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What's up with Blockbuster online??

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  • What's up with Blockbuster online??

    Before October I averaged 14 movies a month being shipped to me.

    In October I got SEVEN movies. Now, it seems the only way I'll get a movie shipped to me is if I go to an "available" one and push it up to the top of my queue.

    Before, if the top movie was not available it would go to #2 and so on until it got to one that was available.

    Now, it looks like I'll never be able to get the "wait" movies since I'll always have to bump available movies to the top.

    What a crappy new system. I've been emailing back and fourth with customer service and all I get is "well, you don't have enough "available" movies (bull - I have over 200 listed as "available" - over 350 in my queue) or no 'available" movies are near the top.

    Well, I'll wait for their response and if it isn't resolved, it looks like I'll move over to Netflix - I'm sure I'll be able to get the same movies from them and honestly, I rarely used the $1.99 in store swap feature with BB.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    netflix is better. which is probably why blockbuster has been shutting down stores...maybe that has something to do with it?
    If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

    i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


    • #3
      They responded with a very close to carbon-copy to the last response (3-5 business days, they'll send it to the IT department) plus they sent me a coupon for a free rental at a store.

      Yadda yadda yadda.
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


      • #4
        netflix also sends you an e-mail if your next movie in line will take a while to get to you and WHY its taking so long but you don't normally have to skip it. And if its not available they let you know as soon as its added to your que


        • #5
          So, (with Netflix) if your top movie is not available, the system waits until it is available? See, BB didn't do this before and it seems like they're doing it now.

          They added an option for "speed" or "preference". I have mine set to speed - get the movies as fast as possible.

          Anyone else with Blockbuster experiencing this?
          Quote Dalesys:
          ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


          • #6
            Quoth draggar View Post
            So, (with Netflix) if your top movie is not available, the system waits until it is available?
            No. If the #1 disk is not available anywhere at all, they will either send you the next one, or if it is part of a series (and the one they cannot send is a previous disk) they will skip to the next disk that is either not in a series, or the next eligible series disk.

            NetFlix will always try to send from the nearest depot. If the disk is not there, they will find the next nearest one available and send it to you from there, usually they will email you to let you know it will be a bit longer than normal before you receive it, just as a courtesy.

            If you are like me and watch a lot of TV series, they will skip the next disk in a series if one isn't available. For example, if Season 1, disk 3 is not available, they will not send you Season 1, disk 4 while you wait.

            NetFlix CS is top notch too. There have been problems in the past where they have compensated me with an extra disk for a few weeks (4 at a time instead of my normal 3) on a problem that I never saw.

            Their selection is much greater than BB too. This is the reason I stayed with them instead of switching over to BB years ago.

            Needless to say, I highly recommend them.

            Eric the Grey
            In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


            • #7
              meh personally I like the red box store here in town. Its a dollar a day, and they often have new movies RIGHT when they come out.

              no waiting, no huge store, all it requires is a credit/debit card. and no charge till you return it.
              It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


              • #8
                I love that Netflix has free streaming. We use it on the Xbox (you have to have the paid membership, but my boyfriend was already paying for it) and we've used it on my laptop as well. I just wish more movies were on the streaming list!


                • #9
                  Quoth trailerparkmedic View Post
                  I love that Netflix has free streaming. We use it on the Xbox (you have to have the paid membership, but my boyfriend was already paying for it) and we've used it on my laptop as well. I just wish more movies were on the streaming list!
                  Ooooh, I forgot about that. I sometimes stream shows and/or movies here at work if I don't have enough on my laptop to watch, and not enough homework to keep me busy.

                  Eric the Grey
                  In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


                  • #10
                    Yeah - Netflix has been pretty reliable here. They also have SO many things online streaming, and often you can watch things instantly instead of waiting. The quality is really good too so long as your internet connection is decent.


                    • #11
                      Netflix has been my friend for the last 2 yrs. I love the streaming option and the hubby is getting his fix. The best part of it is the speed in which the movies arrive. We have one here in town and it takes only 2 days for new movies to arrive. on a good week if we're good about sending them back I could get six in a week. my sis had blockbuster and she hated how slow they were. I could get 2-3 shipments before she got her next one
                      "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


                      • #12
                        Then it may be time to jump over.

                        This is my weekly annoyance:

                        G.I.Joe (the new movie)
                        Tuesday (release date)) : processing
                        Wednesday: processing
                        Thursday: processing
                        Friday: shipped (am)
                        Saturday: didn't receive it (I normally receive them the day after they shipped)

                        This is the FIRST movie they've shipped me this month - they received ones on the second and third (I have the "3 at a time" plan).
                        Quote Dalesys:
                        ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                        • #13
                          Quoth draggar View Post
                          Then it may be time to jump over.
                          Netflix does have a free 2 week trial. I'm amazed at how fast I get my movies--I got them in 2 days even when I was living in rural Texas.


                          • #14
                            Well, it seems that the issue might have been fixed - two movies were shipped today (no others were even processing on Saturday). We'll see how it goes after they receive G.I. Joe (which I got today and will send back tomorrow).
                            Quote Dalesys:
                            ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

