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Upcoming Ear Surgery

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  • Upcoming Ear Surgery

    So, about 8 years ago now, I was diagnosed with a cholesteatoma. Basically, it's a bunch of dead skin cells behind the ear that wind up acting as food for bacteria. It results in some possibly nasty side effects if left untreated, so it got removed.

    When you get the surgery, you're supposed to go back in about a year for a follow up surgery. This is to check and make sure that the condition hasn't recurred. Unfortunately, I was moving across the country at the time I would have been dealing with that, so didn't follow up like I should have.

    About 5 years ago, some of the symptoms came back, so I went to another ear/nose/throat specialist to begin the proceedings for another surgery. However, his staff so annoyed me (including his physician's assistant, I didn't actually see the doctor himself), that I abandoned the proceedings, and promptly did nothing until last month.

    About a month ago, NightAngel posted about her kid's ears, which made me actually think about mine when I replied. I promptly said "Oh crap", and found an ENT.

    January 15, I go back for surgery. It's relatively minor, this surgeon does this surgery about once every two weeks. And it's still scary as hell. Possible outcomes of the surgery? The back of the auditory canal could be removed, requiring me to visit a specialist at least once a year so that can be cleaned by said specialist. A radical mastoidectomy, in which the mastoid bone (portion of the skull immediately behind the ear) and the ear drum itself are removed. A nerve that controls the facial expressions for one whole side of my face runs through that area, and if it gets nicked, that whole side of my face will be permanently affected. I'm likely to find my hearing get worse on that side.

    The kicker? If I don't get the surgery, all of that nasty stuff will happen, it's only a matter of when.

    And none of that touches on the other possible side effects that come from any general anesthesia surgery (stroke, death, etc).

    I'm not looking forward to this, not in the least.

  • #2

    If it makes you feel any better, most side effects are more along the lines of "I might see this happen once in my career" vs "Well, I see these side effects in 50% of my surgeries." Perhaps you could ask your doctor if his patients have ever had some of the nastier side effects.


    • #3
      Well, the least significant (and most common) is about 25% of the time. It's decent odds, but that doesn't help with the worry. My luck tends towards the "If something bad happens for most people 25% of the time, that's about a 90% of the time chance for me."

      At least, it feels that way.


      • #4
        Hugs hon.

        I'd rather have the surgery done and bypass the WHEN, and still have a bit of risk.
        I know I know...

        Hope it gets done soon and you don't need any special hearing thingys. Eh? Eh? Say it again sonny....AND GET OFF MY LAWN!!!

        In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
        She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


        • #5

          *snugs ahrd and gives cookies* Hope everything goes well and you are A-Ok after this.


          • #6
            Egads, I wonder if a Cholesteatoma is what I have



            • #7
              Look, it'll sound harsh, but if the symptons are going to happen when, then no reason not to.

              Not saying its less scary, but I got all the confidence in the world it'll be fine. Don't worry. Your doctor does it every two weeks. It be like you rebooting the forums. You could sleep through it!

              (No, your doctor won't sleep through your operation ).

              Good luck, but it'll go through just fine ok
              Military Spouse Support.
              Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


              • #8
                Quoth Cutenoob View Post
                I'd rather have the surgery done and bypass the WHEN, and still have a bit of risk.
                I know I know...
                That's why the surgery is getting done, actually. Does't change the fact that it's scary to ponder what could go wrong. At least I only get to worry for a month. Could be lots worse.

                Quoth Cutenoob View Post
                Hope it gets done soon and you don't need any special hearing thingys. Eh? Eh? Say it again sonny....AND GET OFF MY LAWN!!!
                Hearing aids are only a matter of time for me. Have told my wife repeatedly that I won't know when I need them, only she will. As such, when she says to get them, I make the appointments to get that going.

                Of all the possibilities, that one bothers me the very least.

                Quoth Hobbs View Post
                Egads, I wonder if a Cholesteatoma is what I have
                No self-diagnosis here. If you have ear problems, and you have any reason to suspect this is the cause, get yourself checked out by a qualified doctor ASAP.

                Quoth Plaidman View Post
                Look, it'll sound harsh, but if the symptons are going to happen when, then no reason not to.
                Yep. It's going to happen. Doesn't make it any less worrisome until the surgery is all done.

                Quoth Plaidman View Post
                Not saying its less scary, but I got all the confidence in the world it'll be fine. Don't worry. Your doctor does it every two weeks. It be like you rebooting the forums. You could sleep through it!
                I am pretty sure it will be fine, but there's that 1 in 4 chance of me seeing at least one negative effect. And the way he talked, it sounds like my hearing will get worse.

                Gah, I'm just whining about being worried. I can't wait until Jan 15 to be over and done with.


                • #9
                  Surgery can be so scary, even when you know you're making the right decision. All those "what if"s. Boo.

                  *offers hugs and chocolate* I hope everything works out great.
                  1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
         (A blog about everything and nothing)


                  • #10
                    Just got off the phone with the scheduling center for the hospital. Surgery schedule is for Friday, 12:30pm. About 2.5 hours, and I should be out of the operating room.

                    Hopefully, shortly after that, one of the moderators will be getting a text message saying that everything is good, and I'll be on my way home shortly. And then he can tell everybody else about it


                    • #11
                      Best of luck on this, Pedersen!



                      • #12
                        I had ear surgery a few years ago for a mastoid abcess caused very idierctly by a sneeze (but thats another story!) & like you was warned about the nerve damnage... although if I remeber correctly the suregeon phrased it as a very very very slight chance of it happening, a fraction of a percent

                        & a few years later, I can still pull the weirdest of faces at odd moments

                        Good luck
                        Arp happens!

                        Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today.


                        • #13
                          It sounds like a routine surgery for this particular doctor. I'm sure you'll be fine Pedersen.
                          Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                          Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                          Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                          • #14
                            On way home now. Groggy. Okay. Will be back later.


                            • #15
                              Hugs and don't listen to metal for the first few days :P
                              Glad you're ok.

                              In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                              She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.

