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Delivery Douchebags.

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  • Delivery Douchebags.

    Some of you may have noticed my affinity for my new favorite word, "douchebag." What can I say? I think it is a very descriptive word and, lately, very apropos in my my life. If the word offends you, though, I suggest you stop reading my comments, as I am guessing I will be using it a lot for while.

    So tonight when I got home from another Sunday watching football and drinking (a lot of) beer, I consulted with my roommate Mr. Anti-Social and we decided to order some food. We ordered from a local Italian place that shall remain nameless (though it's name is remarkably close to "New York Pizza and Pasta Garden"). We ordered two pasta meals, no bread, with Italian dressing on the salads. Bread and salads, you see, are included with pasta meals.

    In a relatively short time, our food arrived. I paid the delivery fellow, with a nice tip, and took our goodies from him.....and very quickly discovered something. They had sent us our pasta dinners with no bread (as requested) and no salads (what the fuck?). So I immediately called Mr. Delivery Man. (He had called me to tell me he was here as we had requested, as we never hear someone knocking on our front door....just the physics of our apartment.) I told him the situation, and he told me he would be right back with our salads. I figured either he had forgotten them in the truck, or the people back at the restaurant had forgotten them. Considering the trouble I had with the person taking the order, I was not surprised. (Dude had to make FOUR attempts to get my phone number right.)

    And that, my friends, was the last I heard from these people.

    Now, were this a one time instance, I would not be posting here. ANY place can screw the pooch from time to time. But Mr. Anti-Social and I have had issues with these people before, so much so that at one point we stopped ordering from them for several months. So this is not an isolated incident. And we do not plan on ordering from these morons again. Hell, I consider myself very fortunate that the day they offered me a job when I was unemployed and job-hunting several years ago, I turned them down in favor of another job. I can't imagine working for these idiots.

    In any case, after some time had passed and it became clear I would not be hearing back from the Delivery Douchebag, I placed a call to the restaurant. And naturally, it being two minutes past their closing time of midnight, no one answered. So I left a message on their voice mail informing them of the situation, and opining that "it's rather obnoxious to pay for food and not get everything we paid for." I left them my name and number, but do not expect to hear back from them. Why? Simple.

    They're douchebags.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    Douchebag is one of my favorite epithets too
    I was not hired to respond to those voices.

