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Christmas Weekend Road Trip (aka Someone Shoot Me)

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  • Christmas Weekend Road Trip (aka Someone Shoot Me)

    So my niece Princess is moving back to Key West from North Florida. This should be an even worthy of celebration. And her living back here certainly is.

    It's the process that we are going through to get her here that is driving me nuts.

    Now, when she was down here a week or so ago, she was looking for a new vehicle. Why? Because her current vehicle, a 2002 Chevy S-10 pickup truck, for various legal and financial reasons around her late father's estate that are not worth going into right now, will not be hers much longer. For whatever reason, the bank is repossessing the S-10 next month, but this has nothing to do with Princess, as it is tied up in various things with said estate. (The S-10 was never in Princess's name. It is actually still in her late father's name.)

    She found a pretty nifty 2000 Ford Explorer for a reasonable price with reasonable mileage that my mechanic inspected and gave the thumbs up, so she bought it.

    So she has two vehicles down here, and she was going back to Lake Cit alone. Naturally she had to leave one down here. For various reasons, she left the S-10 here, and drove the Explorer north. And she goes about planning for the move. This should have been easy.

    Here WAS the plan: I drive the S-10 up to Lake City Saturday, where it will stay. We rent a trailer for her furniture and stuff, and load it up on Sunday. We then tow it down behind the Explorer, with me doing the majority of the driving, since I've been driving longer than she's been alive. (She's 19.)

    That WAS the plan. Here is the major snag: U-Haul has a company policy against renting trailers to people who will tow them with Ford Explorers. Apparently there have been some issues, U-Haul has been sued because of these issues, and so they no longer allow towing by Explorers. Fuck!

    Plan B: Find another company that rents trailers that will allow us to tow it behind an Explorer. The problem with Plan B is that U-Haul pretty much has the market on moving trailers.

    Plan C: Screw the trailer, how much more can a small moving truck be? I could certainly drive it. So I called U-Haul to find out. Answer: a lot more. More than double. Screw Plan C.

    Plan D: Tow the U-Haul trailer with a U-Haul pickup truck that we pick up in Lake City and drop off in Key West. I would drive that, and Princess would drive the Explorer. The S-10 would stay in Key West...the bank can come get it here! The problem with Plan D is that U-Haul does not do one way rentals for their pickup trucks, only for their trailers.

    Plan E: I rent a pickup truck from U-Haul in Key West, drive up to north Florida, and tow the U-Haul trailer back to Key West behind the U-Haul truck, with as Princess drives the Explorer. Once again, the S-10 would stay in Key West, and we would tell the bank to go piss up a rope....they can come get it. The problem with Plan E is that the U-Haul pickup truck would be about $20/day, which is perfectly reasonable, plus 59 cents a mile...which, when you are driving 1,000 miles, is absolutely ridiculous.

    Plan F: I drive the S-10 up to north Florida, and tow the trailer back to Key West with it, with Princess driving the Explorer and me driving the S-10. The S-10 ends up in Key West, and once again, it's the bank's problem next month, not ours. Plan F seems very workable. The pro is that I don't put any extra mileage on my truck, just the S-10, which will be gone next month anyways. The con is I am far more comfortable in my truck, and it has more power. My mechanic says gas mileage will be about the same, so it's a coin flip. Problem: her mechanics in north Florida told her that the S-10's drive belt needs to replaced. Solution: My mechanic, who I trust implicitly, looked at it and said it would need to be replaced, if we were keeping the S-10. We're not. For the 1,000 mile trip that is planned, 500 of it towing a trailer, he said the S-10 would be perfectly fine.

    Plan G: I drive the Blazer up to north Florida, and tow the trailer back to Key West with it, with Princess driving the Explorer and me driving the Blazer. The S-10 stays in Key West, and once again, it's the bank's problem next month, not ours. Plan G also seems very workable. One pro to this plan is that I get to do a trial run for towing a trailer with my truck, in preparation for my eventual move back to Arizona. Another pro is, as I mentioned above, I am far more comfortable in my truck, and I also have a lot more room for any extra stuff that might not fit in the trailer. The con is I would be putting extra mileage on my truck that I might not have to. My mechanic says gas mileage will be about the same, so it's a coin flip. Problem: I had some overheating issues with the Blazer last summer. According to my trust mechanic, towing a trailer behind it would cause more stress, potentially causing it to overheat again, and cause more damage. Solution: After I had work done on the Blazer to address the overheating, it did overheat again, when I was last in north Florida in August for the funeral. However, it did that only the one time, and since that once did not cause any issues, including on my road trip to Fort Myers Beach in October. My mechanic says that if it did not have any further trouble, it was probably just a one-time air pocket that built up, and I should be fine. I should point out that in August it didn't actually fully overheat, so much as get dangerously hot before I pulled over and let it cool down. I never let it get to the danger zone.

    Plan H: Budget Rental Trucks have a small moving truck that would be comparable in capacity to the trailer Princess was going to rent. And the price of the truck would be only a little more than the price of the trailer. So I would drive the S-10 up, leave it in north Florida, and drive the moving truck back to Key West while Princess drove the Explorer back. Pros: The S-10 gets back where the bank expects it to be, and out of our hair, and I drive a single unit, rather than a truck with a trailer...frankly I think I would be more comfortable with the one truck, and not worrying about a potential overheat or drive belt. Also, Princess could start loading the truck on Saturday before I even got there, and if I got there early enough, I could do some loading of the truck too, potentially getting it all done Saturday so that on Sunday, instead of just taking one four hour break to watch one football game, we could be done by football on Sunday, and I could watch all the games, and Princess's Uncle Jester would be in a far better mood come Monday since his entire weekend wasn't shot. Cons: The mileage on the moving truck could be ridiculous, as could the cost to fill its massive 35-gallon gas tank. Also, it would have to be picked up on Saturday, as the outlet is closed on Sunday, and if I don't get to north Florida early enough, Princess, while she could probably get a ride to the outlet from a friend, is not sure she would be able to drive the moving truck the 9 miles back to her home from there. Plan H is very workable, but has some kinks, obviously. (And I don't get to put the Blazer through the trial run.)

    Plan I (are we running out of letters yet?): I stop being such a damn good uncle, and tell Princess to find a way to get this shit done herself, while I go off to the bar on Sunday to enjoy football and beer, and say screw this shit, I don't need it. Pros: I enjoy my weekend, and don't have to drive a thousand miles on Chrismas weekend, freeze my tail off in north Florida, and deal with idiot drivers up and down this stupid state. Cons: I would have to shoot myself in the head, since I cannot stop being such a damn good uncle. Plan I is probably not going to work all that well.

    I can hear what you're thinking. "Jester, this could have all been avoided if Princess had checked with U-Haul first, and driven the S-10 up to north Florida and left her shiny new Explorer in Key West." There are two problems with that. First, who would ever think that U-Haul would have an issue with one of the most common SUV's on the market? Seriously, who knew? Even my mechanic was astounded by this! Secondly, I would have still had to have driven up to north Florida in the Explorer to drive the S-10 and trailer back here, as no one is comfortable with Princess driving a vehicle and a trailer, and she still would need help loading some of the larger furniture items. And hindsight is 20/20, but does exactly nothing for us now.

    So as you can see, this is turning into one great big clusterfuck. If a bunch of idiot Explorer owners hadn't screwed this whole thing up for us, I would be driving the Explorer, towing the trailer, back to Key West on Monday, with the lovely luxury of having a potential second driver for when I got tired. No, I would not have let her drive it on the freeway, but through the Keys, at the lower speed limits, with less traffic, at a time when I would probably be getting very tired and cranky? Yeah, I would have let her, and we had talked about that, as she did want some experience driving that. And even though it is her truck and her rental trailer, she agreed that if I did let her drive it some, I still had veto power: if I told her to pull over and relinquish control, she would have.

    So, any comments? Suggestions? Brilliant ideas? More alphabetical plans? Heavy tranquilizers?

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    Plan F seems the most reasonable to me. The least costly & the bank is going to come & get the S-10 anyway no matter where it is if they want it back. No matter what you decide - you are a Fantastic Uncle & I hope you both have a very safe trip, an excellent weekend & an wonderful Christmas :-)
    "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann
    RIP Plaidman - you are loved & greatly missed.


    • #3
      What about renting a box truck?

      Also, check Craigslist and your local classifieds, you may find cheap trailers for sale.


      • #4
        Small moving truck = box truck.

        And we don't want to BUY a fucking trailer. Room is at a premium as it is on this little island, and my teenage niece hardly needs her own damn trailer! Trust me, any trailer that would be cheaper to buy that it would be for us to rent one is going to be in craptastically bad shape.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          Sounds to me like plan F is probably the best one of the lot. As for the bank wanting the S 10... as you said, it's their problem, just don't forget to have someone notify the bank where the truck is. They might get just a tad pissy if they go looking for it where they expect it... and can't find it. I do have one question though. Why would Princess take a second vehicle up there? Does she really need the extra room for her stuff? Taking just one gives you two drivers and costs less in gas.
          You're only delaying the inevitable, you run at your own expense. The repo man gets paid to chase you. ~Argabarga


          • #6
            She didn't take two. She took the Explorer, and left the S-10 down here.

            To clarify, she is currently up there, and I am down here. Had we been able to rent a trailer for the Explorer, I could have taken the S-10 up there, left it up there, and the two of us would have ridden down together in one vehicle, the Explorer, with her trailer.

            Since we cannot do that because of a bunch of imbecilic Explorer owners, I am probably (after careful thought) going to take my own beloved Jestermobile, the Blazer, up there to haul the trailer down, while convoys with me and drives the trailerless Explorer down.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #7
              I don't know if you've checked with all rental companies in your area, but when my parents moved - and this was quite a while ago, um... 8 years. Wowzers, um, anyway - when my parents moved they got a truck from Penske.

              At the time, it was cheaper to rent a Penske truck for the trip than to get a tow trailer from U-Haul. The charge was based on how many 100s of miles you were going, with an overage charger per mile that you went over. It cost less than $100 to have the truck for 3 days to drive 600 miles. And they do allow one way trips.

              You could either drive the S10 up, then get a one way Penske truck back to Key West or, rent in Key West, tow the S10 up with you, then drive back without it.

              This, of course, assumes you have a Penske near you and that their prices have remained relatively low.


              • #8
                Quoth Gerrinson View Post
                You could either drive the S10 up, then get a one way Penske truck back to Key West or, rent in Key West, tow the S10 up with you, then drive back without it..
                If I was going to do it, it would be done either by driving the S-10 up, leaving it there, and driving the Penske back, or by renting the Penske here and driving it up and back, leaving the S-10 here. No way I or my niece are going to pay extra to tow a truck so that it can be repossessed, as it is going to be (if I didn't make that obvious enough, though through no wrongdoing on my niece's part...has to do with financial issues with her late father's estate).

                But that being said, I did check into it. There is, in fact, a Penske in the Keys (not in Key West, but not too far out of the way to make the idea impossible), and there is also one in Hicksville, USA the town where my niece is.

                Problem with renting it here and driving it round trip: The location here is closed both Friday and Saturday. Not surprising, considering the holiday, but still making the scenario impossible.

                Problem with renting it there and driving it back: 1. It is even more expensive than the Budget truck we had considered. And that was significantly more expensive than the trailer, once you figured in all taxes and other fees....and the other thing I found out today. Which brings me to that very issue: 2. I talked to my insurance company, and while I am insured on any regular vehicle I drive (i.e., the Blazer, the Bronco, the S-10), I would not be insured on a box truck, i.e., a Budget or Penske rented moving truck. Which means I would have to take out the insurance policy from the truck rental company. Which would make the process that much more expensive.

                I appreciate the suggestion. But it just won't work.

                So it looks like the Blazer, aka the Jestermobile, is going to be the lucky towing vehicle. I am sure Cathy (my truck, the aforementioned J'mobile) is just thrilled about this.

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #9
                  Hey - if you wanna have lunch/drink on your way through Ocala, let me know!!
                  "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                  • #10
                    Update (kill me...kill me now!)

                    So Friday, as planned, I got off work, had some food, had a few drinks, and went to bed very early. I woke up yesterday at 430 am (I didn't set an alarm, as I wanted my body to sleep till it woke up), and left KW at 6 am. Got to one of my favorite eateries in Lauderdale shortly before 10, and had a great and filling breakfast.

                    Naturally, there was a problem. As I was driving along, I noticed I wasn't feeling great, and there was something up with my throat. At one point, I felt really dehydrated, and really tired, struggling to stay awake, so I pulled off the freeway and bought some water, as well as a Coke to revive me....since I really don't drink caffeine, one was all I needed. And the water definitely helped, as it seemed my body was battling something, and plenty of fluids seemed to help. Of course, this caused me to stop at more rest stops to relieve myself, but since we would not be able to pick up the trailer until today anyway, I wasn't on a rush schedule.

                    Finally got here and had a great dinner with my niece at a great bbq chain they have in this area of the country (but sadly, not in the Keys). We ran a few errands, then she went off to visit with some friends and I stayed at her place (mobile home trailer) and watched some tv, trying to stay warm. Princess failed to mention that the only heat in the place is from a couple of space heaters, and the place is COLD!!!!

                    Luckily, her roommate was out of town, and I got to sleep in their bed, which has an electric blanket. I snuggled into that and went to sleep, only to wake up at the crack of hell this morning (7 am) to go pick up the trailer an hour away (of course!) We finally got back here and loaded all the big heavy stuff in the trailer, and then she dropped me at the bar to watch some football.

                    Sadly, my illness was getting worse, and while the food was good, I was just struggling, and she picked me up shortly after the late games started, as I was pretty much done. Came back here to help her finish the trailer, and it is now done, packed, closed, locked, and the whole rig is re-parked so I can just pull straight out in the morning.

                    I still feel like shit, the place is still cold, but I think my body is starting to win the battle against this.....whatever it is. I'll be going to bed shortly, and sleeping till whenever I wake up, and I hope that is enough for me to recover, as the decongestant I am taking is making my head a bit foggy, and I really can't be taking it while driving all the way back down across Florida.

                    And then we have a long, LOOOONG drive back to Key West. While the Jestermobile is doing just fine with the trailer, even empty acceleration was much tougher, so I am not going to be able to fly around traffic the way I normally do. And the trailer is going to make the trip back that much longer. Add to that the fact that we really don't want to deal with the turnpike, so we are going to either take I-75 or I-95 back.....either way, it should add an hour to the trip, but there will be no tolls, nor stopping constantly for tolls, and on I-75 at least, less traffic.

                    Peppergirl, I appreciate the offer, but I hope to be leaving here very early in the morning, and should hopefully be passing where you are around sunrise, or thereabouts.

                    And just when I thought I had dealt with all I was going to deal with, just a few moments ago, I got thrown another curve ball. Remember that roommate I was talking about, the one whose bed with the electric blanket I was so fondly snuggling in last night? Yeah, she got just got home. Princess had led me to believe her roommate would not be back until after we were gone. So now I have no warm electric blanket snuggly bed. So either I take Princess's bed, which she offered to me, and she sleeps on the cold and hard carpeted floor, or I go to a motel room, and spend more money I don't have....but at least it will be warm!


                    This sucks.

                    Can someone please just shoot me? Or at the very least, get this traiiler down to Key West for me?

                    Meh. I am so over this shit. Yet another reason I am glad I am only an uncle, and not a fucking parent.

                    Now I know why some animals eat their young.

                    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                    Still A Customer."


                    • #11
                      I'd offer to let you come here - I have an extra bedroom, complete with futon. But alas, I'm in Oregon, and it's not even 40-degrees here.
                      That is so full of suck Dyson doesn't know how they did it - shankyknitter


                      • #12
                        I'm home. Finally.

                        Still sick. And exhausted. But the trailer is emptied out, and everything is in the apartment, and now it's Princess's problem as far as sorting it out.

                        More details on the trip later. I'm tired and still at Princess's place. Need to go home and collapse. Since I'm sick. And tired. And opening The Bar tomorrow morning.

                        As the title says, someone...please....shoot me!

                        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                        Still A Customer."


                        • #13
                          Glad you made it home safely, Jester.

                          The timing of getting so sick sucks the big one. Not only for making the already long drive more unpleasant, but for the safety factor as well, since feeling like shit can not only be distracting, but if being sleepy is a side effect, there's an added level of concern.

                          Plus, it's a pisser, because it's almost as if you were being "punished" for being a nice guy, and helping out Princess.

                          Hang in there!



                          • #14
                            So I was starting to feel not so well on the drive up. It got worse up there, and probably was not helped by the fact that Princess's trailer had no heat. A fact she failed to mention. She also failed to mention or completely forgot that her roommate (her late dad's girlfriend; the three of them had been occupying the trailer before his untimely passing) would be returning Sunday night, thus depriving me of the lovely electric blanket. Had I been armed with either or both of these pieces of information, I would have gotten a nice cheap (and heated) hotel room, rather than suffer as I did, shivering and watching tv in the living room. And I would have been in (a warm) bed much earlier Sunday night, rather than having to scramble at the last minute to do so.

                            Of course Monday I couldn't get any rest, or take any soothing drugs, as I had to drive the 500+ miles back to Key West, dragging a 6' by 6' by 12' BRICK behind my trusty Jestermobile. If any of you have ever towed a trailer, you may know what I am talking about here. (A U-Haul type trailer, with her stuff in it....not the mobile home trailer she was living in. My truck is good, but not THAT good!) It was the driving equivalent of trying to run with several sandbags tied to your feet. Remember, I do not have some huge diesel truck with a V-8 or larger in it....just a midsize Blazer with a 4.3 liter V-6. She performed admirably, and like a champion, and did all we asked of her, but it still seemed like "The Little Engine That Could" more than anything. The drive down required all my attention and effort to make it work. So much so that if Megan Fox had appeared buck naked and covered in oil in the passenger seat and offered to do all kinds of lewd and tawdry things to me, I would have told her to shut her yap, as I was trying to drive.

                            And yesterday at work, I was sick as a dog. Worse than the whole weekend. Of course I couldn't call off as there was no one to work for me. And of course we were SLAMMED. How slammed? On an opening shift, I didn't clock out till 8:30 pm! That's how slammed. That's right, I didn't finish my stuff until an hour and a half after the THIRD bartender came on. The good news is I made lots of money. The bad news is I still feel like shit. The (possibly) good news is that my Arizona girlfriend happens to be a trained medical professional (registered nurse), and thus was able to guide me in finding a (hopefully) good drug to take today, as the stuff they sold me yesterday morning at the drug store near The Bar did about as much good for me as a pat on the head. Probably less good, depending on who was doing the patting.

                            And of course there is no rest for the Good Uncle. Today I get to wait tables at The Bar for the opening shift. The good news is, they can't keep me around nearly as late, and I should be cut by 4, and done no later than 5. The bad news is I should be done that early because Wednesday nights I have my other job, where I perform walk-around magic at another restaurant. So another full day.

                            And then Thursday and Friday, I am the opening bartender, and Saturday I work a double waiting tables.

                            Hopefully, I will feel better by tomorrow, as New Year's Eve is one of my favorite holidays, one of my Holy Days, if you will, being a happy drunk as I am. Of course, depending on how they scheduled for NYE, I may well be there till CLOSE, even though I am the opener. (I need to check the schedule.) And of course I open New Year's Day.

                            I am sick. I have to work. A lot. And due to illness and/or work, I may miss out on one of my favorite holidays. I already missed out on Princess's and Photo Dude's birthdays (both yesterday). And with my current run of luck, it is virtually a lock that my school's hated rival, the University of Arizona, will beat Nebraska in the Holiday Bowl. As much as I dislike UN, they are my only real rooting interest, as Arizona State failed to qualify for a bowl game, or even a respectable record, going a dismal 4-8, thus forcing me to root for a team I don't much like against a team I despise. My prediction: Arizona by 30. Bleah.

                            I repeat: Somebody shoot me.

                            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                            Still A Customer."


                            • #15
                              Quoth Jester View Post
                              ...I repeat: Somebody shoot me.
                              OK Jester. But it's going to take lots of shots...
                              I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                              Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                              Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.

