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  • Ooopps...

    Well, this may be the beginning of the end.

    My 9 yr old son still believe in Santa Claus. I wanted to tell him the truth like 2 years ago, but everyone said he was still too young, so i didnt and havent since.

    We (marginally) celebrate/acknowledge 3 Kings Day in our house (We're puertorican), and it was yesterday. Usually we have the kids put carrots under their beds and this is food for the camels that are on their way to visit Baby Jesus. They then leave you a present in exchange for the food and water.

    Well, i totally forgot. ( my MIL sent presents via mail so she didnt forget! so they at least got something) Lol. So today my son asks me when 3 kings day is. I tell him yesterday.

    He says "Oooh, I wonder if I have a present under my bed."
    My genius response: "No, We didnt put one there."... .
    He looks at me "Oh, ..youre the one that does that?! I thought it was the 3 kings....weird.".

    Shit, shit, shit....Now i know Santa's only a matter of time til he knows/figures out the truth.

    /sigh. Innocence was great while it lasted i guess.

  • #2
    Well, he doesn't sound too traumatized...I think most kids start getting the picture around that age.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Santa isn't real???

      He sounds okay about it. And I had no idea what a 3 Kings Tradition is, I like it

      My lil cousin believes in Santa....I think he's 9 or 10
      "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
      "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


      • #4
        Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post

        I think most kids start getting the picture around that age.

        I did.

        But in my case, it was at least partly because my mother was really, really bad at the whole "Santa Claus" thing.

        One year, for example . .

        We had this large roll of green giftwrap paper with a pattern of "Smurfs" illustrations on it. It was a very distinctive kind of paper, and one that our entire family, including my brother and myself, had seen many times, and had used to wrap various gifts that year.

        And so what did my mother do? She used it to wrap my brother's and my Christmas gifts that were supposedly from Santa.


        It apparently never occurred to her that we might be just a little suspicious at the idea that Santa happened to use the exact same kind of wrapping paper that we had in our house.

        She also wrote the tags on the gifts (addressed to my brother and myself, saying "Love, Santa") herself . . . making no apparent effort whatsoever to disguise her handwriting, even though she had a very distinctive kind of handwriting that we had also seen many times.

        In later years, as an adult, I would sometimes laugh with her (and a little bit at her, as well) about it, saying "Come on, just a little effort. If you couldn't get somebody else to write the tags, you could have at least tried to make your handwriting look a little different than normal."

        Oh, well. At least it gave us something to reminisce about in later years.
        “Excuse me. Is this bracelet real jade?”
        “Ma’am, this is a thrift shop. The tag on the bracelet says $1.50. It comes with a matching mood ring. What do you think?”
        “I don’t know.”
        “Yes, it’s real.”


        • #5
          Quoth Anthony K. S. View Post

          And so what did my mother do? She used it to wrap my brother's and my Christmas gifts that were supposedly from Santa.
          We explained that one year by saying Santa was too busy to wrap and left the gifts for US to wrap. That one was accepted. . Lol. White lies FTW!


          • #6
            I was thinking this year I was going to tell my daughter about no Santa but I decided to wait another year.

            There was this miniature American Girl doll that she wanted but I could not find it anywhere (they retired this doll a couple of months ago) well a couple of days before Christmas I thought I would give it one last chance and I found it at Barnes and Noble and I was so excited. I did buy her the regular size doll but it is back ordered until June and she has been asking for this doll since October. When I finally saved the money to buy it for Christmas it was on back order. I told my daughter because she put pictures up on the fridge and telling me every day how much she wants it for Christmas that it was coming later and so I thought I would look for the miniature of the doll.

            I wrapped the miniature doll and put it next to the milk and cupcake we left for Santa. My daughter was so excited the next morning. I told her that if anybody could find that little doll it would be Santa!

            Fast forward to last week while we were out shopping and we were going to that same bookstore and I said "Hey this is the place I found your doll"
            My daughter said she thought Santa found it and I was like oh ya right

