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The Saga of SUCK continues...

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  • The Saga of SUCK continues...

    ...I mentioned in a previous post. Our roof flooded and leaked...leak is to soft of a word.... the handy man said it looked like "A FRIGGING WATER FALL COMING OUT OF YOUR CEILING!"... because of this our building manager applied for low income housing assistance. So I needed to provide mine and the beaus SS card/proof of income for XYZ months/and a current avista bill.

    No biggie... except that all my pay stubs were destroyed by said 'leak'. SO this past week or so I have been running the gauntlet trying to find pay verification for myself. You would think this would be an easy task..... you would be wrong.

    ...First I contact work. Explain the situation to management and am told "We do not keep files of these things, however we have all our employment/pay info on "Theworknumber" ((which actually is a really neat company)) and you will have to get it from there.
    No biggie, I get the store info I will need and I attempt to access the work number... I cannot... MY info is invalid. not the companies, my personal info. WTF.

    Then comes three consecutive days of trying to contact their customer service line repeatedly... getting bounced around ALL over the place and eventually getting disconnected. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!

    I call management again. Tell them this. They tell me I should give the info to the company who needs to verify this info, and they should be able to look it up.

    I call the woman. Tell her you just call this number, or go to this website and enter my SS and store code and it will give you all the info you need on me. and she.. FLAT OUT tells me "I'm going to be honest with you hear, Red, I DO NOT have the time to do this for you. YOU need to make sure you get those papers and get them to me."

    ...I am dumbfounded...

    So I call management..yet again.... explain the situation. They give me ANOTHER number (for the work number) to try. I FINALLY get someone who listens to what I am saying, and she informs me that They are only a 3rd party verifier... and i cannot get this info myself. I will have to give the info to the 3rd party and they will have to look it up. I explain that they REFUSED to do so. This stuns the girl on the phone... she is as shocked as I am that they would be so utterly rude. So she tells me to contact my HR department and try to get the info that way.

    ....So I call management... once more... and get the ## to the HR coordinator. And thus I am at an impasse... I have been leaving him messages every day for the last 4 days... NO response..... I figure eventually he is going to have to call me back. But I am past being flustered by this... I am at the rampage point.

    ...I am at the "Call Every Hour on the Hour and if that doesn't work every half hour till his message box is full of nothing but "Hello! This is RED DAZES again! I've been leaving you messages for the last 4 days! It's very important call me back as soon as you possibly can.! #phone number# Thanks alot!" Point......
    ...and if that doesn't work getting the ## to the COMPANY lead HR manager and harassing him.
    And I have been...for the last 2 days...been contemplating lodging a formal complaint about the lady handling our case.... I know she doesn't really CARE about us. But the way she spoke to me was TOTALLY unprofessional. It wasn't that she didn't have time to do this... I understand that... it was HOW she said it.

    My company uses this on-line worknumber thing to make things go EASIER on everyone in this situation. But this is RIDICULOUS!

    *deep breath*

    sorry... needed to rant before I explode.
    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

  • #2

    We are supposed to be able to print off our paystubs online....yea only works for management who claims that we should have no problem to do it ourselves.


    • #3
      Yeah... pretty much how it went. Management ASSURED me I could access it online... but the company that it is actually run though said I COULDN'T...

      ((and I believe them a little more))

      But the HR guy FINALLY got back to me and is taking care of it! YEY! He is going to get me my proof of income for XYZ months and drop it off at EVIL STORE tomorrow!

      ^_^ Squee!
      "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


      • #4
        yay good thoughts


        • #5
          I hope that is the only hurdle you have.

          Come to think of it, that reminds me of another city dept. (I work for the libarary) who sends one of their employees to us to print out their pay check stubs. That dept. has computer problems sometimes (according to those employee), so no one can print out the employee's online info. Since said employee wouldn't know a mouse from a keyboard, most of my cw will just use our own terminals to print out their stubs, instead of getting him on a public terminal for him to do it himself. But I wish that dept. would find a way to get their employees their info. Or else, maybe this one employee pissed someone off or refuses to do it himself and cons us to do it for him.
          Last edited by depechemodefan; 11-13-2009, 02:01 AM. Reason: adding
          Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

          Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

          I wish porn had subtitles.

