finding random nits and nymphs.

          The really fucking annoying thing? I'm finding MAYBE a dozen. I'm not getting them with every pull of the comb. I have to go HUNTING for the fuckers. Which means it's not a bad infestation, and it should be OVER WITH!

          I also just found out that one of the women I was transportation for at D*C (she lives just outside the metro area, and I had my car, so I picked her up the first day) discovered an infestation in her house.

          But if I got it from her, wouldn't I be a lot more infested? I just don't get it. And the other woman who hung around with both of us (shared my hotel room, and spent more time with the one-with-lice than I did) also have it?

          This just makes no sense. And no one else in my family has gotten it, even though I've spent a lot of time with them over the last month. And Other Half doesn't have it either, I checked him yesterday.

          I'm just bloody confused.


          • #20
            Do you have someone else willing to help you in your hunt?

            Much easier to see someone else's head than your own, IMO.


            • #21
              I love Other Half...but he's just not methodical enough. And there's no one else nearby that I'd want to subject to the horror of dealing with my hair. On a good day it's nearly impossible - right now it's a fried, crispy mess.

              I'll do the routine again tomorrow in-shower, and if I'm still pulling bugs or nits out, I'll figure out some way to MAKE him be methodical.


              • #22
                They absolutely most important thing (hope it's already been suggested, but didn't read all replies thoroughly.) is to do EVERYTHING at once. Within hours if possible.

                That is, clean your hair, your bedding, your surroundings, etc.

                Otherwise, you're just reinfesting from place to place. Probably why your times aren't matching up - you're a very clean person, and they can't get a full infestation going, but they can get a foothold.

                I have an enormously embarrassing but funny story to go with this, but I'll save it until you're in the clear.
                Last edited by sms001; 10-25-2009, 11:29 PM.

