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Anyone ever had to treat a dog for sarcoptic mange?

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  • Anyone ever had to treat a dog for sarcoptic mange?

    My parents took one of their dogs in to be groomed today. The groomer saw a patch of fur that was falling out because the dog keeps itching at it, and recommended my parents make an appointment with the vet that she works for (note: this isn't my parents' normal vet. Their vet's groomer was booked so they looked at a different groomer who is associated with a different vet to groom their dog.) So, the new vet examined the dog and determined that the dog has scabies, aka sarcoptic mange.

    The part that worries me most about this vet visit was that the vet claimed humans could not get mange and that my parents didn't have to worry at all about treating themselves or their environment, not even where the dog sleeps. My parents also have another dog and the vet said they might have to treat her, but only if she starts itching badly like the first dog does.

    This worries me because I used to work for a pet supply company that was founded by vets, so I've read a lot of their articles that they've written, and the info that my parents got from this new vet contradicts everything that I know about sarcoptic mange. It CAN be transmitted to humans, pet owners should absolutely treat the dog's environment, especially bedding, and all animals should be treated at the same time, even if they don't display signs of mange, because the mites can be transmitted back and forth between animals if they're not treated at the same time.

    My mom is going to call the new vet tomorrow morning and tell him about the article that I quoted (it's available online.) Has anyone here ever dealt with mange? What do you guys know about it and how to treat it?

  • #2
    The vet is wrong. I'm glad thats not your normal vet or else I'd tell you to find a new one. I think humans can get it since it is related to mites.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


    • #3
      I've gotten it from a stray cat we took in. Treat everyone (animals included) and then environment. If I remember right, the cat got a shot, and I got some sort of body cream.

      Of course, if its the other sort of mange (I don't remember the names, and wouldn't have known what sort you were talking about if you didn't include the aka scabies) it's not transmittable to humans.

      Talk to the new vet about it, but take your pets to the regular vet for confirmation on the diagnosis.

