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  • Xmas Gift ARRRRRGH!

    So, I need to vent a bit and you guys are my oldest Internet friends, with the added bonus that none of you know my family so nothing I say will get back to them.

    Today I got a gift in the mail from Mom and Dad. A teeny-tiny digital video camera. Nice, huh? Very kind and generous of them. I am grateful. But my gratitude is tempered with annoyance.

    Because my brother is an incorrigable fuck-up, he has multiple baby mamas, all of whom are fucking batshit crazy (you'd think one out of three might actually be normal, but no...but I digress). Therefore, seeing any of his four kids is a pain in the ass since they have to be collected from various homes in various locales, and 98% of the time Brother is feuding with one or more of the mamas so they don't want to let the kids see us, etc. One of the crazy bitches has even tried to cut contact with us completely (they're suing for grandparents' rights, but none of us have seen Niece in over a year because of this).

    Khan is the first grandchild to whom they have unrestricted access, and whom they can see on a regular basis with no problems from us (You want to come visit and watch the kid? Awesome, we're going to go see Avatar, back in 4 hours...). We are under a great deal of pressure to supply the Perfect Grandparent Experience. Not so much from Dad, but definitely from Mom. She calls every single day. She guilted us into getting a webcam 'just in case the winter is bad and she can't come visit'. And now this. Because she doesn't want to miss a single instant of his entire infancy and childhood. And now it'll be phone calls, webcamming, visits AND 'Do you have new video? Post it on Facebook! Why aren't you using the camera? Don't you want to remember Khan's babyhood? Someday you won't remember what it sounded like when he was screaming his head off and you'll regreeeeet it!'

    We don't get this kind of pressure from Husband's parents, even though Khan is their first grandchild. I know I shouldn't be irritated but I am, and I feel like a bad daughter.

    Sorry, just had to vent.

  • #2
    I think your mother may feel bad about not having a relationship with the others so shes determined to be an UBER grandma to your one. I understand your annoyance though, and have dealt with it from my inlaws for years. What do i do you ask? I ignore them. Sounds mean, passive aggressive whatever, but I dont have it in my heart to tell them to backoff.

    They now ask every once in a while, instead of everyday like they used to. And i take time to let them know when new pics have been posted.

    Keep your self sane, and do what you can, when you can.

