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Wargaming Stories.

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  • Wargaming Stories.

    So as some of you know, I wargame, specifically, Warhammer 40,000. I've got a few tales that hopefully, even those who haven't the slightest clue about 40K will enjoy.

    Go Go Squad Sideburns*

    *A Reference to Wolverine, based on the weapons most of the squad has, lightning claws, essentially like wolverines claws but with a force field around them, calling them Squad Wolverine would have been too boring and not subtle.

    Anyway, Squad Sideburns consist of the following.

    1 Terminator Captain w/ Lightning Claws
    4 Terminators w/ Lightning Clawn
    1 Terminator Chaplain (Technically an independent character but permanently Seconded to Sideburn)

    Anyway onto the story. Using the above combination is AWESOME because it means I get a bare minimum of 18 dice to roll for my attacks, if i charge the enemy, I get 24 dice rolls, all of which i can reroll the misses when I roll to hit and for my lightning claw guys, I can also reroll failed wounds. These are what's known as power weapons too, so when they wound, the wounds are fatal.

    With those 6 men, I slaughtered 78 enemy Conscripts (Cheap masses but in a squad of 50 they have the same points value as 5 terminators) so each terminator killed their break even of 10 men plus 3 each on top of that.

    As well as that, they took out about 7 Space Marines too, so thats about 14 kills each, all for a loss of 2 Terminators. 330 points worth of troops killed 424 points worth of enemy troops and lost 110 points worth. So they just fell short of killing their points worth of the enemy (minus their own losses of course) But they stopped what could have been utter pain from falling on me, twice and helped clear up the battlefield. Oh and this was the first time I'd used any of them in a game, ever!

    It's not called Big Trouble for nothing.

    So, my Land Raider Crusader (google it, it's really cool) did an awesome job and wiped out a 6 man Grey Knight Squad. Note to my opponent, deep striking (teleporting in) right in range of my Land Raider Crusader (Who i have dubbed Big Trouble) is a really bad idea. Secondary Note: It's the second time you've done it, are you learning by now? It's firepower on wheels, well, tracks. 16 shots it can do, well 16-18 in one go and can reroll all the missed hits, though not the wounds.

    The Tale of the most Badass Sergeant to ever Grace the battlefield.

    One particular sergeant in my two squads has of late, been on a badass streak. Here's a list of his most recent activities.

    - Was charged by a tankbusta squad, saved 8 wounds, killed some of their guys, enough to make them run and killed them all in a sweeping advance.
    - Immediately after that, took on a 5 man Space Marine Squad and killed 4 in total, routing the survivor.
    - Held the line with 3 marines against a full enemy squad until Terminator support arrived.
    -of the 2 matches he's really stood out, 1st match he was killed by stormtroopers with plasma/melta weapons, second, lasting until turn 6 and only a full squad of conscripts firing rapid fire lasguns (100 shots) at him could take him out, they landed 7 wounds against him of which he failed just one.

    That's all I can remember so far, if any non 40K players need clarification on any of the above to help it make more sense, feel free to ask in the thread.
    I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.

  • #2
    From Battletech; when I was around 9 years of age, my little brother decided he wanted to play. I took it easy on him, giving him dibs on the biggest 'mechs (Battlemaster, Warhammer, Crusader and Rifleman, respectively) while I took a Marauder, and three medium 'mechs (so, he outweighed my force by around 50 tons.)

    First shot of the game, I took his Battlemaster's head off with a double PPC strike. Then he curbstomped my mediums, leaving my Marauder against 3 (lightly) damaged Heavies. Normally, 3 vs. 1 equals dead 1. In this case though, Pop goes the rifleman's head, pop goes the Crusader's left hip, and pop went the Warhammer's SRM (Short-ranged Missile) Ammo stock. Much kabooms were had.

    My Marauder came out of that battle with only its head undamaged, and almost all of its armour had been blasted off.

    From Warhammer 40K: Ever want to make a Space marine Player wail in agony? Get a dozen Multimeltas, and aim for the Terminators. because of the rule that says 'if hit by a weapon that has attack power = twice target's toughness, target is Dead, no save'

    Needless to say, in a 4-turn battle, my 6 multimeltas killed 18 terminators, and a Land Raider. Not bad at all.


    • #3
      Killing the Land Raider must have been somewhat lucky, since you need a 6 to even get a glancing. then again with 6 of them.

      18 Terminators, damn must have been a fairly big match then.

      Lesson of the day for my opponent: Deep striking in front of a Land Raider Crusader is a bad idea, especially so when it hadn't moved in the movement phase and therefore can fire everything, Assault Cannon, 2 Hurricane bolter sponsons, a storm bolter and a multi melta. 19 dice rolls in one shooting phase and one vehicle. I love the LRC because even if you've moved at combat speed (6 inches) you can fire your Assault Cannon, Hurricane Bolters and either a stormbolter or multi melta (if you've got one or both) thanks to Power of the Machine Spirit, even if you move flat out, you can still fire a weapon.

      My up and coming IG army is very shooty, I have or have planned:

      Command Squad (+ Lascannon and MoO or without that)
      2 Platoons with 2 squads in each, flamers, vox and either 6 mortars attached to the squads or have them in 2 HWS)
      1 Commissar in each platoon attached to one squad.
      2 Lascannon Heavy Weapon Squads.
      2 5 man Stormtrooper Squads (and depending on how i arrange it either one with 2 meltas and one with 2 plasmas or just with 1 melta per squad)
      Last edited by RayvenQ; 12-30-2009, 03:15 PM.
      I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


      • #4
        My favorite from an old convention Battletech session: We had a large run going, about company on company size (so 12 on 12, give or take). The Ref had a pair of brand new big assault designs he was testing and wanted to see how they did. Every player got 2 mechs of their choosing. One of the players on my team had one of the new 100 ton assaults and another heavy. Everyone else was mixed pretty well.

        Well, it became painfully clear that this guy had the absolute worst dice rolling karma I've ever seen. The entire time he was there, he never rolled above a 6 on 2D6. Not even a '7', which is really hard to do. One of the other team gets a lucky shot in on the assault mech and Mr. "I Can't Roll" fails his piloting roll and his consciousness roll. Down goes the mech and he's knocked out. At this point the guy just storms off. So I take the assault, and someone on my team takes the heavy. We've been pushed back hard up to this point, and the downed assault mech is about to get slaughtered.

        I rolled and got the pilot conscious and then got the mech standing. The ref said I could fire any one weapon that wasn't on the arms or legs. So I used the biggest thing I had: AC/20 at point blank range. The opponent's assault mech (Battlemaster, I think), got hit clean in the head.

        Three rounds later, we finished off the last of the other team.
        "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


        • #5
          I attended a gaming convention some time back and got drawn into a newbie level battletech game. Mostly we made some basic decisions and had advice from experienced players.

          "Can this hit at that range?" I asked, wanting to shoot something.

          "PPC? You'd need to hit a twelve with two die," I was told. I wasn't told it had limited ammunition.

          *BAM* Hit him. Location rolls come up, and I can't remember the full details, but I got a fairly significant hit. Rolled on a table for effects and took out a stabilising gyro. Complete luck, right?

          There was a secondary effect from this, due to some sort of chain reaction from the mech falling down as a result. It was mentioned to the player that I'd hit that it was unlikely to take out his other (and only remaining) gyro.

          It did.

          The experienced players muttered amongst themselves and decided the downed mech could only get up on his arm and fire arm-based weapons or something. Complete fluke all the way. Never played it since, apart from on the PC.



          • #6
            Boo Raps, 2 Die? Talk the lingo man it's 2D6
            I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


            • #7
              Hmm, completely misinterpreted the title


              • #8
                I'm a mordheim fanatic myself. Smaller warbands and more intricate rules suit me fine.
                The best story I have was the two-part final battle of the last campaign between four warbands; Lizardmen, Norse, Dwarf and Sisters of Sigmar. I stuck a set of final rules together, involving the city being burnt to the ground and the treasurehunters running in amongst the burning buildings to gather the final loot. The flames, random attackers and four way battle wiped out every warband bar the dwarves, who survived with 8 of their 13 alive, including both trollslayers.
                The last part was them holing up in a ruined house as everyone who didn't enter the city tried to get their loot. Out of sixty attackers, running in groups of five and varying from orcs to undead, they took down forty three before the last trollslayer finally fulfilled his vow (mind you, he took out five orcs, four beastmen, four zombies and one skaven before he dropped).
                The battle took two evenings and lasted about six hours.


                • #9
                  See i'd like to play the 40K equivilant, Inquisitor or Necromunda, but nobody round here plays it.
                  I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                  • #10
                    Quoth RayvenQ View Post
                    See i'd like to play the 40K equivilant, Inquisitor or Necromunda, but nobody round here plays it.
                    Look up a little game from Red Shirt Games called "Injurius Games." It's a fun little squad-based game with a tongue-in-cheek homage to 40K that is made to run 4 players in two hours. I've been enjoying it for several years now. I'll throw in a pic or two of my Ratz and Marines.

                    NOTE: Painting done by a gaming buddy. All praise for the awsomeness of the paint goes to him.
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Ratz.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	36.6 KB
ID:	2029449
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Marines.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	52.0 KB
ID:	2029450
                    The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                    "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                    Hoc spatio locantur.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Crossbow View Post
                      So I used the biggest thing I had: AC/20 at point blank range. The opponent's assault mech (Battlemaster, I think), got hit clean in the head.
                      Ouch, sucking an AC/20 at point blank. That had to suck.
                      I AM the evil bastard!
                      A+ Certified IT Technician


                      • #12
                        Could be worse. I've seen a Light eat a volley from twin Ultra AC/20s. The overkill was Glorious. It was like watching a Lumberjack take a Chainsaw to a box of soft butter.

                        (reference; an Ultra can fire two ammo units, instead of one, per turn, and has longer range than a normal AC.)


                        • #13
                          Quoth Salted Grump View Post
                          Could be worse. I've seen a Light eat a volley from twin Ultra AC/20s. The overkill was Glorious. It was like watching a Lumberjack take a Chainsaw to a box of soft butter.
                          I bet. At that stage, there's no self destruct or reactor explosion, just the mech falling apart from the impact.
                          I AM the evil bastard!
                          A+ Certified IT Technician


                          • #14
                            Damn...completely misread the title. I thought we were talking about wargames and not Warhammer. I love the 1000's of cardboard chits myself....


                            • #15
                              Quoth lordlundar View Post
                              Ouch, sucking an AC/20 at point blank. That had to suck.
                              Briefly. VERY briefly.
                              "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM

