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Gotta Love Dads!

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  • Gotta Love Dads!

    Even though the roads weren't as bad as originally predicted and Little Blue Boy could have made the trip, Dad came to pick me up Christmas morning so the family could celebrate.

    Parking lots and driveways were a real pain, though. We both slid and slid trying to carry all the gifts and my laundry, but the roads themselves were just slushy and slightly slick.

    Anyways, at the first turn onto the main road, there's no traffic coming, so Dad floors it and lets the car spin and goes "Weeeeeee!!!!" and I almost pee myself.

    I then scowl and say "Dad, remember when I was about 16 or 17 and I did that for fun, and you said if I ever did that again, you'd take away my car?!"

    He then proceeded to do that for fun anytime there wasn't any other cars around.

    Christmas Eve night, my brother came home from work and could NOT get in the driveway. He slid past it the first time, went to the next driveway, turned around, tried again, and slid past it again. Getting a little pissed, he just sat there and revved the engine until Dad came out to see what the fuss was about.

    Whenever I used to do that, I'd get in trouble!

    Gotta love Dads!
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    My father had a saying for such situations:

    "Do as I say, not as I do."
    "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
    "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


    • #3
      That's pretty much the family motto....once you turn about 30, you become part of the side that can do as they please

      And then another

      The other night, bf and I went out to eat and I guess our eyes were bigger than our tummies (that or Frozen Tiramisus really fill you up quick), so we got our food boxed and left them in the car while we went out (therefore making Blue Boy smell like a bad Italian kitchen, even today). When we got back, we put them in the fridge at his parents' house and went to bed in the guest house, which is where bf pretty much lives.

      We came back in yesterday to eat them for breakfast, and as soon as we got in the door, his dad says "Which one of you has the pizza? I saw the boxes in the fridge and I opened them. Which one of you has the pizza?"

      I raised my hand and said "Did you eat it all already?!" and he replied "No I uh...err I just didn't know that Olive Garden had pizza!"
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

