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Am I a sucky customer if they actually screwed up?

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  • Am I a sucky customer if they actually screwed up?

    Today, the Gamestop I sent my Dad to gave him the wrong version of Bayonetta... so I called to complain. I was very annoyed, as this was the second time I'd ended up with the wrong version of a game -- the first time, I called and politely told them it wouldn't be an issue, but they should be careful not to make mistakes like this in the future -- so I was a bit snippy and less-than-courteous, but I was not, that I noticed, overtly mean, nor did I use foul language or act belligerent.

    On a related note, I found out an interesting thing: They said that was the version that came up when they looked it up... so it turns out that the exact same manager who previously gave me the wrong version, at the same time cancelled the wrong pre-order for Bayonetta -- I'd had it preordered for both systems, and requested for him to remove it for the system I wouldn't be picking it up for. He got the wrong one. He may have just been having a rough day, but he should be more careful -- the entire store, and the satisfaction of the customers are his responsibility; doubly so when he's actually interacting with them.

  • #2
    Why didn't you go with your Dad to make sure it was the right one, since they got you the wrong version last time?
    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


    • #3
      Quoth Evil Queen View Post
      Why didn't you go with your Dad to make sure it was the right one, since they got you the wrong version last time?
      Because I haven't been feeling well today, so stayed home to rest. I had sent him an email detailing the correct version to pick up, and had assumed that would be enough -- apparently, his printer isn't hooked up and he couldn't print it for reference, and forgot during the trip.


      • #4
        If they screwed up, and you were not a flaming butthole about it, no, you are not a sucky customer.

        My friends and I, all of whom work in the food industry, all of whom tip well, recently ate out, and were so incensed at the "service" we received from the "server" that we left her a 11-12% tip. Understand, for us, even adequate service will usually get you 20% from us. For us to drop to the "standard" 15%, it has to be less than adequate. For us to tip less than 15%? You have to be rude, inefficient, slow, and annoying. This particular girl was simply horrible. All four of us wanted to beat her.

        Frankly, it bothered me that we tipped her at all. And we were very close to not tipping her anything.

        I am sure that SHE thought of us as sucky customers for that tip. But if you can't do your job, you should not be surprised when customer are less than peaches and cream towards you.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          Personally from tone I am seeing some suck on your part. From not going yourself to pick up the game to being 'snippy' on the phone. If it wasn't a issue then why call?

          When I have to cancel a order through gamestop they print out a reciept for you to sig to confirm the cancellation, why didn't you look at that to make sure the correct one was being cancelled?


          • #6
            I got really snippy with the clinic the last time my doctor had put herself down as an out of network provider, and I was charged in full for all of the services.

            And quite frankly, I didn't care how rude I was. That is a mistake that could have costed me hundreds of dollars, and someone wasn't paying attention and made a huge boo boo.

            I was pretty decent with the insurance company, even though I think they should have noticed I've been with the same clinic and doctor for years, but at least they found the mistake and called the clinic and straightened everything out.

            I also feel the same way Jester does about going out to eat. I used to be a waitress, and I know all too well what kind of Hell it is, considering I didn't even last a month as one. However, on the rare occasion that I get horrible service or a really dumb or snippy server, I'm not inclined to tip as well as I normally do.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              Quoth blas View Post
              However, on the rare occasion that I get horrible service or a really dumb or snippy server, I'm not inclined to tip as well as I normally do.
              I do want to say something about this.

              A lot of people in the service industry think it's rude or horrible to not tip or to tip badly. Generally speaking, this is correct.

              HOWEVER, tipping is for good service. If you get great service, the tip should reflect it. In the same vein, if you get bad or even horrible service, you are well within your rights to have the tip reflect that as well.

              I have been in the food service industry almost non-stop since 1986. (Yes, I know how old that makes me sound. Shut it.) And there have been times where I have stiffed a server. As in left them no tip. Intentionally. And every time I did this, I didn't feel bad about it at all. Why? Because from the way I look at it, they did it to themselves. Bad service is bad. Horrible service is horrible. Rude service is inexcusable.

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #8
                Quoth Aethian View Post
                Personally from tone I am seeing some suck on your part. From not going yourself to pick up the game to being 'snippy' on the phone. If it wasn't a issue then why call?

                When I have to cancel a order through gamestop they print out a reciept for you to sig to confirm the cancellation, why didn't you look at that to make sure the correct one was being cancelled?
                a) I called even though it wasn't an issue the first time -- when I was polite and not at all snippy -- because I figured they hadn't even realized, and I wanted them to know so they could try to prevent it in the future. I had the system they ended up giving it to me for -- I had to wait until I was home to even make sure it was the wrong version -- and there wasn't a significant cross-platform difference... but if they did it to someone who didn't have both systems, or with a game that performed better on one system or had platform-exclusive features, that would be an issue, and it's best to nip that sort of thing in the bud. As it turns out, it did happen again with a game that performed better on one platform -- as mentioned, I got the wrong version of Bayonetta and had to exchange it.

                b) I didn't get such a slip, actually, come to think of it. I was also picking up some pre-orders at the same time, and either they put the pick-ups and the cancellation on the same slip... or the manager forgot to print out a slip for the cancellation. In the former case, I should probably have checked the slip to be sure, but since I was only expecting it to list my pick-ups, I didn't bother -- an oversight, but an understandable one, and one I should avoid in the future. In the latter case, it's a third mistake on the part of the manager -- on top of the error with giving me the wrong game the first time, and later giving me the wrong game again as they'd canceled the wrong pre-order.
                Last edited by Devilot; 01-06-2010, 06:08 PM.


                • #9
                  Quoth Devilot View Post
                  Today, the Gamestop
                  To quote the Mythbusters, "Well, there's your problem!" I've gone there a few times, and never again. I always go to a local game store that buys/sells/trades, has really cool, knowledgeable employees, specializes in older systems/games (they sell Ataris), and doesn't get all pissy and superior with us Nintendo users.

                  While I can understand your frustration, if you really wanted a particular should've got it yourself, physically handed your dad a slip of paper with a detailed description, or called the store and said, "Okay, my dad is coming in and this is what you should give him."
                  "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                  Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                  Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                  • #10
                    As for saying I was "Snippy", I really just mean I was "snippy." I didn't exactly have a friendly tone of voice, and I was rather abrupt.

                    And I maybe should switch over to another store -- that Gamestop isn't even close anymore -- but I've previously had a good rapport with the employees and managers there... until the latest round of swapping them out, apparently; not sure how many I know actually survived it. I could try.

                    I tried one of the local game stores here, but had a very bad experience with it. It had a policy of "no returns on used items, ever. Even if they're defective and it's all our fault." ... Yeah, not exactly a nice policy to have, and more than once I ended up with things that just wouldn't work and I couldn't actually do anything about it. Might try out another one, see if it's better than that.

