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Holiday Cooking Disaster Thread

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  • #46
    Base it on 2-1/2" diameter or 3". Or weight, whichever floats yer boat. The original says one pound, so use a pound and adjust to your own taste. If it doesn't look like enough, or if the onions are very mild, toss in some more.

    We used Pennsylvania-grown cooking onions if that helps any. I really hope it does. It's a great recipe, though mace could be an acquired taste. I love those pies!


    • #47
      Oooh - we were to have homemade pizza this evening, and I thought I'd try to make the dough by the same method that the celebrity chefs do on TV (you know, mixing the ingredients directly on the table instead of in a bowl).

      Result? Water mixed with yeast all over the place, luckily I managed to rescue enough to have an "acceptable" pizza crust with WAY too much flour so it was very compact (normally my pizza crusts are very fluffy).

      Still, it was no disaster compared to my in-laws' Xmas dinner. They were having pork crackling and duck roast - alas, they forgot to add water to the pork crackling + they didn't attend to it, so the crackling was totally charred and the duck smelled and tasted of the smoke caused by the burnt crackling.
      A theory states that if anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for, it will be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

      Another theory states that this has already happened.


      • #48
        Quoth 1756GR2 View Post
        Base it on 2-1/2" diameter or 3". Or weight, whichever floats yer boat. The original says one pound, so use a pound and adjust to your own taste. If it doesn't look like enough, or if the onions are very mild, toss in some more.

        We used Pennsylvania-grown cooking onions if that helps any.
        That could explain it. I use white onions, generally, which are both very strong and very honking huge.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."

