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  • *twitch*

    so i'm at The Boy's house for the holidays. and holy crap. there are 10 kids here, all under the age of 11. one of them is "mine" (The Boy's daughter), 7 are his cousins, and 2 are (thankfully) just leaving as i type this. normally, i'm fine with kids but the 7...ugh. they're all brother/sister and fight pretty much constantly. there's band hero for the wii and that's keeping them pretty entertained. faith ("mine") is having issues sharing. i don't think she's been around this many kids before.
    and to make things even more awesome, i'm running on 4 hours of sleep. faith went down at around 8 last night. the 7 were at another house so us big people stayed up. around midnight, i wanted to go to bed, but The Boy's uncles stayed up drinking until around 3. drinking and laughing. it was looooud. faith got up around 7, getting a full night sleep somehow. i swear, she can sleep through a train wreck (she's 2). i was so frustrated that by the time The Boy came to bed, i was crying because i was so tired.
    frustrating point no. 2: my parents live 10 minutes away. we're here for 2 weeks. The Boy, faith, and i spent three days over there. his mom threw a mini-fit because we were spending more time over there. she paid for the plane tickets here, so i guess she should get more time or whatever...but do you think my parents feel? i haven't seen them since june. almost this entire trip has been one big pile of frustration. i almost can't wait to go home so i can go back to work and blow up at a SC.
    best part of my parents house? it's quiet. there aren't kids. The Boy's 17 year old brat of a sister isn't there. there aren't dogs yapping. yeah, it's boring, but at least i don't want to kill people! gah.
    just make it stooooop
    If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

    i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"

  • #2

    Family is a bitch. Sorry lovely!
    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

