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Credit Card scam / fraud with callback # 303-325-7300

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  • Credit Card scam / fraud with callback # 303-325-7300

    My wife got a text message yesterday stating that her Visa card was frozen and she needed to call the bank at 303-325-7300. She asked me about it and I told her to take down all the information and to call the bank directly with the # on her card (we only have Visa check cards now).

    She called the bank (NOT the number 303-325-7300) and her card was not frozen (good) so they transferred her to the fraud department so she could give them the information, which they did.

    The text message was simple yet the callback # was 303-325-7300. If you get a similar text message, voice mail, or call, DO NOT CALL THEM BACK. Call your bank directly and verify that your account is OK and then have them transferred to their fraud department so you can give them the information.

    Yes, I am posting this here to take advantage of the forum's SEO so this DOES get indexed by search engines so if anyone searches for the phone number, 303-325-7300 they have a better chance of coming to this thread and seeing that it is an attempt at fraud.

    Don't mind the editing - I did that deliberately to make this post easier to find (and rank higher) with the search engines.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    Good idea, reporting it. I sometimes get fraudulent messages for banks I've never dealt with. I like to call the real bank to notify the fraud department or at least get my victim CSR to note the incident. Maybe it'll do some good.


    • #3
      Thanks for the warning chief. Though I'd hope none of the people would be so stupid to fall for that
      Military Spouse Support.
      Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


      • #4
        Quoth Jack View Post
        Good idea, reporting it. I sometimes get fraudulent messages for banks I've never dealt with. I like to call the real bank to notify the fraud department or at least get my victim CSR to note the incident. Maybe it'll do some good.
        I'm always getting spam email from obvious fraud attempts from banks, PayPal, the recent one is Facebook password resets. I forward them all to fraud@(whoever) and abuse@(whoever).

        Quoth Plaidman View Post
        Thanks for the warning chief. Though I'd hope none of the people would be so stupid to fall for that
        Sadly, the fact that they continue to do this (it's been going on for a long time) proves that some people do fall for it. the only defense is education and quick action.
        Quote Dalesys:
        ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


        • #5
          I think far faster then I type, I meant none of the people here.
          Military Spouse Support.

          Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


          • #6
            According to my Google-Fu its quite extensive already and started around Dec 10th. Ton of scam reports. The text messages also originate from 9099 and the target seems to be Sprint customers. It identifies itself as the "Florida West Coast Federal Credit Union".

            The line itself belongs to an RV park in Erie, Colorado but its been hijacked and the business it belongs too can't get Vonage to shut it down so far despite the scam going on for over a week. Vonage ftw.

            According to the owner the line is not text message capable. So the text messages are going to originate from the caller ID 9099 while the callback number belongs to the RV Park and has been hijacked.

            Obvious scam is rather obvious though.
            Last edited by Gravekeeper; 12-15-2009, 01:45 PM.


            • #7
              Earlier this year, they were claiming to be from BoA. I got a couple around Dragon*Con time, and reported them.

              Also hit up and a few of the other number-reporting sites.


              • #8
                I had another billing issue that the disputed claims department needed a fax of some information sent to them, and said I could send it at a local branch. When I was there, they asked if it was related to this scam (it wasn't), and filled me in on it.

                But yeah, All of the Visa issuing bank numbers are a toll free number (800 or 888) if it isn't toll free, don't phone it.
                I AM the evil bastard!
                A+ Certified IT Technician


                • #9
                  A few months ago, I got a text warning me my Chase gift card had a fraud alert on it. I don't have Chase anything.

                  This weekend, I got one just telling me to call the Credit Union National Assotiation. Showed that one to my boyfriend (who works with credit unions) and we both had a good laugh at the spelling.


                  • #10
                    My wife doesn't know how to spot these, but she knows enough to be suspicious, and runs things by me before responding to them.

                    She got an email that claimed to be from Paypal just a few weeks ago. She doesn't even have a Paypal account but I do, and she thought maybe it was intended for me. I told her it was probably a phish, and it took me maybe a second to confirm it. I showed her how the link showed something completely different than what I claimed to be, by hovering the mouse pointer over it.

                    Sad part is, people must fall for it, or these scammers wouldn't keep doing it.
                    Sometimes life is altered.
                    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                    Uneasy with confrontation.
                    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                    • #11
                      Thanks for the heads up! I wouldn't fall for that since I know I never got texts from my bank. But unfortunately you have those that are none the wiser to scams like that.
                      I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                      Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                      Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                      • #12
                        I keep getting the facebook reset password all the time now. It ends up in my bulkmail and there is an attachement to boot.

                        The funny thing is i don't have a facebook account at all. lol

                        So there is no password to reset.

                        i do get the paypal scam ones too. I do have paypal.

                        I have boa and they have called me in the past when there has been unusal activity on my card. Just last year i had someone try and charge over 3000 worth of stuff on it. It freaked me out but they caught and dealt with it. Out of all my credits cards and banks that i have been with in the past BOA has really looked out for me.
                        "Beam me up Scotty there is no intelligent life down here."


                        • #13
                          Quoth CaptainJaneway View Post
                          I keep getting the facebook reset password all the time now. It ends up in my bulkmail and there is an attachement to boot.

                          The funny thing is i don't have a facebook account at all. lol

                          So there is no password to reset.
                          I've been getting those for about a month now, too - to an email address not linked to any FB account.
                          Quote Dalesys:
                          ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                          • #14
                            Whocalledus is a great site!

                            Always be leery of calls and texts regarding accounts/credit cards/banking. ALWAYS. And beware of calls supposedly from your cell phone provider or other kinds of provider.

                            About a month or so ago, I was hit by the popular scam of an 800 number pretending to be AT&T.
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              My coworker, who isn't from this country was really excited when he got a letter from Canada, saying he won several million dollars. I told him it was fake. He showed me the first check to it. I kept telling him it was fake, don't do anything. He belived me, but wanted to comfirmed at the bank.

                              Bank told him it was fake too. He was upset, but understood seeing as he didn't even enter any lottery from Canada.

                              I guess he had some hope, since I guess the America Embessy holds lottery to who can come to America, and that's how he got out of Egypt.
                              Military Spouse Support.
                              Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion

