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Wow... I met my boyf before we met, in a manner of speaking

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  • Wow... I met my boyf before we met, in a manner of speaking

    My boyf and I were talking, and he mentioned frequenting a pub near a college where he used to talk to a girl with ever changing hair who always drank pints of Stella... that girl was me. XD Just think; we could have gotten together a lot sooner.

    Anyone else have meaningful coincidences like that to share?
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.

  • #2
    I used to see my wife all the time in college also even though we didn't go to the same one.

    Her college was about an hour away from mine and they didn't have a god library. Mine had the largest library in Maine (UMaine in Orono) so she and her friend used to go there all the time.

    I worked there in circulation (checkout counter) and I remember having to go though a big SNAFU everytime she checked out a book because they didn't have a UMaine ID and I had to run theirs from College of the Atlantic .

    We didn't "meet" until years later (5 or 6?) though ICQ and didn't realzie it until after we were living together.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


    • #3
      Not so much meaningful, but here goes. its long BTW.

      Many, many years ago, when I was four, I had a best friend. He lived across the street. We were insepertable for four years. Then his dad commited suicide. D moved away with mom. They had my number. I did not have his number. I saw him once at his dads funeral.

      I never saw him again for a LONG TIME.

      Hit back to me being 16. Life was crap man. I entered high school, was bullied, hated, and I dropped out. Meanwhile Mom had new job, and was invited to a forth of july party by coworker. I was too invited, and I got to hang with teens like me, J, C, and J2. They were cool, but were annoyed by me, and at the end were ignoring me. So I had to enteran myself at a bunch of strangers as mom went home and had coworker get his wife's ex husband's best friend give me a ride home as he was my neighbor.

      During this rough period of my life, I was going to night school to get my GED. It was there I met a man name Craig. That man was arrogant, evil, and a sadisictic bastard who would smile at you, and then stab you in a back, and then still try to be your friend. However, he was talking to his friend about another friend of his named David, whos dad killed himself roughly 9 years ago. My head spinned, and I had to ask. David <Blah>? Sisters name Blah and Blah?

      He was like yeah. He gave me his number. Turns out it was my friend from years ago. We were overjoyed to be together again. David's dad suicide was a huge impact in his life, and now blames many of his problems on his dad. But he says I helped him mature. I'd like think so.

      Fast forward a tiny bit to me being in collage. Yay collage. It was there I met CC, T, and M. We were the /geeks/. No-one liked us in class. (It wasnt the collage you paid for. It was a community collage that gave out free degrees along with GED, but alot of....slackers... were /forced/ into by parents, and were less then happy).

      Anyway, turns out that CC was just using his middle name, as he hated his true name, much like I now use my real name instead of my nickname that my entire family has called me from birth. Turns out CC real name was J. J from the forth of july party. We are now the best of friends. J also went to same highschool with me, but never saw me. J was in the same year, and alot of the same classes as David. Dave loved, and had a crush on J. J never liked David, but hides his displeasure in front of David, simply because me and David are friends.

      A customer of mine, who is a little crazy, (Ok, ALOT) became friends with me, because I managed to drag him into it. He is in his 30s, heavly medicated and in a group home. But he comes once a week to my house to game. Something his very old father personally thanked me for being a friend to his son. I'm somebody that his son talked about, and one of the few people his son didn't have paroinid thoughts on. This customer eventally made a friend in his collage class named Brad. Brad was cool, and joined our group, but had to quit eventally because of schooling. Well one fine day, through my facebook, turns out that Brad was also friends with T. From my collage. (Me and T still talk, but haven't hung in years. I use to have the biggest crush on her, and she agreed to one date, but... well. It didn't work. Matter of fact she couldn't help but be repulsed when my hand accidently brushed against hers. She told me she didn't want to give me the wrong idea).
      Small world I say.
      Military Spouse Support.
      Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


      • #4
        I apparently met my husband when I was 17 and he was 18. He says we sat next to each other at a singles dinner, I have absolutely no memory but he described what I was wearing and it was a very unique shirt that I owned. He then saw me working at anyone of my many jobs at the mall and theater over the next few years, and decided to introduce himself when I started working at the home improvement store with him. And then we got married at 23 and 24. And happily married for 6 years and 2 kids.
        It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. -Office space


        • #5
          Well, we didn't meet there, but D and I found out after we'd been dating for several months, that we'd gone to the same elementary school, 12 years apart.

          Eric the Grey
          In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


          • #6
            One of the few times I went to the Renn Faire in Maryland (before going constantly with hubs & his friends), was in the year 2000.

            My ex-friend A, and I, were there by ourselves. We saw a bunch of Templar Knights walking around in a group. I noticed a good looking, larger guy wearing all black with the red Templar Cross on it. I wanted to go over there and introduce myself. My ex-friend said no (she was married at the time).

            Anyway, the good-looking, larger guy? Turned out to be Mr. Rum! If my ex-friend had allowed me to inroduce myself then, we'd have met sooner.


            • #7
              I mentioned before that I met my husband before I met him.
              He used to come in the deli where I worked every Thursday evening and I waited on him.
              My SIL started working at a restaurant as an apprentice and she kept talking about the really awesome chef who was training her.
              I saw a picture of him and it was my Thursday night customer.
              She was determined to fix us up, and she did.
              Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


              • #8
                they didn't have a god library.
                Organized from Allah to Zeus?
                Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


                • #9
                  I used to sub at a school where my aunt teaches at. I would also go there after class at the local college and when my mom would have her Girl Scout troop meetings. My aunt introduced me to one of the teachers that would come into her computer lab. I found him to be interesting. I would occasionally see him in the halls or in the lab but we were both busy and never really talked.
                  Last summer I created an account at a popular online dating site. My only match within a reasonable driving distance turned out to be the teacher my aunt introduced me to. We are friends for now.


                  • #10
                    For a minute there, i thought Lace was going to be the Time Traveller's Girlfriend!
                    "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                    • #11
                      Oddly, I have stuff like this happen to me all the time!

                      Probably the oddest one ever is not romantic, but still very cool.

                      Back in '96 I was shopping around for a new bicycle, as the one I had had pretty much gotten crunched. I figured I had a budget of about $500, and wanted something nice. As I shopped, I began to realize more and more that I would have to raise my budget (I am a bicyclist...this was not merely for transportation), and figured I could go as high as say $600 or so. And I was debating between a couple decent brands.

                      And then I walked into a bike shop in Scottsdale. I noticed a lot of recumbent bicycles (like this and this), which I think are cool, and as I talked to the owner/manager/head mechanic, it became clear to me that he was a huge recumbent bike fan, and obviously a cyclist himself, as the majority of bike shop folks are.

                      I told him I was interested in a traditional bike style, and while he still tried to sell me on a recumbent, he also suggested a Softride. He didn't have any Softride road bikes in stock, so he sent me to his competitor, where I test rode one. It the most amazing bike I had ever ridden, but the competitor did not have it in my size, so I went back to the original bike store and ordered one from him, since he had been so nice in recommending something his competitor had that might actually cost him a sale.

                      As we talked, though, we talked more about recumbents. And I told him about my first experience with recumbents. When I had been about six or seven, in the parking lot of the new library next to where I lived, there were a couple guys demonstrating recumbents, and who let me try one. It was a memory that never left me. He asked, with a curious expression, "What town was this library in?" When I told him the name of it, his expression got even weirder.

                      "That was me."

                      And here I was, 20 years later and over 2,000 miles away, buying the greatest bicycle I ever rode from the first person who ever put me on a recumbent as a child. And it was not him simply throwing out that line for the hell of it....we each had details that the other one could not know if they had not been there. It was surreal.

                      No romantic coincidence I ever experienced sent a greater chill up my spine than that moment. I still get chills thinking about it.

                      Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
                      Just think; we could have gotten together a lot sooner.
                      Quoth HYHYBT View Post
                      Quoth draggar View Post
                      they didn't have a god library.
                      Organized from Allah to Zeus?
                      Something like this...?

                      (deep breath)
                      Athena, Bacchus, Ceres, Dionysus, Enki, Freya, Gaia, Hephaestus, Isis, Juno, Krishna, Loki, Mars, Neptune, Odin, Pluto, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, Set, Thor, Ull, Venus, Wadjet, Xochiquetzal, Yahweh, Zeus!

                      Sorry. Couldn't resist!

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."


                      • #12
                        I've had stuff like this happen quite a few times!

                        When I was younger, there was a bunch of rowdy kids that lived across the street from my grandparents. Being the social butterfly, I wanted to go meet them, but my grandparents always said no because they were too rowdy.

                        Years later, I met a two girls and their cousins at a summer thing at the new school I was transferring to. Come to find out, they lived across the street from my grandparents.

                        They wanted to come say hi to me, but I looked too prissy.


                        I met a guy my Freshman year of high school. We were talking about our past. I went to one Catholic school while he went to another one. The very year I transferred to his Catholic school, he was expelled and transferred to the Catholic school I went to.

                        Then he told me about how one day, he came to my house. It was weird, considering I never invited him nor saw him there. He told me this story:

                        I had been sick from school. My friend Tattoo, him and their mutual friend were going out to dinner. Tattoo wanted to come see how I was doing, since he didn't see me at school. Bucky was in the car when I walked out of the house to walk Tattoo to the car.

                        At the last Catholic school I attended, I was an altar girl. One girl I was doing a mass with told me I looked really warm and if I was ok.

                        Skip ahead to Freshman year of high school. I just met a small group of Seniors. One girl looked at me and said "Were you an altar girl at [Catholic school]?"

                        Come to find out, she was that girl.


                        My Freshman year of high school, I met Tattoo. We were talking about our past and the schools we have attended.

                        Come to find out, the school I attended for Preschool, he was there the same time I was. Of course, he was a few grades ahead of me, but we could have seen each other.
                        "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

                        I belly dance with tall Goblins!


                        • #13
                          It also came to light that my boyf went to the brother school of my all girl's school... and was one of a group of boys the PE teacher chased away from the netball field who'd gone to watch the girls play.

                          (Q: Why netball?
                          A: When girls jump up, wearing short skirts, the skirts fly up. XD)

                          I was playing netball at the time, as goal keeper. XD Obviously, it's fate that we got together.
                          People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                          My DeviantArt.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Jester View Post
                            Sorry. Couldn't resist!
                            Couldn't resist either.

                            *Deep Breath* Greek, Roman, Roman, Greek, Greek, Mesopotamian, Nordic, Greek, Greek, Egyptian, Roman, Hindu, Nordic, Roman, Greek, Nordic, Greek, Aztec/Mayan/Toltec, Egyptian, Egyptian, Nordic, Roman, Egyptian, Aztec, Hebrew, Greek.

                            Phew, all from memory too

                            Pluto had me for a second, though we have a habit of naming planets after roman gods, Pluto was actually a Greek Titan.
                            Last edited by Ree; 01-12-2010, 09:44 PM. Reason: Trimming excessive quote
                            I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                            • #15
                              One of the boys I dated as a teenager attended the same youth event I did the year before we "met."
                              I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)

