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School Is Hard

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  • School Is Hard

    I'm taking a Business Law class this quarter at college. It's hard. And we're only on day 5 of the quarter. I'm really struggling with it, and they are really basic questions that in high school, I wouldn't have had trouble answering. The problem is, I think I think differently now. Like I problem solve in different ways so it's not as easy for me to come to an answer.

    One thing I also struggle with is he wants us to post responses to people's answers with at least 45 words to simulate an in-class discussion (this is an online class). I just don't have anything to say about it. I sit there trying to find a long way to say that I agree with a statement.

    Plus, I doubt my ability to think rationally lately, and so I wonder if I'm grasping the concept I'm supposed to be learning. I'm shy to post my answer where anyone could read and respond. I want the teacher to tell me I'm wrong, not another student. Other online classes, I didn't have this problem because I was comfortable with the subject. I am not so comfortable here.

    I guess I'm just ranting that I don't really think I have any options and this class is harder to me than I think it needs to be.

  • #2
    I took an online business class and I was confused as Hades by it. I think I should have taken the class at the school instead. Better to answer any questions. Anyways I'm sure you could email the professor any questions so you're not so lost.
    "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


    • #3
      I don't really have any questions though. My brain just doesn't compute the way he seems to want it to to answer the questions in a certain way. And live classes just scare me because of my social anxiety, so I couldn't ask questions there anyway. I've always done well with online classes. I got my bookkeeping certificate mostly online and it was pretty easy.


      • #4
        Hmm. forty five words isn't so bad. If anything you can just sorta ramble, and use alot of short words. Its not really a great way to do it, but for example I've already used Thirty four words in the sentence preseding the number. So really, If you agree with it, you can say why its good. If you disagree, you say why. Just like, three sentences why it rocks or sucks.
        Military Spouse Support.
        Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


        • #5
          I really enjoyed Business Law. Real eye opener. All these things that I assumed were the law/my rights and to find out that they weren't.

          The biggest problem was that most of my classmates were hung up on evidence. The class was about the laws, not how you prove that the events took place.
          Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
          Save the Ales!
          Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


          • #6
            I am interested in learning it! Don't get me wrong! I just think the teaching vs. learning styles aren't really compatible in this case, and I am worried that I won't get as much out of the class because of it.

            I am considering printing out the questions and then handwriting them in the format I did homework in high school, and then typing it up and posting. That way I kind of psych myself into old habits and maybe it'll kickstart my brain.

            My Global History and Economics classes aren't nearly as difficult for me as Business Law has been.


            • #7
              If it works for you that way, by all means do it. Do whatever it takes. I honesty wouldn't expect Business law to be easy, but your pretty smart, it ok ok for ya. Once you get to it anyway.
              Military Spouse Support.
              Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


              • #8
                I took business management as a correspondence course and it was pretty straight forward. But then at no point was I asked to "simulate in class discussion". Nor did it have an online component. It was just sheer reading and studying. Which I prefer, really.

                One of my coworkers is trying to take an online course atm and was complaining about a similar problem you're having. Namely the instructor keeps trying to generate pseudo "in-class discussion", but there isn't really anything to discuss. As the subject is rather black & white. Answers are either right or wrong, there isn't exactly any theory or philosophy to it for him to discuss. And I believe him, because when there is something for him to discuss on a topic I can't make him shut up for at least 10-15 minutes regardless of how disinterested I am in the subject. ;p

                Still, 45 words of rambling isn't too hard me thinks. Though I'd rather not do it either and just be given the information to study.


                • #9
                  Exactly! I would rather just study and be tested on my knowledge. Given assignments to facilitate learning, quizzed, given an examination, and sent on my way.

                  We're actually being graded on our friendliness. I didn't know that was allowed.

                  I am not gonna find my next best friend in a distance learning course.


                  • #10
                    Quoth SorryIsGoodEnough View Post
                    We're actually being graded on our friendliness. I didn't know that was allowed.

                    I am not gonna find my next best friend in a distance learning course.

                    You get graded on friendliness?! WTH kind of crap is that?
                    "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

                    I belly dance with tall Goblins!


                    • #11
                      SIGE, is there a way you can schedule a meeting with your instructor? If you let him/her know that you're having an issue with the discussion board format they may have be able to suggest ways for you to work around it. If nothing else, they know you're trying to overcome the problem.
                      "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                      Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                      Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                      • #12
                        If this second week doesn't find me in the hang of everything, I might just have to contact my teacher. I really don't want to because I feel like I'm making excuses and I'm incompetent but I gotta pass these classes with a good grade if I'm gonna get my financial aid back on my appeal next quarter. I don't really know how to word the email though. 'Hi, I think your teaching dynamic sucks. Respectfully, Heather' doesn't seem quite right.

                        SteverinoNY offered to proofread any papers so that will help my anxiety a lot with my classes though. So yay for that.


                        • #13
                          Quoth SorryIsGoodEnough View Post
                          I don't really know how to word the email though. 'Hi, I think your teaching dynamic sucks. Respectfully, Heather' doesn't seem quite right.
                          No, it's not. How about, "Hi, I'm struggling with some aspects of your teaching dynamic and hope you can help me work around them." Remember, chances are your instructor doesn't have a choice with some of the structural aspects of the course, especially since it's online.
                          "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                          Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                          Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                          • #14
                            Hi! Long time lurker, first time poster!

                            Had to register just to post here (Look! You flushed out a lurker!)

                            I have taken online classes and now teach them. Trust me on this one, if you are having a problem, contact the teacher ASAP. The sooner you do, the more likely it will be that you will get the help you need. And don't worry about coming off as a "I think your teaching method sucks!!!!!1111oneone" as long as you say, "I'm having problems and need some help." Anyone who's taught online more than once knows to expect these types of questions. Trust me, you are not the first!


                            • #15
                              Sorry to bump an old thread, but I teach online and wanted to add a few things --

                              First, yes, if you are having trouble, go to the instructor. I'm much more willing to help a student who comes to me early on. Additionally, I can't know if someone is struggling unless they tell me.

                              If you are having trouble creating discussion posts, here are two tips I tell my students:

                              1. Bring in the reading. "Susan, you said, XXXXXX. This is different from what it says in page 150. What do you think about .... Why do you think..... What if....."

                              2. Bring in outside resources. "I was reading the BBC/CNN/ today, and there was an article on X. This seems related to ......... However, I think......."

                              Good luck!

