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A Stranger Walks Right Into My House

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  • #16
    In my dorm, drunken people were always trying to get into my room. A very simple "You're on the wrong floor!" yelled through the door got the point across.

    And *that* is the reason why I got into the habit of locking my door as soon as I get into the house.
    "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


    • #17
      Quoth AnqeiicDemise View Post
      In my dorm, drunken people were always trying to get into my room. A very simple "You're on the wrong floor!" yelled through the door got the point across.

      And *that* is the reason why I got into the habit of locking my door as soon as I get into the house.
      Well, I didn't have drunken people always trying. But a few times, certainly. And that's why I too usually lock my door. That and the one time before I was in the dorm and living with some roommates, one of them left the front door wide open while no one was home. For 5 hours.
      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


      • #18
        We lock the front door but leave the back door unlocked when we are home ... they have to get past the dog to get in. We also put the spare key to the house on her collar Nothing like a 100 lb very possessive german shepherd watching the back deck for safety ...
        EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


        • #19
          I did that once. I was reading a book, walking along the sidewalk outside my apartments, turned and went into what I thought was the last one. Saw a guy I didn't know valcuming the floor. I demanded to know who he was. He wanted to know who I was. Then a I realized I was in the wrong house. Very embrassed. But he shrugged it off. He was a cool neighbor.

          A few years ago, heck I think it was back when Mr Slugger was running the place. I was sleeping in bed, when someone kocked on my door. I ignored it. Everyone in the ./know/ knows to knock on my window, and I'll let them in. Then I hear pounding. BOOM BOOM BOOM. I sprang out a bed, and this man is in my house, demanding to know where a David is, as this David stole his back. I'm confused. I see my piss of shit neighbor running off. This man is starting to go upstairs to where my mom's room was. I grabbed him, and threw him on the ground. I was screaming at him to get out of my house. He just growned. He got on a bike, and I tackled him foff it. Police finally came and got him.

          Luckly my mom wasn't home. Piece of shit neighbor called the police, but I have a theory he was invovled.

          I went to court later that month. The dude pleaded guilty. didnd't even have to give a statement. Yay me.
          Military Spouse Support.

          Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


          • #20
            Yeah, my door was unlocked, but it was by accident. I usually do lock it.


            • #21
              Quoth RavenStarr View Post
              Before my son could say anything, my dog lunged at him, snarling, teeth flaring , her hair standing up. The guy hightailed it out of there real quick. After that I was told Lucy stood right at the door for about 30 min, growling teeth still flared.
              When a dog reacts like that, chances are she has a good reason to. Good job, Lucy.
              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
              My LiveJournal
              A page we can all agree with!


              • #22
                Growing up and in my last house I was never all that concerned about the door being locked when we were at home.

                Here though I insist, even though it's a better neighborhood.

                The woman who used to own this house had people just walking in all the time. The neighbors have told me they would walk in, grab some eggs holler "Hey it's me I'm stealing 3 eggs" and leave.

                Not that I don't like my neighbors, but if I happen to be walking around naked, or enjoying naked time with my wife, I really don't want someone just walking in.

                That and the woman who owned the house before is a freaking nut case and I wouldn't put it past her to try the door if she noticed we weren't home and make herself comfortable.


                • #23
                  Back in my college days.....I was a wee bit tipsy, and didn't feel like going to sleep. I believe it was around 1am.

                  I hear someone running very fast towards our dorm room, and WHAM!!! He breaks the door open (it was locked). He looked at me, grunted and ran off.

                  Needless to say, we were freaked out. Our RA did nothing, seeing as he was woken up ( and he was supposed to be "on duty")

                  We got the lock fixed the next morning, and I seem to remember getting fined for the hole in the wall.....*sigh*

                  Hearing these stories about people just walking in.....I think I want to get a dog cats would just hiss and run away
                  "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
                  "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


                  • #24
                    Quoth draftermatt View Post

                    Not that I don't like my neighbors, but if I happen to be walking around naked, or enjoying naked time with my wife, I really don't want someone just walking in.
                    See, this is one of the reasons I knock instead of just walking in. I once walked in my brother enjoying happy time with his wife when I was about 11.
                    Last edited by RavenStarr; 11-01-2009, 05:11 PM.
                    Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

                    Proud Air Force Mom


                    • #25
                      I didn't realize walking into the wrong apartment/house was a common occurrence . . .

                      While I've never had that happen to us that I can recall, there was one time my stepdad wandered into my bedroom while going to the bathroom and crawled into my bed thinking he was back in his and Mom's room . . .

                      Luckily Mom came and found him pretty quickly. This was around the time I woke up and looked over and saw him. "What's going on?"

                      Stepdad turned around and asked what I was doing in his bed. "Uh, this is MY bed," I managed to say (I was still groggy and not completely brain-functioning.)

                      Meanwhile, Mom's standing over him, trying to get him out of the bed and finally manages to. "Sorry about that. Go back to bed," and she disappeared with him back toward their room.

                      Around here, we keep the doors locked when we're inside. If it's during the day, it's the back doors (both the inside door and storm door) and the front storm door will be locked.

                      At night, it's everything locked up and the alarm system turned on. We keep one remote out on the desk in the living room so if I wake up in the middle of the night and need to go out on the porch for a smoke, I can turn off the alarm so I don't invite the cops by accident.
                      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

