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The past few days

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  • The past few days

    2010 is already looking better than 2009.

    At the end of 2009, I had my day after xmas plans canceled for a date. After he knew I wasn't dealing with the holidays well.
    A guy that had been wanting to date me was given the go ahead, but we hadn't getten together and done anything yet found out another guy was interested in me and pulls the "I don't compete" BS on me.(all a couple days apart.)

    NYE I had a date for the first time on NYE, we had a blast! Dinner, movie, fireworks in Waikiki, a little bar hopping, then stayed at one place while the group ran off to yet another bar. I was at the point of i have a drink. I am not downing my drink, the music here is nice. Fuck them! There was much laugher that night and we have been talking via texts all day.

    My pregnant sister is on the way to the hospital w/ contractions, and I finished the baby blanket I made for him tonight, I hope to get to the post office to mail it to her today. I have stops to make today.

  • #2
    Good that you had a lot of fun on NYE and good luck to your sister! I even made two pillows and a smal blanket for my nephew when he was born (as well as getting him a Vermont Teddy bear).
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

