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What the hell lady?

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  • What the hell lady?

    So I am at school and I just get out of one class and I'm on the way to another. My cell phone rings and it isn't a number I all. I mean, I don't even recognize the area code. This in itself isn't that weird. I spent a number of years in the military, been stationed all over the place, so it's not that odd that I get a random phone call from someone I haven't talked to in close to a decade. I've had the same number for a long....long time so I tend to get people calling me up searching for other former coworkers. I was also a supervisor for a good deal of time so I end up on a lot of resumes. So basically, I get phone calls from random people all the time. Except this ended up being the most frustrating call I have ever gotten...or should I say series of calls....

    Me: Hello
    Crazy Girl (hence forth referred to as CG):.....(I hear nothing)
    Me: HELLO?
    CG: Who is this?
    Me: What? You called me?
    CG: I'm trying to get a hold of my sister.
    Me: I'm afraid you got the wrong number.
    CG: No I didn't (which was surprising news to me as that must mean I am her sister)
    Me: got the wrong number...sorry.
    CG: Who am I talking to....
    Me: The guy who owns the phone you just called at (said my cell number- I make it a point not to give out my name to people over the phone that I don't know)
    CG: Oh....(Hangs up without so much as an apology)

    Not even two minutes later...Ring, Ring

    Me: Still wrong number (I recognized her number from before)
    CG: What?
    Me: This is the wrong number still.
    CG: No it isn't. I want to talk to my sister!
    (At this point I am utterly dumbfounded. What am I supposed to do?)
    Me: Lady, I don't know what to tell you except your dialing the wrong number.
    CG: No I'm not. This number is the one she gave me and it's saved on my phone.
    Me: Well it's still the wrong number. Stop calling me. <click>
    (Now I wouldn't normally just rudely hang up on someone but since she did it first, add in the fact that she sounded crazy, this seemed to be completely justified) phone rings again...
    CG: Alright, who am I talking to?
    CG: I want to know where you got this phone.
    Me: I want to know where you got this goddamn number!
    (So I am now in the middle of the street arguing with some shut-in...and it just won't end)
    Me: Listen very carefully nutbag...I have had this number for over 8 years now. I don't know why or how you got this number...but IT'S NOT YOUR SISTER'S FUCKING NUMBER!!!
    CG: YES IT IS!!!
    Me: Hey lady...maybe your sister is trying to tell you something...<click>

    Since then, and this happened this morning, I have gotten 3 more calls from this woman that I have just ignored. Surprisingly she hasn't left any rambling voice mails or anything...but my god...the woman couldn't understand a simple concept. Although, knowing my luck, the woman is going to call the cops and report a kidnapping because I obviously have her sister's phone or something...
    "Beatings will continue until morale improves!"

  • #2
    You could have had so much fun with her...
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


    • #3
      Oh you could have said "Yes I have your sister and if you ever want to see her again you will get (cue dr evil) 1 billion dollars mwahahaha.... and chocolate to me by tomorrow afternoon"
      I am but a tiny, barren, insignificant rock caught in the glorious orbit of your shining sun. Gravekeeper.


      • #4
        I always knew there was a downside to giving a fake number out

        Thank god for the rejection hotline and 867-5309.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          I had that happen once when I was at the state fair with my friends. I get a text from some girl and I answered saying "You have the wrong number."

          "Huh who is dis?"
          "A wrong number."
          "no it isnt i was just talkin to my friend brit brat a second ago"
          "Well I don't know what to tell you but I'm not Brit Brat. Your area code is from Ohio. I am not in Ohio."
          "what? yes u r"
          "No I am not. I am at the state fair in NY."
          "no ur not ur my friend brit"
          "No I am not your friend Brit. I am Chaz."
          "r u a guy or a girl? lol i love boys"

          At this point I figured, sure. Why not. She wasn't listening to me and wouldn't leave me alone, I could tell her whatever I wanted.

          "Yes, I'm a boy."
          "prove it"
          "I don't want to send a complete stranger who started texting me out of nowhere my picture. I can take a picture of the fair though."

          So I do, and she still doesn't believe me. While I'm taking a picture of the state fair logo, some woman looks over my cat hood and goes "... Meow?" It was at this point I realized I'd been looking like I was taking a picture of her kid. I apologized and went on my way. After I sent the picture, the stranger said she had to go eat dinner.

          At 2 am that night when I was trying to sleep a work, I got a text apologizing.


          • #6
            Chaz - and I think I can figure out the area codes, too.

            First number for the Ohio area code is a 2 and the first number for its similar code in NY is a 7. Am I close?
            "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


            • #7
              Hubby at one time kept getting calls from a girl in Japan. At least she could understand english well enough to realize her mistake.
              "Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are your own fears." – Rudyard Kipling

              I don't have hot flashes. I have short, private vacations to the tropics.


              • #8
                A few years back I got calls (and voicemails) REPEATEDLY from somebody who did NOT speak english...

                Ok.. now i've never misdialed a number so badly that I got someone who couldn't speak english.. But a big clue you might have the wrong number???

                the voicemail message stating 'you have reached X leave a message after the beep' IS NOT IN THE LANGUAGE you speak!

                this bugged me for... weeks on end. If I answered the call 'insert gibberish here' (ok i know it wasn't gibberish but it wasn't french, spanish, italian or any language i recognize lol). me: wrong number them: some language Me: WRONG NUMBER *click*

                if I didn't answer the call I'd get 1 or 2 minutes of this message in whatever language on my voicemail.

                Finally I suppose they clued in and stopped calling.
                Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.


                • #9
                  Quoth MergedLoki View Post
                  A few years back I got calls (and voicemails) REPEATEDLY from somebody who did NOT speak english...
                  That's happened to me before as well. Although I've never had anyone flip out on me when I told them they had the wrong number.
                  I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                  • #10
                    This has happened to me a few times. Once, I followed a comedian's advice that I had heard a long time ago on how to handle this situation:

                    "I know she's there! Put her on the phone NOW!!!"

                    OK, ya got me. But can she call you later? My dicks' in her mouth right now."

                    Never called me back after that. It was her father, BTW.
                    "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


                    • #11
                      Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
                      Never called me back after that. It was her father, BTW.
                      Somebody got a breathalyzer test when she got home...
                      I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                      Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                      Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
                        "I know she's there! Put her on the phone NOW!!!"

                        OK, ya got me. But can she call you later? My dicks' in her mouth right now."

                        Never called me back after that. It was her father, BTW.
                        Wow, I wonder if that would have worked with my problem.

                        For the first 2 and half years after I got my current number, I kept receiving calls from women for some guy, we'll call him Chad.

                        See Chad liked to give out a phone number to the women he met and went home with (I finally asked one of them where she got my number) but apparently didn't want to give HIS actual number to them. I mean, who wants to talk to the women you sleep with, right?

                        Anyway I finally got into the habit of simply telling the women who called that he gives out MY number instead of his own, which seemed to piss them off considerably. Eventually, it stopped.

                        I still wonder if any of them caught up with him.

                        The only other time I had something like that happen was when the Thornton Police Department called looking for some woman. I told them how long I'd had the number (over 3 years at that point) and that not only was she not there, but I had no idea who this chick was at all. Never heard from them again.

                        Eric the Grey
                        In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


                        • #13
                          Ha! I had a 16 year old kid text me once by mistake. I was at work and really bored. We made friends and actually talked somewhat regularly for awhile there. Always via text and we never exchanged photos or anything.
                          "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                          ...Beware the voice without a face...

