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You have got to be kidding me!

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  • You have got to be kidding me!

    My coworkers used to say I have the worst luck ever.... I am beginning to think they are right ><

    ...We finally got the car fixed ^_^ she is running wonderful...the radio is acting weird though.... But the truck lock broke! No biggie, cheep fix.... WRONG. The part that all the auto stores have on file for our Make and Model is the WRONG FRACKING size. It is too small... wont fit in the trunk. >< So use #56: to hold a trunk closed.... for duct-tape. On top of that... last week ((not sure if I mentioned this)) we had some people cut down a tree next to our building...this resulted in the gutters clogging... which in turn resulted in the roof flooding....which lead to our apartment being soggy... Now it has dried out and such...but the roof is still bubbled down and the paint is peeling where it got wet. But It is livable until Landlord can fix.

    ...Yesterday I got a letter in the mail from the SNAP agency...which is a help program for low income housing ect. Basically our Landlord filed a claim with them and they have to verify that all of us actually are low income. Okay Great! No biggie just get together the info SSCards, Power Bill, and Proof of income.

    ...Oh... great... looks like I threw out my Pay stubs for this year because they were SOAKED beyond recognition..... and my SSCard? is missing! I could have sworn I had given it too my mother to hang onto...she swears she gave it to me....... you know...its only REALLY important and stuff. I called the lady and left a message so we could try and figure out what to do... but she hasn't called me back yet... ><

    ...*sigh* I just needed to feels like if it's not one thing its another.

    .......oh yes... an edit. After going through our finances... with all the extra $$ we had to dish out this month for the car, the laundry, and food...we are severely low on monies...But no biggie because I was thinking the beau would get paid the day rent was due.... I was wrong... somehow I thought the 5th was Friday...but it is Thursday. So we have to be a day late on our rent...which means we get charged an extra $25 bucks. Which might not sound like alot... but for how little we make it is. ugh... *deep breath!* getting it all out makes me feel better... thanks for letting me rant you guys.
    Last edited by Red_Dazes; 11-03-2009, 11:54 PM. Reason: Haha! More suck!
    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

  • #2
    I'm sorry, Red. Just try to tackle one thing at a time.
    I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


    • #3
      As for your pay stubs, I would think that the accounting department of wherever you work should be able to get you copies of your pay stubs. I'd check with them. As for rent, is there any way you can talk to your landlord and let them know what's going been on lately, and maybe put down half of it or at least part of it now and the rest on Friday when the beau gets paid? If you're good tenants they might be able to make an exception for can't hurt to ask, anyway.

      :hugs: Sorry you're having such a rough time. Hang in there!


      • #4
        As to the truck/trunk? lock........
        I work at a locksmiths, might be able to help on that.
        Which lock is it? and what year, make and model of car?
        And what is it doing or not doing?


        • #5
          Quoth It shouldn't View Post
          As to the truck/trunk? lock........
          I work at a locksmiths, might be able to help on that.
          Which lock is it? and what year, make and model of car?
          And what is it doing or not doing?
          Its a 94 buick Lesebre. ((sp)) and the locking mechanism in the trunk actually broke a small spring inside itself.... trapping the key and rendering it useless. So we have to replace the whole lock... I believe it is 2 separate pieces + a Key. So we can't latch the trunk because the spring snapped into the OPEN position and will not go back. And when we bought the piece that the Computer systems at the auto parts store said was the right one... it was too small to fit.... they even checked every part they had in stock that the computer said SHOULD be for our car and when compared side by side... No dice ours is bigger than is should be apparently.
          "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


          • #6
            Instead of an auto parts store call a salvage yard. They'll have the right one or tell you where you can get one.
            Bow down before me for I am ROOT

            Preserving precious bodily fluids sine 1952


            • #7
              So the key hole is turned to the right and stuck there?
              If yes...
              Your spring retainer on your key cylinder has sprung.
              Take out the lock and call around to locksmiths.
              I could fix that for you here in about 10 minutes.


              • #8
                We did actually take it to a locksmith... he said "You guys need to buy a new locking mechanism for this... its gone."
                "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


                • #9
                  *hug* Hang in there, ok? And yes you should be able to get some sort of reprint of pay stubs from work, it may not be in the original format but they should be willing to take it.


                  • #10
                    So you have the key cylinder out of the trunk?
                    Once it's out, the trunk will latch again. All you need is a long, flat tipped screw driver to open it again.
                    On the back of the cylinder in a long flat tail piece, that goes into a slot in the latch mechanism. Once the lock is out all you have to do is stick that screw driver into that slot and turn it a quater turn and the trunk will pop.

                    Of course everbody with a screw driver will be able to get in your trunk, too.
                    But at least you can drive the car without the trunk lid flapping in the breeze.

                    And you're right, the LaSabre's do have an oddball tunk lock. They seemed to only have used that style in the 92 to 94 Le Sabre's.


                    • #11
                      You can get a new copy of your SS card at the SS office.
                      Don't wanna; not gonna.


                      • #12
                        Quoth 42_42_42 View Post
                        You can get a new copy of your SS card at the SS office.
                        Yep...I'm waiting on it... it was just EVERYTHING at once that made it so annoying... ><
                        "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

