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A Stranger Walks Right Into My House

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  • A Stranger Walks Right Into My House

    Last night I had to work 6-1030. My husband had to go out of town at the last minute. Well I figured it would be okay for my 17 yr old to watch my 10 yr old. I called home to make sure things were okay. They were fine. I got of at 10 and called again to let him know I was coming home, and if they were okay. He said they were fine. I got home and my husband got home a little after midnight.

    This morning my 17 yr old tells me that a man knocked on the door around 9 and when he got up from the chair, the guy walked right in. The guy seen my son and said "sorry wrong house". Before my son could say anything, my dog lunged at him, snarling, teeth flaring , her hair standing up. The guy hightailed it out of there real quick. After that I was told Lucy stood right at the door for about 30 min, growling teeth still flared. When I asked my son why he didn't tell me, he said he forgot. typical teenager.

    All in all I'm just thankful she was there. I hate to think what would have happened if she wasn't. Funny she doesn't look like she could attack anyone. But they say never underestimate your opponent. Anyway here is a picture of Lucy

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    Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

    Proud Air Force Mom

  • #2
    I think Lucy deserves a very special treat. I'm glad she was there and her stranger alarm got tripped.
    I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


    • #3
      I was thinking the same thing as Nurian.

      Lucy deserves a treat, some pats on the head, and "good doggies"!


      Glad this scary situation had good outcome.



      • #4
        Reminds me of something that happened back at my old apartment in Wisconsin. A friend of mine had come over and we had baked a ton of cookies (this was around Christmas time last year.) Well, she left pretty late, probably around 10:00pm or so. I lived in an upper apartment (the stairs going up were inside the door) so she just let herself out. And I forgot to lock the door right away. I normally do but I was pretty beat after a long evening of cookie baking. Anyway, about 5 minutes after she left, I heard the front door open. I thought it was my friend coming back, maybe she forgot something. I called out, "Hello?" and heard the door slam shut. I ran around toward the stairs and no one was there (and they couldn't have gotten past me since the stairs lead directly into the living room, which is where I'd been sitting.) I ran down the stairs and glanced outside, no one there. I locked the door after that. I figured it was a case of "wrong apartment." In the complex I was in, they had 4 doors to 4 different apartments literally all right next to each other, so if you were visiting someone and didn't know their apartment number, it would be easy to get them mixed up.

        Sorry for the thread-jack! Didn't mean for that to be so long. Glad you're okay! And kudos to your doggy for protecting your family!


        • #5
          If I introduce you to my doggie, he's your best friend.

          If I don't. and you knock on my door/ring the doorbell/come in when he does not know you, he'll sound like he's gonna gnaw your ankles off.

          I my doggie and Lucy,

          "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
          I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


          • #6
            A woman walked into my house one night. New Years Eve. Husband and I decided to stay in and just hang out. We were in the office playing WoW.

            My dog, who used to go apeshit if so much of a bee flew over our airspace, just sat there and watched her do it. He didn't bark. He was in the front room with the front door.

            I heard the door open and close. I walked in there and saw nothing, so I opened the door and she was on my walkway. She said "Sorry." And I said' "It's okay. No harm done."

            I was a little wigged out and locked the door.

            This might be TMI, but I actually conceived my daughter that night, after 15 years of thinking I could not have kids.

            I don't know what the hell happened that night. I'm just telling you the facts.


            • #7
              Nurian and JustaCashier, when I told my husband what happened, he went over to the fridge. He gave Lucy a hot dog. He petted her and praised her on what a good job she had done. If I could afford to I would buy a fresh t-bone steak and cook it up just for her. Tonight though I'm fixing those small cheap eye of round steaks. So we'll be sharing with Lucy tonight.

              Bandit, Lucy is the same way. She has to be able to sniff and check you out first.

              RecoveringKinkoid, At least you know one thing that happened that night... Seriously though, you have to wonder if that woman hadn't shown up, would you have your daughter today. Anything is possible I say.

              MaggietheCat, no need to apologize. I love hearing you guys stories too. However I suddenly have this craving for cookies. Chocolate chip fresh out the oven.
              Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

              Proud Air Force Mom


              • #8
                Oh, I have a couple of these!

                I once had a drunk guy walk into my house late at night. He shut the door, turned around (slighty wobbly) and stopped dead with a seriously confused look. He says, "Who are you and why are you in my house?" I said, "Uh, dude- you're drunk and this is my house."

                He blinks a couple of times, looks around, turns red and says, "Uhhhh... oh. Sorry." And he left. He had actually just moved in a couple doors down, was drunk, and simply made a mistake.

                Another time, a day after I moved into a place I had some friends over and we were watching a movie. The front door bursts open and in runs the Feds, guns, badges and all. Surprisingly, we all just sat there and stared at them like . They seemed surprised that we didn't seem surprised. It was a movie moment, really, only not in a movie.

                Once we got our identities sorted and all they apologized and left. I looked out the window and realized we were surrounded by a SWAT Team (or something) and everything. Guess the guy was really somethin'.

                Turns out the guy that had moved out like the day before I moved in was wanted for quite a number of things.
                "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                ~TechSmith 314
                HellGate: London


                • #9
                  Quoth RavenStarr View Post

                  RecoveringKinkoid, At least you know one thing that happened that night... Seriously though, you have to wonder if that woman hadn't shown up, would you have your daughter today. Anything is possible I say.

                  I know, I think about that. Often.

                  And yeah. We decided to start the year off with a bang. Ahem.


                  • #10
                    Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                    I know, I think about that. Often.

                    And yeah. We decided to start the year off with a bang. Ahem.



                    • #11
                      My cousin's husband went down stairs one New Year's morning to find a stranger sleeping on their couch.

                      Woke the guy up, he was embarrassed, apologized, and left. Then they realized he had peed all over their brand new couch. GROSS.

                      The guy ended up getting arrested, but all charges were dropped when he paid for the couch.


                      • #12
                        Out of curiousity here...

                        Everyone who has had someone in their house who wasnt supposed to be, were your doors unlocked?

                        I live in a city, and am naturally paranoid so my doors are always locked. My husbands family who lives in Florida though (suburby areas), leaves their doors unlocked 24/7 and it freaks me out.


                        • #13
                          I wasn't there for the actual event as I was at a friend's house but my parents told me all about it after everything was sorted out.

                          I grew up in a neighborhood a stone's skip away from East Los Angeles and about three years after we moved in we had a giant influx of gangs move in. We had 18th street and Lomas all over the place. Some of the individuals were actually *very* nice and often kept an eye out for me when my folks were away at work (latchkey kid here). I got my ear boxed many a times by some of the gang members for being very ditzy/forgetful and unaware during those years. Until they moved in, our city was a very sleepy little suburban area and I didn't think anything weird about opening doors to strangers.

                          The only problems came when rival gang members would show up to start fights/drive by's whatever.

                          Anyway, SoCal is pretty hot during the summer and the Lomas family up in the front house of the 'apartments' (really it was just six town homes in a lot of land) had become somewhat family friends. I was surprised about this since my parents are very 'old school' and can be quite judgmental but the men bonded over their love of classic cars and the womenfolk over food. They didn't have kids; it was two families sharing the house and they were somewhere in their thirties. Often, they were cool as all hell even when the men had their beers. While they lived there we always had churrascos and the two families would come and hang out with us.

                          We were never invited/allowed to *their* parties as my mom, despite it all, still didn't trust what went up there.

                          So this particular day, my dad was tending the garden in the front and my mom was taking advantage of the cool breeze/hot sun by hanging clothes out to dry instead of using the dryer. (She says that gets the house hotter). The front door and back door were wide open save the screen doors. Mom had the left the gate to our back yard propped open since my dad had been moving manure to the garden from where it was kept beneath the rabbit's hutch in the backyard.

                          Mom had her ranchera music on, my dad was singing.. all was good... until a fight broke out in the front house. I guess one of the cousins of one of the wives had been harassed by a rival gang's men, the homies went out and kicked the guy's butt and now the guy's family was out to start stuff with our friends out of revenge.

                          Dad says the only thing he got out of the fight was "DON'T BE A PUSSY AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN!" followed by someone yell "AY VIENE LA CHOTA!" ( here come the pigs/cops). Then all six men broke into a run.

                          But they didn't run out down the street but toward the back of the lot of our apartments.

                          So they ran down the pavement, across several lawns, into my backyard and there the group split like "ants when you step on an anthill' my mom said. Some of the men jumped onto the rabbit hutch, over the stone wall and into the other set of homes. Some of the other guys paused long enough to say "excuse me" and "thank you" as they entered our home and proceeded to run out the front door. One guy jumped on top of the rabbit hutch and then to our roof, crossed the roof of the duplex and onto yet another lot.

                          Mom says she and my dad were so confused by it all the cops still found my mom holding on the sheet she was about to hang and my dad still watering the same plant he had been watering when the guys burst through.

                          I can just imagine my folks doing Bug's "He went that away" shtick when pointing out which way the guys ran.
                          "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


                          • #14
                            Quoth AnqeiicDemise View Post
                            I can just imagine my folks doing Bug's "He went that away" shtick when pointing out which way the guys ran.
                            Maybe they should have taken the left turn at Albequokee
                            I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


                            • #15
                              Amina516 no my door was not locked. I always tell them to lock the door. On this night though I forgot to tell them. I admit that was my fault.
                              Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

                              Proud Air Force Mom

