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When it Rains it Pours or, People Suck: A Tale of Ass Hattery

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  • When it Rains it Pours or, People Suck: A Tale of Ass Hattery

    Literally...when it rains....ok. Sweetface and I went to friend's house to celebrate Lil Bunny's birfday last week. We had a nice time, and he actually managed to stay upright and awake for the get together. We get back to our apartment around..God.. I dunno? 11:30? We live in a pretty ok complex-it's big and well lit. Our building is a the end of a little dead end lane- and he snags a spot 4th from the door. The next morning I leave to run errands and on my way back to the building around noon I happen to notice that Sweetface left his windows down last night. Only he didn't leave his windows down. Glass all over the inside of the car, and it's allll wet. It was raining when we got home the night before, and it was still raining when I found it. Everything in the back seat was soggy. They took his face plate for his stereo and his sub woofers and custom box thingie out of the back.. There are pry marks on the dash where they attempted (unsuccessfully) to extract the whole stereo.

    Like we need this on top of everything else. Sweetface is so upset he's not talking and I have to return to work. He promises to call the insurance company before I get home, and I also make him promise to call for repair estimates. Much to my surprise, he does. (Some times getting Sweetface to take care of boring adult business can be like getting a 10 year old to mow the lawn) The auto glass place lets us store the car in his bay over night since it's STILL raining and we don't have covered parking. $310 later (the cheapest in town) the windows are fixed. The interior is still damp and the property is still missing, but the car is fixed. Thank goodness I have the credit card, otherwise his car would still be sitting in the parking lot 'open for business'. However I'm going to have to work even more hours than before to pay this off. I'll have to pay the entire bill for the repairs simply because I'm the only one that has any income. Sweetface still can't work, and we're stretched thin as it is. His face plate will be around $150 to replace so he's without a radio until we have some extra bones laying around-and that won't be until he's able to return to work-whenever that might be. His subs are a loss. Neither of us can justify spending that kind of money again even after we're back up and running on full capacity.

    I am SO heartbroken for him. The poor guy doesn't even have a frigging radio to listen to when he runs his errands. He knows as well as I do that my dollars will be paying that bill too (among the others that I'm stepped up to cover) and that's difficult for him to accept. Even though there isn't an alternative, nor am I upset [at him] about it. After all he's got to go through they violate his personal space too. Even though it was just 'things' that they took, damn it, they were HIS things. HIS things that he worked damn hard for. I am so ANGRY at the scumbags that did it. I doubt knowing that the car belonged to a cancer patient would have swayed them, but I'd still like to let them know. My heart is heavy knowing that it's going to be a stretch to pay for the windows-there is no way I can replace his face plate or the woofers. I would in a heartbeat if I had the means, but I don't. It's so silly, but I feel like I'm failing him-us, a little bit since I can't fix this misfortune 100%.

    Tomorrow he returns to the hospital for his inpatient stay (booooo!) and we're both worried about his car being left alone for so long. Granted, I'll be at home, and there isn't anything left to take out of it....but he's a little skittish right now. Understandably so. And no-the management won't do anything but tell us to 'get a garage'. I get it that they didn't break in to the car, but I do think it's their responsibility to provide a safe place to park. I can understand it if we were all expected to park on side streets but we're not. Besides, were making rent on a prayer as it is, the extra $120 ($60 a piece) a month they want for garages...we just don't have it. Not now anyway, when it matters!!


    People Suck.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	jerkfaces.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	131.2 KB
ID:	2033119
    Well fiddle dee dee!!

  • #2
    That really, really sucks. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the thieves' nether regions. I hope the cops can catch those scumbags.

    What was the point of stealing the faceplate off the radio? Neither will work without the other! Crooks are stupid.
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
    A page we can all agree with!


    • #3
      Quoth XCashier View Post

      What was the point of stealing the faceplate off the radio? Neither will work without the other! Crooks are stupid.
      The OP mentioned pry marks on the dash, so they may have tried for the whole thing.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Any break-in like that leaves you feeling violated. And busting the car up just rubs salt in the wound. I had my car broken into about 7 years ago, I think. The asshole broke the window but must have gotten spooked because the stereo was still there, although the frame around it was broken and looked horrible.

        On the one hand, I was glad that I still had my stereo and didn't have to add that to the repair costs but on the other hand I was really pissed that he had broken the window and been incompetent enough to not even get what he came for. How contrary is that?
        My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant

