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  • Worried

    Just got off the phone with my mum, it seems my cuz and his girlfriend have been rushed to bigger city because she has gone into labour at 30 weeks, they managed to stop the labour but her contactions have started up again.

    This is there second pregnecy (first was etopic) and has been so hard on her (hospitilised more times than i can count) it will proberly be there only chance for a child.

    We are just all keeping our fingers crossed that they keep of labour 'til 32 weeks as then baby will have devolped lungs.

  • #2
    Im sorry to gear that. I'll send well wishes their way.

    And I hope she goes well PAST 32 weeks. Babies that small can still have issues.


    • #3
      Here's hoping for you and them
      I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


      • #4
        For what it's worth, Becks and I were born 3 months early. We're 99.9% healthy.

        Good thoughts and prayers.
        I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

        Oh, and your tool box got out again.


        • #5
          Holding thumbs and thinking happy thoughts for your cuz and his SO!!!
          The report button - not just for decoration


          • #6
            Quoth Bella_Vixen View Post
            For what it's worth, Becks and I were born 3 months early. We're 99.9% healthy...
            ...and you're on here!

            My grandson was born at 25 weeks (1b 9oz). Needed glasses and supplemental oxygen the last time we saw him (2 years old), but was in far better health than the hospital had ever expected.

            Good luck to your cuz & GF, may they have the strength to deal with whatever happens, and I hope it is all good.
            I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
            Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
            Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.

