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Joy of joys

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  • Joy of joys

    Posting in off topic since I'm not really unsupportable, nor do I want tech help (since I basically know the problem). I just wanna bitch.

    So, turns out I'm the proud new owner of a memory leak. Well, sorta. Last few times I've played Batman: Arkham Asylum on my PC, I've noticed it chug a fair bit at certain sections, usually while loading. Strangely, turning down the PhysX and Anti-Aliasing seemed to help for a while. Tried turning it back up today, and after about an hour or two, the game basically became unplayable, since I was at a stealth section, and playing on hard, so I had to restart from the checkpoint a few times. Each time, the loads got longer and longer. Finally got up to just over a minute. Fuck that. I quit to the menu. Takes over a minute just to get to the menu. Now that the sound's cut out, I can hear my HDD giving a good go. I figured maybe I had a scan going on or something. That'd tend to slow down load times. Finally, after about 2 minutes, I'm able to quit to the desktop, which *also* takes about a minutes. At this point, I'm starting to panic. Did I burn out something in my system? Start system monitor, and I'm running at 99% capacity for RAM usage. Well fuck. There's my issue. And I know it's Batman doing it, since even after I quit, it was still running and taking up over 80MB of RAM itself (doesn't sound like much, until I remind you it wasn't actually running), and then all its little attendant processes. Fuckin' eh. Quick math showed me I wasn't being shown *nearly* enough RAM usage to actually account for that percentage, so, RAM leak. I'll confirm by running it again with no PhysX, and see how it does, but I'm willing to bet that solves it.

    I've been running this build virtually unmodified for two years (replaced the video card back in Feb. or so, and that's it), and this is the first time I've seen my comp crack the 2.5 GB usage mark. I've maxed all four cores, beat up on my video card, but my RAM's always been more than up to the challenge. Frakkin' Batman.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.

  • #2
    I had an issue like that recently.

    I installed Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, all the updates, all the programs that I use. One is the MAME emulator.

    Well, the first time I run one of the games in MAME, it's chugging along, skipping, etc. I exit out and go into the System Manager, and my processor cores are peaking at 96-100%.

    The problem was my Nero 8 burning software and one of their programs that starts up on boot. Disabled that, and rebooted, and finally was able to get to my MAME goodness.

    Side note: I have Arkham Asylum and am running the latest nvidia and PhysX drivers. I haven't had any slowdowns like that, but now I'll have to double-check and see if maybe I'm having that problem but just haven't observed it.


    • #3
      I have had that problem with the sims too. I find if you turn off all background processes it frees up the ram. So at least there us no competiton between programs.

      The anti virus software is usually the main culprit.
      "Beam me up Scotty there is no intelligent life down here."


      • #4
        Quoth CaptainJaneway View Post
        The anti virus software is usually the main culprit.
        Not running any. Just Spy-Bot.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          I have Arkham for my PS3. Not a single memory leak there :P

          (yes, I'm such a dick)

          In all seriousness; I'll likely be upgrading my comp by a large margin as soon as I have a few thousand dollars for a i7-965 proc and a pair of 5870 HD cards.


          • #6
            out of curiosity did you sort this.
            I suffered similar a while ago, but it was the svchost causing the leak, good ol Windows XP..... XD
            "On a scale of 1 to banana, whats your favourite colour of the alphabet?"
            Regards, Lord Baron Darth von Vaderham, esq. Middle brother to mharbourgirl & Squeaksmyalias


            • #7
              Yeah, I turned off PhysX and the issue went away completely. Then I hit a wall playing on Hard, so I've not played long enough to try and solve the issue with any PhysX on.
              Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



              • #8
                I've been playing it on the 360.
                Favourite move of all time, swinging down from a gargoyle or similar, and tieing the bad guy to hang by his feet beneath it!! heeeheeeheee
                "On a scale of 1 to banana, whats your favourite colour of the alphabet?"
                Regards, Lord Baron Darth von Vaderham, esq. Middle brother to mharbourgirl & Squeaksmyalias


                • #9
                  No no no no no. After you do that, you swing to another gargoyle, then as his buddies are standing under him, panicking, you throw a batarang and drop him on his buddies. Pretty much instant terrified state. And then they're just funny.
                  Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                  • #10
                    That stunt also gives you the trophy 'Rope-a-dope-a-dope' for dropping the dangler on top of one of his buddies.

                    Personally, hardest thing I've done in Arkham was taking down one of the Titan-infused henchies without using batarangs. Not as easy as it sounds by any stretch of the imagination.

