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My latest D&D campaign

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  • My latest D&D campaign

    My players begged me to run a game where they could play anthropomorphic animals. So I am.

    Session 1: Finish characters, short adventure: They were raised by a wizard who transmuted them all and has raised them as his children. On his private estate, where they think it is Medieval times. Session ends with a raid by the Bureau of Magic complete with choppers and assault rifles. Yes, I'm evil. The group escapes the Bureau of Magic by appropriating a time machine.

    Session 2: They fight dinosaurs and aliens! Escapte imminent destruction by asteroid using their time machine; thoughtfully recharged for them by their new Fraal friend.

    They don't know it yet, but this is what they're walking into next week:

    Session 3: They find themselves caught up in a post apocalyptic three way power struggle between a vampire lord, a pack of werewolves who re-enact Rocky Horror Picture show each night, and a group of Mexican luchadores who worship the great and terrible god: Santa on a stick!

    Oh, yeah, and the time machine is going to need about a year to recharge, so they're stuck for a while.

    I figured the gamers here would get a laugh out of this and if you have any crazy ideas I can throw at them after this mess, please toss them my way. I'm always looking for new ways to warp their fragile little minds.

  • #2
    Maybe Jack Skelleton could get involved someone. The wearwolves capture a sketon minion of the vampire lord, dress him up as Sanata, and have him go to the luchadores singing this halloween.
    Military Spouse Support.
    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


    • #3
      How about a Rock and Rule campaign?
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


      • #4
        Consider a 'Music Wars' Adventure as well, in one timeline. Eg. Santana-ites Vs. Rolling Stoners, or something?

        Basically, just keep things funny and different.


        • #5
          Oh! I did dinosaurs once! In a Boot Hill game.

          Hey, Valley of the Gwangie is one of my favorite movies, my players could not have been THAT suprised.


          • #6
            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
            Oh! I did dinosaurs once! In a Boot Hill game.
            Did you "free-form" it, or follow the article in Dragon magazine, and did they use conventional weapons to kill the dinosaur or did they have to resort to dynamite (and how much)?
            Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


            • #7
              Gerrinson, if you're going to go all over the place, you really need to invest in the GURPs ruleset. Lots more fun.
              I AM the evil bastard!
              A+ Certified IT Technician


              • #8
                Quoth wolfie View Post
                Did you "free-form" it, or follow the article in Dragon magazine, and did they use conventional weapons to kill the dinosaur or did they have to resort to dynamite (and how much)?
                Didn't see that article, but man, I wish I had. No, I guess I free formed it.

                It was a while back, and I don't remember if they killed any. I do remember a lot of screaming, running, and hiding.

                If they had used dynamite, I would have remembered that. That would have been awesome. And fun. At least for me. I've seen the "dead whale+ dynamite" clip.

                I mean, most of 'em had pistols. One carbine, and a buncha pistols.


                • #9
                  Quoth lordlundar View Post
                  Gerrinson, if you're going to go all over the place, you really need to invest in the GURPs ruleset. Lots more fun.
                  Yeah, well, all of my old GURPs, Shadowrun, AD&D, 1st ed. D&D, etc. went into a dumpster when my family ripped my grandmother's house apart. They'd promised to wait until after she died, but they did it less than 2 weeks after putting her into the nursing home.

                  I was living in Maine at the time, working 6 days a week, and didn't have enough notice to get time off to make the trip to the house, so all my stuff got tossed.

                  Trying to replace it all now would cost me an arm and leg that I don't have. I've been trying to save up for the two Pathfinder sourcebooks, as that's where I and my players would like to transition. So I've pushed together D&D and d20 Modern/Future to make my own settings. They work well together, and I can make an easy transistion to Pathfinder if we go that route.

