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Bad, Bad mechanic!

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  • Bad, Bad mechanic!

    Today was very trying. Mostly due to the dr's appointment as referenced here

    Monday night/tuesday morning hubby had trouble with the van. He works night shifts so tuesday night he got a ride to work and home. That tuesday morning morning MIL and step father come to get him to help him get the van from work parking lot to the mechanics.
    He does get the van there and when its said and done told me that he had to keep his foot on the gas to keep the engine from stalling and the engine would make knocking sounds while he waited at the stop light.

    My first thought, possibly a fuel issue, but since I know little about cars I only mentioned that to him and left it be.
    Van is dropped off with the promise to call when they get a look at it. Tuesday all day nothing, no call, we think ok they got busy and didn't get a chance to look at it until closing no big.

    Wednesday, same thing, so he calls them back a little after 11am and is told they haven't had a chance to look at it but will do so after lunch. By now the road construction is causing a bit of a problem for people to get in and out of the shop but hasn't completely halted traffic. We think ok, people get busy. I gripe at hubby for not mentioning that hey not to rush but we do need the car by tomorrow. Oh well.

    TODAY, I get a ride to my doc appointment and deal with those issues as mentioned in another thread. Come home, no calls nothing. He calls them shortly after I got back around 11am and there is no answer after a few rings. Calls back at 2:30 STILL NO ANSWER.
    I'm now peeved as by the end of today it will have been THREE DAYS the van has been sitting in their lot untouched if not just moved around. WTF. If the bill is an issue thats fine we can take care of it but no info nothing, not even LOOKING at it for almost three days and the fact that is our ONLY means of getting anywhere you know I believe I will have words with you friday morning and they WON'T be pleasant.
    I promise to hold my tongue but I will bring a friend to hold me back. Just because i'm expecting doesn't give me the right to be an SC...even if i want to.

    (and for reference we've kept the van in as good as shape as possible considering, it just happens to be this week that this comes with all of the things that have to be done that require vehicular assistance )

  • #2
    Quoth LexiaFira View Post
    I promise to hold my tongue but I will bring a friend to hold me back. Just because i'm expecting doesn't give me the right to be an SC...even if i want to.
    if they decide to randomly charge you for holding your van for so long...go ahead. bitch them out. you're not being a sucky're being rightfully pissed off! and the fact that it's taking so long is just ridiculous.
    If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

    i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


    • #3
      They cannot charge me for holding it unless I'm working a payment system. I THINK. And they had better not.
      Its a big deal for me now because I now have dr's appointments weekly being under a month away from due date. AND not to mention hubby has to get to work
      trying to remain calm...where is mah chocolate?


      • #4
        that's when you call up and play the crier card "waaaaaah! but i have doctor's appointments and i'm preggers and my hubby needs it for work and i'm preggers and i'm due soon and preggers!!!"
        that should get your car done quickly. and you're not being a sucky customer. they're being sucky mechanics.
        If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

        i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


        • #5
          that would have worked if they hadn't decided to close shop early due to the weather WITHOUT posting any form of notice. (I guess different rules apply) or some kind of automated phone thing saying we closed early.
          nooo, one more appointment in the morning and I am hauling arse over there to officially verbally hurt someone.


          • #6
            Look out mechanics shop, here comes the pregnant girl. You are in for it now.

            I just hope they take one loo at you, realize that they don't want to go there and get right on the van for you.


            • #7

              good luck!
              Last edited by Green_Fairy; 10-23-2009, 02:49 PM. Reason: typos. evil evil typos
              If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

              i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


              • #8
                Ugh. Mechanic delays just suck.

                Been there, done that. My MG restoration was one long delay caused by the garage that was "working" on it. I put "working" in quotes, simply because it seemed they took their good old time with the simplest of tasks. For example, it shouldn't take a month to install a fucking front bumper. Nor should it take most of the summer to wire up the hazard lights and adjust the brakes. How do I know this? Well, once I'd removed the bumper, and installed it *properly* (that is, using *all* the bolts, instead of only the middle ones), it only took a couple of hours. Took it off, bent the irons back to shape, then replaced all of the bolts and spacers. Annoying, but actually pretty easy. As for the wiring, they'd simply tried to save time, and wired things incorrectly.

                Why did it take 5 years (seriously!) to get the car running and back in my garage? Simple--the garage owner tends to spend most of the day preparing race cars for the summer race, and messes about with his own racer. As such, many of the same cars are *still* in that garage...that were there when I had the car shipped over there years ago!

                In fact, the only reason I got my car back..was because I'd leaned on them. That is, my father and I compiled a rather blunt letter, plus copies of the invoices, and several mild threats of getting them busted for inspection fraud. Fraud? Well, how do you explain that the car passed, when the horns, windshield washers, and seat belts... were either inoperative or missing?

                Needless to say, when my father dropped the letter off, and the shop owner read it...the color literally dropped out of his face Guess that Cc: to a lawyer friend at the bottom scared the shit out of him I didn't want to go that route, but I felt I had to--the shop wouldn't return phone calls, the owner would hide in his office or would vanish when I'd show up, etc. I soon grew tired of his antics. Trust me, it took all I had not to strangle someone!

                Getting back on topic here, before you go over there with a bat, see if there's a manager or owner you can talk to. Ask what the hell is going on, and if they cop an attitude, go higher up on the food chain, especially if it's a chain.

                I did that with the garage, and if I go over there now...they literally kiss my ass. I don't go over there unless I have to--there's a guy down the street who is heavily into older cars, and really knows his stuff. Anyone want to guess where my cars go now?
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #9
                  More updates!
                  The shop owner got lucky as today is a pain day. Baby has decided to sit in an area that makes my spine tingle somewhat painfully. (the tailbone so I could be sitting and all of a sudden I'll get a twitch and it bothers me) and that just miserably uncomfortable. So I remained home after going to the morning appointment.

                  The van has been fixed, they SAY it was the EGR Valve and the IAC Motor which to me are fancy names for fuel parts. I'm not that knowledgable about cars but I at least know how to check and change fluids and put on a spare tire and possibly get under the car to take a look which is more than I can say for most of the women in my family.
                  There were no charges for the time it took to look at the van or rather holding fees. HOWEVER the price seems a bit high to me.
                  I'm not keen on posting it here but will give more details in pm.

                  would have really loved to gone in and given them the famous "look" that most women have. the one that tells people you are sooooo dead.

                  thank you for the advice!


                  • #10
                    Sounds like you need a new mechanic! I'm glad you at least got the car back.


                    • #11
                      me too. next time I'm going to another mechanic. Asked around town and the shop we used is OK, but they take their time on things.


                      • #12
                        Next time it starts running rough have the hubby or yourself take the car to nationwide parts store. Usually they'll read the trouble codes for free expecially if you make them think you're gonna buy the parts there. Those two parts you mentioned are usually easy to replace with simple hand tools.
                        Things like this is why I won't work on modern autos. Too dag-nabbed many sensors, switches and valves. I like old and simple, fuel + air + compression + fire = horsepower.
                        Bow down before me for I am ROOT

                        Preserving precious bodily fluids sine 1952


                        • #13
                          oh sure, but this van I speak of is an 89 safari...not modern enough to be hooked up to the machine...or rather there are NO sensors, it must be done by hand. dun dun....

                          I will keep that in mind...thankies

