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In-laws rant (longish)

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  • In-laws rant (longish)

    For a long time I've tried my hardest to not complain to my wife about her parents despite all the $h!t and drama they put her though.

    Current events has made me change.

    First, they are nice people just my mother in law is a little "not all there" if you get what I mean. Her sister is also bipolar and has a very additive personality (for many years she "self medicated" with some very hard drugs - even though she's on meds now she still has a lot of emotional issues).

    Let's go back 5 years.
    We went over for Christmas and since we have the dogs we slept in the garage with the dogs. No big issue, it's air conditioned, we had an inflatable bed, and had room for all the dogs (better than being cooped up in a small room). This was the last OK Christmas over there for us.

    A year later (4 years ago) my mother in law stated that my father in law didn't want us in the garage since it smelled when we left (no confirmation on if it really did or not) so we got a hotel room. It wasn't too fun with packing everyone up in the morning, leaving the dogs in their crates in the car all day (luckily it was cool out so we left all the doors open) and then unpacking them in the evening.

    The next year was the last time I went to their home for Christmas.
    They told us that we didn't need to get a hotel room and they'd have room for us. It turns out they had us sleep out in their lanai. Yes, our in their lanai with the swamp behind their house. 4 dogs and 2 humans attempting to sleep (note: attempting to - not succeeding). It was a horrible holiday, either of us slept all night and her parents complained at how much trouble our dogs are (mind you THREE of them are service dogs for my wife) and their's is so good (yeah, she's so good that she's always going to the bathroom in the house, getting into things, etc..).

    That was the last time I've been to their house. My wife went over there the past few Christmases with one dog (the service dog she uses most) but even that was protested by her parents.

    To add insult to injury;
    September, 2008
    Hurricane Ike was on track to hit Fort Lauderdale (where we live) as a strong category 4 / category 5 hurricane (in other words - get the hell out of it's way). We were 72 hours away from landfall and Friday evening we were making plans to evacuate. You'd think facing a 900 mile wide F3 tornado would make families think to help each other out?

    Nope, they refused to let us evacuate there because they didn't want to take their cars out of the garage. Yes, their cars are more valuable than their own daughter. Luckily a friend of ours in Orlando said we could bring the animals up to them (pity - we might need to spend a few days in Orlando going to Sea World!). Luckily, 12 hours away from us evacuating Ike turned to the south and didn't hit us. Even my parents admitted that they wouldn't like all the animals at their house BUT something like Ike threatening us they would have helped us (too bad they're 2000 miles away).

    Now, the current event. This is what put me over the edge.
    My mother in law and her sister (middle sister) were going to Key West for a few days. They invited my wife and she accepted. To get to Key West from Fort Meyers (near where they live) they need to take 75 south, across Alligator Alley, and then at the "junction" (where the Sawgrass meets 75 and 595) they continue south on 75.

    We live 20 minutes away from where that junction is. They first offered to come here to pick up my wife but then decided "they didn't want to go out of their way". Their solution? Either my wife drive 3 hours to their house the night before and go with them or drive herself down to Key West (where she wouldn't have a parking space) and meet them there.

    Mind you - my wife dislocated her hip a little over a month ago and should NOT be doing any long driving alone.

    My wife is now devastated thinking she isn't worth a 20 minute drive for them to pick her up.

    The sad part is that my wife continually allows them to pull this with her (I only gave a short list). Since she doesn't get to see her sister often (she lives out of state) she now wants to go over to her parents' house just for the day (3 hour drive each way). I think it is a bad idea for her to go since she may end up fighting with her mother most of the time. I've agreed to go with her (I can't drive her van since it is "modified" to fit all of the dog crates).
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    Sometimes it just blows my mind how indifferent and cruel family members can be to one another. (My family comes to mind.)

    I'm sorry you're going through this.
    Retail Haiku:
    Depression sets in.
    The hellhole is calling me ~
    I don't want to go.


    • #3
      I'm sorry you and your wife have to go through all that drama.

      I know all about uncaring family members who can't be bothered.
      Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

      If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

      Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


      • #4
        You may find this site helpful. I know I have.


        • #5
          People put up with crap from family members that they wouldn't even think about tolerating from anybody else. It's been said that if it's family then you have to get along but that's not true. Oftentimes you have to keep your distance from certain family members simply to keep peace & your sanity.


          • #6
            Quoth Akasa View Post
            You may find this site helpful. I know I have.
            love that site. been a member now for about 8 years. very very good people there and really good honest advise.
            I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
            -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

            "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


            • #7
              Quoth Akasa View Post
              You may find this site helpful. I know I have.
              I completely forgot about this site! Now I'm reading it to gear up for my visit to my MIL later today.


              • #8
                Quoth Bright_Star View Post
                Oftentimes you have to keep your distance from certain family members simply to keep peace & your sanity.
                In my family though, you either have to get them drunk, or have a few make them tolerable In fact, that can usually lead to some interesting quotes, like the one my uncle (who doesn't drink) muttered at my cousin's wedding in '07. That is, right after his second beer, he said "you know, these things are really addictive" causing the entire table to erupt with laughter

                But seriously though, my paternal grandmother is pissed at us. Why? Well, she's upset because we wouldn't drive the 4.5 hours down to DC to check out my aunt's (Dad's sister's) new house. We're not going, simply because it's a long drive, and my aunt isn't putting us up for the night. Sorry, but I can't see driving all that way, having dinner, opening gifts, and then driving back home. Too much driving, even if hotel rooms weren't expensive.

                I said something to her about it, and she started whining about how "your aunt always made the trip, even if the weather sucked." Needless to say, Grandma wasn't too happy when I mentioned that they also had a free place to stay for a few days

                This isn't the first time she's done this either--last year, she earned the wrath of my mother. Mom had spent nearly 2 days cooking and getting the house ready...only for Grandma and my aunt to go to fucking Friendly's restaurant at the last minute
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #9
                  Quoth Akasa View Post
                  You may find this site helpful. I know I have.
                  Nice site but the issue isn't between her and I, it's between her and her daughter (my wife). I am just a bystander who is ends up helping my wife though it.

                  She doesn't pull anything like that with me anymore (explained below).

                  Quoth Bright_Star View Post
                  People put up with crap from family members that they wouldn't even think about tolerating from anybody else. It's been said that if it's family then you have to get along but that's not true. Oftentimes you have to keep your distance from certain family members simply to keep peace & your sanity.
                  We drive 2 1/2 - 3 hours to their home yesterday (and back) to spend a few hours with them (family is very important to my wife and she doesn't get to see her sister often). My wife commented on the way home that her mother was on her best behavior - she thinks that it's because of what happened with the trip (I have a feeling it was because I was there and she knows I don't put up with that BS - I let her let me down once (once....(sorry, couldn't resist the Johnny Dangerously quote)) and never again put her in a situation like that.

                  My wife has to much faith in people (in general - she's even let "friends" do similar to her) and thinks her family wouldn't do it. Sadly, her mother does it all the time (luckily her father doesn't).
                  Quote Dalesys:
                  ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                  • #10
                    Quoth draggar View Post
                    Sadly, her mother does it all the time (luckily her father doesn't).
                    That sucks..

                    Are her parents divorced? If not, I can call suck on the father's part too, for allowing the mother to behave this way.

                    My parents are still together and if one of them dared to act like this, the other would totally stand up for me.

                    Im so sorry - here's a and some cookies for you and your wife.
                    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                    • #11
                      They're not divorced but came very close just before I started to see my wife.

                      I think he is with her just for the children now.
                      Quote Dalesys:
                      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                      • #12
                        Quoth draggar View Post
                        They're not divorced but came very close just before I started to see my wife.

                        I think he is with her just for the children now.
                        Are any of your wife's siblings minors? I don't see that excuse holding up once they're adults.
                        How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?

