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It's About Time! The story of my kid's ears.

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  • It's About Time! The story of my kid's ears.

    My youngest son is 9 and has had issues with his ears getting clogged up his whole life. There have been times when he has tested out as clinically deaf due to this. Because of this he has to have Speech Therapy and a lot of special help for his classes. Also, he gets a lot of ear infections because of this.

    I have been begging the doctors for years to put tubes in his ears to help keep them drained. Seemed reasonable to me but they have always prefered to give him medication after medication. Currently, he takes 2 medicines a day which only help some.

    This time both his ears got infected at the same time. One doctor prescribed him several meds- for a total of SEVEN medications a day! 3 caused drowsiness! I thought that was an insane amount of meds but I gave them to him.

    We saw a different doctor for his follow up at the family practice we go to. He looked at the history and how many meds the kiddo was on this time and he said, "Yeah, I think this really shows that he needs the tubes."

    So, they're setting him up an appointment at the children's hospital.

    It's about freakin' time!
    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

    ~TechSmith 314
    HellGate: London

  • #2
    I thought it was still common practice to put tubes in. My brother and I had tubes put in our ears.
    I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


    • #3
      My sister still has tubes in her ears and she's 37! I remember how many problems she had when we were kids, even with the tubes in her ears...I'm glad they're finally doing it for your son.


      • #4
        Some doctors make me wonder about medical school qualifications.
        How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


        • #5
          I don't know if it's common now or not. One doctor told me they don't do it at all anymore... which, obviously, is untrue.

          His ears just need all the help draining they can get. Maybe when he's older he won't need them.

          "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

          ~TechSmith 314
          HellGate: London


          • #6
            I would state my theory on why I think doctors do this. However I think that would be a topic for fratching.
            Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

            Proud Air Force Mom


            • #7
              I had an issue with my son and his tonsils. For a good long while, he had issues with strep throat, fevers and vomiting, and all the family docs would do was throw antibiotics @ me. I would bring up the issue of "tonsils" everytime and they would deny it was that......

              So next time he got sick...I went to a COMPLETELY different doctor, the actual surgeon, sans referral and told him I think he needed his tonsils out...and the surgeon whole heatedly agreed with me, and we set up his surgery a few months down the road.

              So..the next time he got sick (before surgery), i went back to the family doc, just to have a little check up. I mentioned his upcoming tonsil surgery and they now wholeheartedly agreed that he needed them out and had always needed them out. I had never before wanted to punch a doctor in the face so bad.

              Im glad they finally agreed, Night Angel. For all the schooling them docs gets, they sometimes lack common sense. Or forget that everyones experiences arent the same. They tend to not think outside the box. Also, im not sure where you live, but where I am, they do tubes ALLLL THE TIME!


              • #8
                Quoth Amina516 View Post
                I mentioned his upcoming tonsil surgery and they now wholeheartedly agreed that he needed them out and had always needed them out. I had never before wanted to punch a doctor in the face so bad.
                I got that as a kid as well-strep and tonsilitis every month-actually had strep for an entire year in my early 20's-new antibiotic every month when the culture came back positive-same strain. Finally got a surgical consult after they turned septic-age when tonsillectomy first requested-8 age when finally done 22.
                Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                • #9
                  Quoth Soulstealer View Post
                  Some doctors make me wonder about medical school qualifications.
                  Reminds me of a scary but true joke: What do you call the person who graduates medical school last in the class?


                  Quoth NightAngel View Post
                  His ears just need all the help draining they can get. Maybe when he's older he won't need them.
                  Make certain he is aware of that as he grows up, please. Failure to address these sorts of issues can lead to a scary condition called a cholesteatoma. I didn't do enough about it, had a surgery once, and now that I read that article, it looks like it will have to be done again.

                  Tell him to be careful, at the very least.

