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National Guard

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  • National Guard

    I don't post too much here anymore...I started my undergrad work this past fall and it was insane! I had too many classes, but I had to - I have to go full tilt for the next two years due to my financial aid situation. Ugh! Also, I reduced my hours as a dispatcher to 24/week to be a full-time student.

    Anyway, so, yeah...the financial aid situation. Quite frankly, it has me frightened. I don't want to take anymore student loans out. I am so far in the hole with student loans and I've got two more years left on the work for my bachelors. It's a long story as to why I'm in the hole to begin with and not really important as I cannot do anything about the past - just accept it and live with it.

    So, I've been looking for ways and means to fund school without taking out more loans. Believe it or not, I make too much money to qualify for grants. I will be applying for scholarships, but if I get them, they won't kick right away. So....

    ...I've started the process of applying to the National Guard. I thought I'd be too old to do so, but I was informed the cut off age is 42 and I am not there yet. If I enlist, they will pay off a large portion of my past student loans and pay 100% tuition on my future undergrad work. PLUS, when I get out, I will have the GI Bill for work on my Masters.

    Yes - if I enlist - I will be deployed. Yes - if I enlist - school will take longer to complete as I will have to be active full time for at least two years. Yes - Uncle Sam will own me - actually - not Uncle Sam - but his brother (what's the nickname for the state government Uncle Bud? ) Anyway, I digress...I know that it's a HUGE decision to make and I have talked to many of my friends and other members of the Guard and so far, the resounding opinion is that it's not a bad idea.

    I don't know. I am not sure if they will accept me. I won't know until after the first of the year.

    Anyway, I don't really have much more. Thanks for letting me share.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

  • #2
    Which branch of service? I've met a lot of ex-Army soldiers who regret not being in the Air Force instead. Of course, then there are the die-hard soldiers who swear by it. I'm in ROTC and I have to say, it's quite enjoyable


    • #3
      Go for it BUT if you do then go into the Air National Guard. They take care of you. I just recently retired from the Air National Guard. I loved it there!
      Just be aware that if you do join then sooner or later you'll be deployed to the Middle East for a certain length of time. They'll pay for your student loans provided that you do your part while you're in.
      It's not for everybody. What you get out of it is what you put into it. Make sure you get EVERYTHING in writting. Let them know what you want to do in the military & get it in writting. Accept no promises that are not in black & white. I learned that the hard way.
      But the 1st thing you have to do is get in shape! Do push-ups, sit-ups & run several miles a day. Basic Training will go smoother if you're in shape before you go there.
      I spent 4 years in active duty Air Force, 5 years in the Army National Guard & 12 years in the Air National Guard.


      • #4
        Quoth Bright_Star View Post
        go into the Air National Guard.
        It will be Army National Guard. I did not realize there was an Air National Guard - I knew there is a Reserve Air Force and I called them - I am too old to enlist with them. I also talked to the Navy Reserve and the tattoo on my neck will show above the collar therefore it disqualifies me.

        Just be aware that if you do join then sooner or later you'll be deployed to the Middle East for a certain length of time. They'll pay for your student loans provided that you do your part while you're in.
        My recruiter made it very clear that if I get in, I will be able to finish spring semester, then I will ship out to basic in June, go through the training for my MOS and then deploy to a hot sandy place. He said it is a guarantee. I may be crazy, or maybe I'm hitting an early mid-life crisis, but the thought of deployment excites me in a way. I know, that may sound weird to some, but I'm all right with going to the Middle East. I've been told by others in the service that the likely hood that I will see action is slim. 1 - cause I am a woman and can't be infantry. 2 - My MOS will more than likely keep me on the base nearly all the time 3 - I MAY have to run security on convoy - however, that also depends on my MOS.

        Make sure you get EVERYTHING in writting. Let them know what you want to do in the military & get it in writting. Accept no promises that are not in black & white. I learned that the hard way.
        I have heard that piece of advice from nearly everyone I spoke to with military experience - so, you better believe I will be getting it in writing! My brother, who was Army for 8 years, told me to call him before I sign.

        But the 1st thing you have to do is get in shape! Do push-ups, sit-ups & run several miles a day. Basic Training will go smoother if you're in shape before you go there.
        That was my plan. If I enlist, I'll have six months before I leave. Now, I'm no schlub, but it wouldn't hurt to be prepared before I go.

        Thanks for your help!
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


        • #5
          Note that in the contract, no matter what's written on what you would 'like' to do, there is a clause that states "Or as the needs of the Army require." It's the same with me, too.

          Of course there's an Air Guard. The Guard is one of three components of the total military force. There's the active-duty, the reserve and the guard.


          • #6
            Quoth Hobbs View Post
            Note that in the contract, no matter what's written on what you would 'like' to do, there is a clause that states "Or as the needs of the Army require." It's the same with me, too..
            I'm not concerned about what I want to do with the Guard as much as what I will receive for doing it. I completely understand that I will be property of the National Guard and I will have to do whatever they want, whenever they want, whereever they want - however they want - I've made peace with that. What I want in writing is what I will get in return for being a good, obedient soldier.
            "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


            • #7
              my cousin said that the national guard is a good decision for you to make, especial air (though he is biased hes air force)

              he said right now if the degree is really important to you dedicating 2 years makes alot of sense if it gets you our of debt and lets you have options again.

