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I Got Beat Up

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  • I Got Beat Up

    Today, my brother and I had a fight. During the fight, he kinda lost control and actually beat the shit out of me. He did some weird Dexter/MMA move and was twisting my neck trying to break it and shouting 'Die, I hope you DIE!' Then he punched me in the stomach repeatedly.

    I ended up on my stomach, and he kicked my sides and spine.

    I don't have any bruises, but I'm sore and it hurts to breath. I have tried eating, going outside, laying down, standing up...

    I don't know if I should go to the hospital or not. I can't breathe and I'm in a lot of pain, but I don't want to waste a doctor's time. I can talk, but it hurts. Not enough to like...make me writhe in pain...But it really hurts. Distractingly painful.

    I know ya'll aren't doctors, but if you were me, would you play better safe than sorry? Or just try to enjoy the New Year without bothering?

  • #2
    Go to the hospital and then the police, sibling rivalry and play fighting is one thing, what he did, quite another.
    I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


    • #3
      As hard as this might be, you should go to the doctor and tell him the situation. Get pictures and documentation of injuries and go to the police. You should not tolerate any of this, even from family.

      I know he is your brother, but he tried to kill you. He tried to twist your neck and shouted out that he wanted you to die.

      Get documentation and go to the police.
      "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

      I belly dance with tall Goblins!


      • #4
        You could have internal injuries that could be quite serious. Get thee to the hospitol NOW.


        • #5
          You're having trouble breathing and you think you could be wasting a doctor's time? Get there now.

          After that, restraining order.



          • #6
            Hospital, doctor, police. MUST DO NOW.

            Then do whatever you can to change your living situation. Any family member that loses control like that, you should not be in the same building with them. That is absolutely, undeniably abuse, regardless of the situation or the argument.

            I have a brother that went on a rampage like that when we were teens... my father pulled a shotgun on him and told him he was to going to move out or learn to control himself better. My brother moved out. Now 15 years later, I can talk to and deal with my brother, and he finally learned some self-control.

            So if you don't have family that will stick up for you like mine did, then you need to get out asap. Even if it seems impossible, I promise you there is always a way.
            Make a list of important things to do today.
            At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
            Now, you'll get at least one thing done today


            • #7
              I'm not going to the hospital.

              I talked to my mom, to ask if she could pick up my daughter from daycare while I go into the ER, and she freaked out. Said I'm trying to manipulate something or just get attention because it's a holiday and that I'm stupid for going to the doctor when it's probably just bruises.

              So unless I want to carry a 30lb toddler on the bus with chest pain, I'm not going to the hospital.


              • #8
                Okay, I've gotten in fights with my brother before (usually just shoving), but never anything that extreme. Is he always like this or is this just a first time thing?


                • #9
                  Quoth SorryIsGoodEnough View Post
                  I'm not going to the hospital.

                  I talked to my mom, to ask if she could pick up my daughter from daycare while I go into the ER, and she freaked out. Said I'm trying to manipulate something or just get attention because it's a holiday and that I'm stupid for going to the doctor when it's probably just bruises.

                  So unless I want to carry a 30lb toddler on the bus with chest pain, I'm not going to the hospital.
                  Get a Taxi then or something?
                  I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                  • #10
                    It's all the time. I used to be violent too (My dad used to hit just me, not my siblings or my mom and I learned it from him and my mom being violent towards me.)

                    But he is worse now. I don't live with my family, I was trying to wake him up so that I could take him to his dentist appointment and he got mad I was interrupting his sleep.


                    • #11
                      Taxi. Go to the hospital. Internal injuries often don't show signs until it's too late. I agree with everyone. Hospital, doctor, POLICE. Doesn't matter if your mom is freaking out, doesn't matter if they are family. He as you said "BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU"

                      Go now! Call a cab and take your kid with you. It's not okay to just sit around and let it slide.
                      "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


                      • #12
                        Quoth SorryIsGoodEnough View Post
                        So unless I want to carry a 30lb toddler on the bus with chest pain, I'm not going to the hospital.
                        Don't worry about the kid. Hospital. Now. Faster.

                        It sounds like your brother meant to hurt you, and he did. Possibly seriously. It may be uncomfortable for you, but you can't let this slide.
                        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                        • #13
                          Quoth SorryIsGoodEnough View Post
                          It's all the time. I used to be violent too (My dad used to hit just me, not my siblings or my mom and I learned it from him and my mom being violent towards me.)

                          But he is worse now. I don't live with my family, I was trying to wake him up so that I could take him to his dentist appointment and he got mad I was interrupting his sleep.
                          Oh, it's worse than I thought! It sounds like you moved past the violence and the rest of your family hasn't. I'm no expert on this sort of thing, but since you don't live with them, you shouldn't have to do anything for them. If you're brother's that violent, I would keep him out of my life, even if he is family.

                          And I would do what everyone else suggests, go to the hospital (take your daughter) and let the police know about this incident. Especially if you're having trouble breathing...


                          • #14
                            Quoth SorryIsGoodEnough View Post
                            I'm not going to the hospital.

                            I talked to my mom, to ask if she could pick up my daughter from daycare while I go into the ER, and she freaked out. Said I'm trying to manipulate something or just get attention because it's a holiday and that I'm stupid for going to the doctor when it's probably just bruises.

                            So unless I want to carry a 30lb toddler on the bus with chest pain, I'm not going to the hospital.
                            As others have said, find a way. If you have chest pains, and you have trouble breathing, you may well have a cracked or broken rib or two. THAT needs attention, especially if it is broken.

                            Quoth SorryIsGoodEnough View Post
                            But he is worse now. I don't live with my family, I was trying to wake him up so that I could take him to his dentist appointment and he got mad I was interrupting his sleep.
                            WTF? Personally, if I were you, I'd break off all ties to your family. You got the shit beat out of you for doing what you were asked to do. Screw them!

                            Eric the Grey
                            In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


                            • #15
                              i agree. if the fam's abusive, don't deal with them. you wouldn't hang out with a friend that beat you, would you? this is no different. just cut ties and move on with your life. especially since you have a kid. you don't want him/her around that, do you?
                              If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

                              i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"

