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Sleep Paralysis

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  • #31
    Quoth Misanthropical View Post
    You only think you're funny!

    My sons have never mentioned having it, but my daughter gets it. It seems to run in our family as do all the other weird things.

    I have heard it referred to as "Old Hag Syndrome" but I have never seen or sensed any such person when I have sleep paralysis nor has my daughter. I have had the sense of a person in the room, but they didn't seem to have much interest in me either good or bad, they just seem to be there.
    Hey, whatever works, y'know?

    And I'm glad you don't give your daughter a hard time over these things. My mom did; swear to the gods, all she ever did when I was little and I needed help with the Otherworldly stuff, she'd just...go super religious on me.

    Bless her, though, she tried helping in her own way but nine times out of ten, I learned to fear her and not talk. Which, of course, only made things worse.

    I did have another brief episode of SP the other day. I don't recall seeing anything, just that heavy, fuzzy feeling once I managed to get up and out of bed.

    All Sleep Paralysis related issues have yet to occur again since I did a quick house cleansing/blessing. I did it as a 'just in case' thing and I'm glad I did. I got a call from a person I used to play a game with online who told me she got a random message from another person we played with. She said that message was in fluid Italian and the message was a brief '<name>'s soul is mine, yours is next and after that <Demise> as well.' (This call came a day after the last episode which was about two days after the first time).

    I don't *care* if it was a random occurrence but you bet your ass I'm not taking it as a joke.
    "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


    • #32
      Well, here is the weird part for my daughter and myself. We sometimes have the feeling of moving, but find we haven't moved an inch. We want to move and think we have moved, but haven't.

      I did get it once where I got out of right away and tried to go back to sleep only to be thrown back into it. In that episode and only that one I was being talk to by a demon. It scared me so bad that when I got out of it the second time I cuddled up to my husband and wouldn't let go of him all night. I didn't tell him why, I only told him I had a bad dream.

      There are two things that scare the living holy hell out of me relating to the paranormal and those are demons and shadow people.

      My little guy has told me of seeing shadow people in the last neighborhood we lived in.
      Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

      If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

      Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.

